Path to Heaven

Chapter 623: 623

The golden elixir, which almost covered Weisuo's body, is like a monster. It exudes indescribable supremacy, overwhelming majesty and divine light. All the flowing light patterns are like the golden elixir in the face of cold irony.

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"This is Jindan? So big The golden elixir? " Just felt that Xu Qianhuan's golden elixir was dead. Meng Fengyu, who was scared to death, was completely petrified. His eyes were almost as big as an egg.

"Jindan quadruple! How can such a big golden elixir be possible! Even if it's the top level skill, it's impossible to have such a huge golden elixir! "

One side of the void, the whole body is also revealed a peerless breath, exuding if there is no divine light, the look on his face has always been the ancient white feather immortal, but also immediately showed a look of extreme shock.

Even if there are many legendary powers in tens of thousands of years, when the golden elixir is quadrupled, there is no such huge golden elixir.

At the moment, although he stepped into the void, the magic weapon of his life was like the stars in the nine days, which scattered endless starlight. Li Shuyi, who had one of the top ten attack techniques in ancient times, was temporarily trapped.

But in fact, in a flash, he has been back and forth again and again. The battle group of him and Li Shuyi is thousands of feet away from Weisuo's and Xu Qianhuan's.

Li Shuyi's power is so powerful that he can't resist the power of his life magic weapon, including the power of shuilinger and Jiya, including the two black Ming Gu Jun, Yang Zhi bird and qingluan. In fact, he has been defeated. Relying on this life magic weapon, which covers a wide range of areas, is to rely on Li Pengyi and others He was trapped in the power of his life magic weapon.

Originally, he was waiting for Xu Qianhuan to stop Weisuo, and then came to help him, but he did not expect that at the moment, such an amazing change would happen!


Without a trace of stay, Weisuo's huge golden elixir rose with a monster's breath, shaking the heaven and earth. A white ancient sky dragon with water shining all over the world, as if peeped out from the void, with unimaginable power, instantly broke the transparent ice lotus from the thousands of magic golden elixir, and hit the magic golden elixir.


Xu Qianhuan's golden elixir trembles violently, and is almost beaten out directly.


Almost at the same time, a huge white light across, a huge wave like Tianhe, impact on the golden elixir.

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Xu Qianhuan's golden elixir and body are shaken out by powerful power at the same time.


The whole world seemed to shake.

"This kind of golden elixir rolling .。” Meng Fengyu, who has already become a spectator, shivers all over his body, and his heart is cold.

Weisuo's golden elixir, which looks bigger than his body, is like a star falling in the sky. With unimaginable power, it directly runs towards Xu Qianhuan, which is flying backwards. It brings out a huge and terrifying track in the air.

, the silver light of Wei Su is shining, and the simultaneous interpreting of silver shone is like the legendary ancient king.

"Holy Buddha's finger!"

Xu Qianhuan's nostrils all shed two streams of blood, but he did not care to wipe it. He reached out a little, and a magic weapon like a green jade finger was inspired by him. Together with the red crystal light from the magic weapon like a red fish tank in his hand, as well as his gold elixir, he collided with the golden elixir rolled by Weisuo.


"Ah Having shrunk to one side, Meng Fengyu's power, which was blown up by impact, flew backward again.

Two under a collision, Xu Qianhuan inspired that section of jade Buddha finger like magic weapon, turned into powder. But when he combined the red light from the red aquarium shaped magic weapon in his hand, his gold elixir ran into it, but he had the upper hand in his power. His gold elixir is just a shock, but Weisuo's gold elixir is a hum, jump back, violent tremor.

There are countless inexplicable connections between the golden elixir and the monk's body. Under the great shock of the golden elixir, the monk's body will also be violently shaken and damaged.

Most of the time, if the golden elixir is not as powerful as the opponent's, before the golden elixir collapses, the physical body often can't bear it and collapses first.

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"His body is too strong. How can his body be so strong?" But at the moment, seeing the scene of the white feather immortal, the heart is produced inexplicable fear.

Because at this moment, Weisuo's body, once again burst out of the oven like hot breath.

Such golden elixir concussion, his flesh body unexpectedly is directly bear down. There is no influence at all. With a stroke, before Xu Qianhuan has time to make any response, a huge dark gold sword Qi is mercilessly killed on Xu Qianhuan.

"This "Meng Fengyu's eyelids leaped violently while he was still flying upside down!

At this time, the robe on Xu Qianhuan's body has been damaged. At this moment, his feeling is that Xu Qianhuan will be cut two sections and fall directly!

"Weisuo, I tell you, you are very wrong!"

