Path to Heaven

Chapter 603: 603

"Developed! It's completely developed now! "

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At the beginning of counting the harvest of the Dragon tomb, the old man in green robe could not help shivering.

The harvest of this dragon tomb is really amazing!

Thirteen, a total of 13 complete River Tianlong bones!

Each complete water system of Tianlong remains, are as white as jade, rippling with a strong and clear spirit of the breath.

Many white dragon skeletons, there are condensation of dew, crystal clear.

In addition to these 13 complete Tianlong bones, there are three more or less weathered and incomplete Tianlong bones.

The three Heavenly Dragon skeletons exude a breath of endless vicissitudes.

Among so many water dragon skeletons, some of them have lost their aura and turned to dust, but there are still seven Tianlong demon pills, almost intact!

The whole colorful jade mountain is made of jade made by the blood of the dragon. All of them are cut and put into the treasure bag.

There are more than 90 Tianlong crystal fruits with ruby texture. According to the records of ancient books, this kind of spiritual fruit, which can not be found in other places except the Dragon tomb, can strengthen the spirit and Xuan FA Xiang like Qingxu vine. Only when the ancient dragon was extinct, Weisuo couldn't get dragon blood again, and these Tianlong crystal fruits could not be cultivated any more, only all of them were collected.

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Seven nearly perfect dragon demon pills, suspended in front of Wei Suo's body, emitting dense glow.

The smallest of the seven ancient dragon's demon pills is the size of a watermelon, and the largest is even the size of a face. One can't help but feel awe at a glance. You can imagine how huge the dragon with this demon pill is.

The Seven Magic elixirs of water system Tianlong are also pure white, with a layer of transparent brilliance on the surface. The surface of demon pills is very smooth, not like the golden elixir of friars. There are many textures, but inside, there are countless bright lights, like countless stars.

"How wonderful! How much water yuan Qi will there be in this demon Dan of ancient dragon Han Weiwei looked at the seven huge dragon demon Dan and couldn't help saying.

Originally, with her nature, she must be unable to help but take a look at it in her hand.

But now the breath from the seven dragon demon pills made her breathe a little difficult. Moreover, each dragon pill gave her the feeling that there was an endless sea congealed, which made her have to be sucked in and submerged in.

"The divine power of Tianlong is really unimaginable. Compared with this, the gold elixir of ordinary friars is just like a hybrid egg. " Weisuo could not help but make such a sound.

"Weisuo, did you remember all the water emperor's pitiful formula?" Ji Ya's face with a trace of red, beautiful can not square things. The pain in some places, as well as the emptiness of Yin yuan in the body, also reminded her of Wei Suo's madness under the influence of the heavenly desire crystal.

Jiya this words export, all people's eyes again all gathered on Wei Suo's body.

Weisuo said that he remembered it when the evil spirit of Tianlong came. But he didn't have time to understand it at that moment. Then he fell into the role of tianyujing immediately. I don't know whether Weisuo still remembers at this moment.

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If the water emperor swallows the sun Jue, which is the highest ancient book of the three emperors' sect, it will be useless for Wei Suo and others. The only thing that can be useful is the skeleton of the water dragon.

Because there is no water emperor swallowing the sun formula, there is no way to refine these Tianlong demon pills, not to mention the water spirit energy inside, which is the energy transformed from the star energy, and can not be used at all. The skeleton of water dragon can also be smashed, and the vitality can be used by the star quenching technique of Tianlong Group. However, the Tianlong demon pill can not be broken by force, otherwise it is likely to explode like the golden elixir.

"The world is full of water All for me... "

Weisuo's eyebrows jumped, and he immediately took out a piece of Qingfu, pondered, and kept flashing his eyes.

At the sight of him, Jiya and others immediately stopped talking. They could see that Weisuo was recalling every content of the water emperor's formula for swallowing the sun. They were afraid of forgetting or making any mistakes. At the same time, they also recorded the recollected contents in this piece of Qingfu.

"At last there is no omission. I remember it all." A moment later, Weisuo nodded, his body exuded a strong confidence, looking at Jiya and Nangong Yuqing and others said.

"Remember all of them. If you refine all these Tianlong demon pills..." Hear Weisuo say so, Han Weiwei immediately issued a exclamation.

Although the vitality of these Tianlong demon pills is more or less lost, the vitality of the seven Tianlong demon pills must be extremely terrible. Moreover, judging from the situation of the mysterious young man refining the Tianlong demon pill and fighting with Weisuo, the refining speed of the water emperor swallowing rijue is also very amazing. In this way, is it not possible for Weisuo to directly break through the one-sided practice, or even the double or even the triple repair?

