Path to Heaven

Chapter 545: 545

At the same time, Lin Taixu stepped out, and a golden spear instantly turned into a golden streamer and stabbed the invisible figure to the naked eye.

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On this golden spear, there is an extremely wild and destructive flame. Although the whole body and the tip of the gun are all gold, the material of the gun tip is obviously different from that of the gun body. There are innumerable bright spots, like countless pieces of fine gold, which are pressed into countless tiny dots and condensed. There are many scars on the body of the spear, but it seems that it does not affect the power of this magic weapon at all. On the contrary, it makes this magic weapon have a lot of vicissitudes.

"Destroy the magic gun!"

"Ah, run!"


The flame emitted from the spear dragged the tail of the flame as long as two or three hundred feet, just like a comet.

All the friars in front of Lin Taixu ran for their lives like scattered mole ants.

Along the path of the golden streamer of the spear, the monks who were hundreds of Zhang away from the spear were shocked to fly ash by a terrible power that directly connected people and magic weapons.

"Ah The old man in green screamed hysterically.

This transparent figure, of course, is weisseau.

Wei Suo didn't expect that Feng wucang was so powerful. When facing Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan, he was still fighting for another heavy blow, causing damage to Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan.

In this case, weisseau made the calculation in an instant.

He calculated that when the flame light of the Taoist method inspired by fengwucang disappears, he grabs Qingxu vine to escape, which is at least a thousand feet away from Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan.

Even if he was a thousand feet away from Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan, and they found that the situation around the swamp was extremely chaotic, he should be able to easily get into the scattered monks and escape. For a monk like Lin Taixu, the scope of divine consciousness can be covered, even if it is better than him, it can only cover more than 1000 Zhang at most.

What's more, it's another thing that divine consciousness can cover a thousand feet, and it's another thing when Wei Suo hides his breath and shadow.

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As long as they escape a thousand hundred feet and blend into the clouds, Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan can hardly intercept him again.

Under such a calculation, in the moment when fengwucang, Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan tried their best, Weisuo grabbed the Qingxu rattan with the rocks and jades under the roots, and put them away.

is as like as two peas in his calculations at the moment. He has already been separated from Lin Tai Xu and Xu Qian Huan.

But Weisuo never thought that in such a chaotic battlefield, in the case of escaping in an invisible robe, Xu Qianhuan could see himself at a glance.

What's more, the attack distance of Lin Taixu's magic weapon is more than a thousand feet, and the power is so terrible!

The terror power of this golden spear instantly penetrated behind Wei Suo's back. The powerful power made the surrounding space seem to cause intense resonance, which made those monks in the range, even their magic weapons, directly shocked into flying ash. This kind of power was far beyond the medium level of Xuan level!

Wei Suo's feeling is at least equal to the total power of seven to eight semi metaphysical magic weapons!

Obviously, Lin Taixu didn't use this weapon when fighting with fengwucang before. There are only two reasons: either this magic weapon can't be used easily, or because of fengwucang's identity, Lin Taixu doesn't dare to use this magic weapon easily and join hands with Xu Qianhuan to kill fengwucang.

Feng wucang is the first true disciple of yutianzong. Lin Taixu may kill an ordinary inner disciple of yutianzong, but he is not qualified to kill Feng wucang.

However, even Feng wucang did not dare to take Qingxu vine after fighting with Lin Taixu, because Feng wucang also knew that Qingxu vine was the bottom line of Lin Taixu. If he hurt Lin Taixu and is not defeated by Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan and wants to take Qingxu vine, even if he doesn't kill him, he can't easily let him leave here.

But at the moment, for Lin Taixu, a monk who ran out of nowhere dared to take Qingxu vine under his eyes.

This practice, like pulling out his tiger beard, pulling out his scale, naturally let Lin Taixu thunder angry.

Originally for Lin Taixu, the whole Tianxuan continent, except for the few people like fengwucang, could not be killed!


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Without the slightest hesitation, in the moment that Lin Taixu's "destroying magic gun" was inspired, Weisuo's golden elixir had risen.

At the same time, the black blood eating sword was directly sacrificed by him.

The power of "destroying the magic gun" is too terrible, which directly makes Weisuo feel the danger of falling down.

When Wei Suo's golden elixir was in full bloom, the golden Danxia and its power could not exceed the power of four semi metaphysical level magic weapons at most.

What's more, Wei Suo's golden elixir is still seriously damaged at the moment. It is estimated that if he bears the impact of three semi metaphysical magic weapons, the golden elixir will vibrate, and Weisuo's escape will stop.Therefore, the magic weapons and skills offered by Weisuo at this moment must be equal to the power of five semi metaphysical level magic weapons at least, so that Weisuo can have a chance to escape.