"Do you think that if you achieve such accomplishments, you can fight against me and kill me!""I tell you, mole ants are mole ants. Compared with the accumulation of zhenwuzong, no matter how much, it is the difference between the landlords and the emperors. A local rich man like you, no matter how much property he has, will die if he infuriates the emperor! All of you, all of you, will be slaves and servants to me, and I will lick my toes. I want a hundred or a thousand dogs to come and rape them in turn. There is no problem

But at this time, bursts of roar, but from Xu Qianhuan's body sent out.

"What's this? It's not a magic weapon!" The old man in green robe, who had always occupied the advantage of overwhelming nature, suddenly exclaimed.

Xu Qianhuan's white gilded robe was cut in two by the power of Weisuo's sword spirit. However, Xu Qianhuan's chest was full of unimaginable breath, which was even bigger than Weisuo's golden elixir. The huge sword light that has been chopped to Xu Qianhuan's body has turned into fly ash in front of this unimaginable breath.

A bit of dazzling silver starlight, from the chest of Xu Qianhuan a hole in the position.

In a twinkling of an eye, this silver starlight, constantly magnified, turned into a huge door with an unimaginable sense of suffocation.

There are innumerable silver twinkling stars on the gate, which is full of vitality that does not belong to the golden elixir.

The breath of a monk in shenxuanjing!

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"Zhen" and "Wu"!

There are two prominent ancient Chinese characters on the gate, which is like the gathering of countless stars. The light is the vitality that can directly shake the sword Qi of Weisuo.

"Zhenwu gate! The cultivation of the patriarch unexpectedly .! "Looking at this huge door, which is even bigger than Weisuo's golden elixir, the white feather immortal's face immediately showed a look of shock.

"What magic weapon is this?" Shuiling'er's beautiful eyes are full of awe. She had never heard of the magic weapon of zhenwuzong.

"It's terrible." Silly Li freehand felt the breath on the huge door and shivered all over.


The huge door with the words "Zhen" and "Wu" on it suddenly opened.

A torrent of divine light rushed out of the huge gate which was ten feet high. Let Weisuo, who is facing the huge door, turn pale on his face and step up to avoid the impact of this divine light.

Time seems to be still. After the divine light rushes out, there is a huge bronze hall.

This bronze hall is so grand that you can't see the end or the top of the hall at a glance. However, facing the gate, there is a startling friar standing all over.

The light of his body and the incomparable light that had just burst out of the gate were like the light from all kinds of stars.

On his body, he was wearing a bright yellow robe. The brilliance of the robe condensed into a majestic golden lotus throne around him. The monk's skin was like white jade, and his face was handsome and elegant. His body was full of imperial breath of nine days and ten places. His eyes were extremely deep and elusive.

Just as Weisuo and others saw the monk Jingtian through the open door, the monk frowned slightly and his eyes flashed. Obviously, he also saw Weisuo and others immediately.

It gives people the first feeling that there is only a huge gate between him and Weisuo and others.

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But there was no sound coming out of the bronze hall where the monk was. There were countless bright spots between the bronze hall and the huge gate, but there was a long void.

The shining friar of Jingtian didn't stop at all. He stretched out a hand directly and grabbed Wei Suo in the air.


All of a sudden, the whole huge gate, which was full of terror, was shining brilliantly. With this amazing monk's hand, all the scenes in the bronze hall behind the huge gate disappeared. Inside the whole door, countless dazzling light bands flowed.

An irresistible suction came out of the huge door.

"This is the skill of a monk in the Shenxuan realm!"

"This man must be the leader of Zhenwu sect! This is what he put on Xu Qianhuan to protect his life! "

"This thing can communicate the vitality. At present, this Taoist technique is equivalent to a monk in the Shenxuan realm who is practicing the Dharma face to face!"

All the people on weissou's side had a dramatic change.

The power of this huge door is so powerful that Weisuo and his golden elixir are unable to compete with this power. They are moving in the air, and they are about to be sucked in by this huge door.

"It's over! It's over Silly Li brushwork is also pale face, give up resistance general murmur.

Although he was crazy and thought that he was a rabbit, the breath from the huge door also made him feel that the difference in strength was too big.

"Wei Suo, this kind of power, I'm afraid, is not a monk in the Shenxuan realm. Blow up this huge door, or we will be involved. Whether it is rolled directly in front of each other or the space in the entrance, we will all die!" The roar of the old man in the green robe was in weissou's ear.Weisuo's huge golden elixir constantly vibrates, bursts out a stream of rays, like tug of war, moving in the air one after another, struggling to compete with the power of this huge door.

At the same time, there was no change in the look on his face. He reached out a little, and a elixir rose directly from his hand and hit the huge door in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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