"The trees are beautiful in the forest... The wind will destroy them The fish turns into a dragon Heaven will envy It is not impossible for Lin Fenghua to get the whole dragon tomb and break through the Shenxuan realm quickly. This is really like the ancient dragon and I said the truth, if people too much outbreak, the sky will bring disaster. If he wasn't too sharp and sharp, he didn't want to deal with me in Yunling land. If I hadn't defeated the flesh body at the beginning, I'm afraid I would have practiced all the way. Even if I happened to enter the Dragon tomb today, I might not be his opponent. " After Wei Suo said this, he looked at Han Weiwei, who exclaimed, "but there is still a great limit to the cultivation of this skill.""Big limits, what limits?" Han Weiwei and Ji Ya both frowned and said this sentence.

When two people say this sentence at the same time, their faces are red.

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"You'll see." Wei Suo reaches out a little and points the blue jade charm to Han Weiwei and Ji ya. At the same time, his eyes are flashing. It is obvious that he is taking advantage of the heat to strike iron to understand the supreme skill of the ancient three emperors.

"What's the limit? Let me see." Han Weiwei and Ji Ya are both a little embarrassed for a moment and wait for each other to see first. However, the old man in green robe is not so polite. Seeing the appearance of Han Weiwei and Ji ya, the old man in green robe said this directly, and then his divine sense went in immediately.

"I want the water spirit root male monk Do you want to abolish cultivation and practice again? It's necessary to have the water system magic weapon of xuanjie to cultivate? " But just after seeing it again, the old man in green robe could not help crying out.

"What?" Hearing the voice of the old man in green robe, Ji Ya's face was slightly repeated, but she couldn't help but immediately checked with her divine sense.

"How can this skill have such limitations?" Then after Han Weiwei saw it, she couldn't help crying out in great depression.

"There are such restrictions..." But just a few words, even if did not read this book Nangong Yuqing and others, also all understand.

It turns out that this skill is not an auxiliary skill like Tianlong qunxi, but a standard Zhenyuan major.

That is to say, if Weisuo wants to practice the formula of water emperor swallowing the sun, he must abandon his current cultivation, then he can practice this formula again!

Now Wei Suoke is already a double cultivation of golden elixir. It's really amazing to abandon the cultivation and practice again!

Moreover, this skill can only be practiced by male practitioners of water spirit root. No wonder there were no nuns in the sanhuangzong in ancient times, and they had such powerful skills that they finally disappeared in the cultivation world.

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It is hard to find a suitable disciple for shuilinggen monks. There are not many monks in 100 years, not to mention male practitioners. This is destined to be the most powerful inheritance of water emperor in the three emperors' sect. It is difficult to find suitable disciples, and the number of disciples is certainly very rare.

At present, it is limited that the nuns present can not practice this skill, but there is no restriction on Wei Suo. Weisuo is now an amazing friar of five spirit roots, and there is a water spirit root among them. Even if Wei Suo cultivates the Five Secrets of Xiangen in the future, it doesn't matter, because the immortal root is the same as the combination of these spiritual roots, and the advanced generation makes the qualification more amazing.

The other real limitation of this skill is that there must be a magic weapon of xuanjie middle grade that can wash the body.

Because the skill of water emperor swallowing the sun Jue is incomparably domineering. It directly refines all kinds of materials containing water Yuan Yuan Qi. No matter what kind of vitality, it devours them in the body, and then washes all the unfavorable vitality out of the body by means of the skill, the water spirit vitality in the body and the water system magic weapon, so as to wash all the unfavorable vitality out of the body, leaving the useful vitality in the body and improving the cultivation 。

Many complex vitality, medicinal power and materials all have great damage to the monk's body. Therefore, only when the water magic weapon of the xuanjie level reaches the level of Xuan, can it have enough strength to practice this skill.

Otherwise, many unfavourable vitality and mottled impurities can't be washed out and accumulated in the body. I'm afraid that the cultivation will not be long, and the body will become rigid and die.

"It's hard to find any magic weapon of xuanjie, especially for the specific xuanjie middle-grade water system magic weapon, even if it takes decades. It's not that this skill is useless. " Han Weiwei and Nangong Yuqing and others explained a few words, and then said such a gloomy sentence. She is very clear that although Weisuo's life magic weapon, Changhe toutian roll, is just this kind of water magic weapon, its power is still far away from the medium level of Xuan level. I'm afraid it will be difficult to upgrade to the medium level power of Xuan level by relying on the nourishment of golden elixir power.

"It's really impossible. It will take at least a few decades to practice this skill, but now it's different." At this time, Wei Suo's eyes flickered violently and stopped. He obviously understood how to practice this skill. At this time, when he heard Han Weiwei's words, he looked at Han Weiwei, laughed and said such a thing. Then his eyes stopped on shuiling'er.

At the same time, "boom" sound, his eyebrows shot out thousands of purple rays, his golden elixir a sacrifice out.

"This Even Jiya and Nangong Yuqing opened their eyes in an instant and gave a cry of disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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