Lin Taixu's speed of destroying the magic gun was extremely terrifying, which made Wei Suo have no time to sacrifice more than two magic techniques.

Therefore, at this moment, the only weapon that can resist this magic weapon is the blood eating sabre, not even the remaining elixir. The power generated by the explosion, if not agglomerated in one place, is likely to be directly penetrated. Let alone, if it explodes at such a close distance, the explosion power will damage Weisuo.


There was a purple ancient dragon and a huge wave, and a blood light directly hit the golden flame behind. At the same time, there was a sharp crack like sound. In the huge swamp, the rest of the sound seemed to disappear.


Lin Taixu's eyebrows jumped violently.

The golden broken magic gun, unexpectedly, was hit in the air fiercely a jump, immediately flies upside down and out.

"Ah! Let's go The green robed old man screamed more desperately.

The power of Weisuo's attack is almost equal to that of destroying the magic gun.

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In the scream of the old man in green robe, Weisuo's figure escaped faster with the strong vigorous wind coming back from the impact.


However, the Xu Qianhuan beside Lin Taixu is also coldly reaching forward.

A transparent ancient Rune in front of his palm, instantly turned into powder.


A transparent claw, instantly hit Weisuo has no time to recover the gold elixir.

Weisuo's body burst into a huge shock, blood gushed in his mouth, and the whole person was like a meteorite. With the inertia of blasting forward, he fell into the dark clouds above.

"Ah! These two people's means, so terrible. How are you doing, weissou Exclaimed the old man in green.

"I can't die!" Weisuo's extremely disordered breath instantly regained calm, and the whole person continued to flee toward the swamp. At the moment, Weisuo obviously used the real magic sealing technique to close the wound.

"Listen, everyone. Don't leave the swamp, or you'll be killed!"

At the same time, Xu Qianhuan's figure is directly like a bullet to the sky, wearing the dark cloud layer above the whole swamp, overlooking the whole huge swamp, rolling down like thunder.

"In the northern part of Tianxuan continent, when is it the turn of Xu Shao Zhu to take charge?"

A voice, but from the northeast corner ring up, the voice seems to be no less powerful than Xu Qianhuan.

"Yunfan real man?" The cold light in Xu Qianhuan's eyes flashed fiercely and seemed to want to turn over with this person.

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"You don't have to worry. It's not good to have a fight with the real Yunfan." At this time, with a roar, the huge xuanfengtian hall was also exposed. Lin Taixu, standing at the entrance of the hall with his hands on his hands, said calmly: "although this man has resisted the blow of my gun, he has been banned by me by the means of our xuanfengmen magic weapon. He can't run away."


The killing opportunity in Xu Qianhuan's eyes suddenly disappeared and said in a cold voice: "immortal Yunfan, this is our zhenwuzong's pursuit of an enemy. Today I don't want to be enemies with you and sell you face, but this matter, we zhenwuzong has written down."

"If it's a threat, it's not."

The voice of the monk named Yunfan immortal rolled out again, "however, when two Taoist friends act, they should be more careful. Just now a disciple of our sect has been lying down and being stabbed, and fell under Lin Daoyou's destroying magic gun."

"Did I kill one of the real people's disciples by mistake?" Lin Taixu said faintly, "about this matter, I will send my disciples to the immortal gate in the future, and give the immortal a satisfactory explanation."


While Lin Taixu was talking to the real Yunfan, Weisuo had already stood behind a friar with a jade canoe like flying magic weapon, mingling with many scattered monks and plundering into the mountains of Fanying mountain.

The monk was a monk of fennianjing. His face was white, but when Wei Suo fled, he forced him to take Weisuo out of this place.

As a matter of fact, many friars, once they get something good, will immediately escape from the chaos. Countless friars and friars, friars and monsters will hang and kill.

Now Weisuo is mixed in these escaped friars. It is impossible to be found by naked eyes and divine sense alone.


As soon as he climbed over the mountain range of Fanying mountain, Weisuo immediately left the monk and offered a sacrifice to Jinghua Feilian. Then he immediately sent Jinghua Feilian as close as possible to the ground and quickly walked through the dense forest.

"Run away! Ah! As long as you escape, even if you can't find the holy fruit, it's equivalent to two more spiritual roots. Your training speed is only lower than that of the spirit root monk! "Although he escaped into the dense forest, the old man in green robe still kept shouting, because he and Wei Suo were very clear. Facing Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan, he had to escape for thousands of miles at least to be safe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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