Path to Heaven

Chapter 641: 641

The friars in Beiling city had already said how to work together. At the moment, the monks who had previously withdrawn from the outside stayed in the middle of the outer city wall and the original wall of Beiling City, and restored Zhenyuan.

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The rest of the monks, at the moment, only about one-fifth of them have done so. Moreover, it is very clear who will kill the monsters who attack the city walls from the sky above and who will kill the monsters who attack the walls on the ground. All of them have skills and magic weapons that attack far away. They are responsible for killing the monsters in the air above. The rest of the monks who attack closer are responsible for guarding the city wall and killing the monsters that attack the wall on the ground.

When a continuous burst of magic and magic weapons were inspired, and the real yuan was almost consumed, another group of friars were immediately replaced, alternating in turn.

Although the thunder owl is a kind of monster, it is not smart enough to rush into the city to attack the catapults and other things that kill the monsters on the ground. They basically fly down to attack them when they see where there are friars. So basically, most of the sky thunder owls pouring down from the sky are also gathered near the two walls.

In this way, although there were howling beasts all around, as if the whole heaven and earth were occupied by monsters, there were not many casualties among the monks in the northern spirit City, so it was not hard to resist them.

"Thank you for your help, or Chen will surely fall on the spot."

"You're welcome. If you want to keep the city, you have to rely on the dispatch and command of Han Daoyou and Chen Daoyou."

"What Three cracks in the sky? "

At this time, Wei Suo and shuilinger, Han Weiwei have already brought Chen Anyuan to Han Tianmo's side and started talking. As a result, as soon as he heard Han Tianmo's brief remark about the current situation of Beiling City, Chen Anyuan's face suddenly turned pale again.

"I want to send orders everywhere to strictly limit the use of expendable magic weapons above spirit level. Otherwise, it will be difficult to persist for more than half an hour." Having experienced an animal tide, Chen Anyuan naturally knows what the three cracks in the sky mean. After taking a deep breath and calming down, he immediately flies along the wall.

"You can stay with us for a while." As soon as Chen Anyuan snatches out, Wei Suo immediately says to Han Tianmo.

At the moment, Wei Suo could see that the monks in Beiling city were almost divided into two parts, one was under the command of Li Hanlin, the other was under the command of Chen Anyuan. Among them, every dozens of friars are in a group, and several friars of wanlingzong are placed in the group. However, Han Tianmo is still the commander-in-chief. He is still the commander-in-chief. He is responsible for the stimulation of many magic weapons and the scheduling of many friars. If something happens to Han Tianmo, the northern spirit city will lose its combat power.

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"Good." Han Tianmo is also aware of Weisuo's meaning. After hearing Wei Suo's words, he does not refuse. He immediately grasps Weisuo's Jinghua Feilian.

Then, Wei Suo and others immediately went to the place where Jiya and Nangong Yuqing, qilongshan and Qingping were.

At the moment, about one seventh of the outer wall of Beiling city is not covered with ice. At the moment, Qilong mountain and Qingping are on the top of the city wall, constantly casting magic to block the monsters. But Jiya and Nangong Yuqing did not care about the monsters, but kept on using the ice trap to wrap the wall in thick ice.

"Hiss!" "Hiss!" "Hiss!" With the continuous explosion, Wei Suo, shuiling'er and Han Weiwei swept to the side of Jiya and Nangong Yuqing. At the same time, they constantly stimulated bingjue Zhenjue and the ice magic weapon on hand. The speed of laying the ice layer in one time was more than doubled.

"Four Golden elites! Four golden elixirs! They have so many high-level magic weapons in their hands Han Tianmo, who was on the top of Jinghua Feilian, followed Wei Suo and others to steal here. When he saw how Qingping inspired the magic weapons and techniques, he immediately saw that Qingping was also a great monk of golden elixir, and his eyes flashed with shock.

"Look! What is that? "

"There are a lot of monsters coming again!"

With the help of Wei Suo, Ji Ya and others, there is still more than one hundred Zhangs to wrap the outer wall of the outer fortress with thick ice. But at this time, a cry of surprise broke out in the Beiling city.

Just south of Beiling City, a black torrent suddenly appeared on the ground. From a distance, it seemed that it was some kind of monster smaller than the size of the golden shell beetle. However, from the perspective of the continuous flow of black water, the number was definitely not below that of the golden shell beetle, at least more than 230000.

"Jiya, Yuqing, qidaoyou, qingdaoyou, you are here first. As soon as the ice layer is laid here, you will come immediately." As soon as he saw such a scene, Wei Suo immediately sent Jinghua Feilian, Han Weiwei, shuilinger and Han Tianmo to the south of the city wall. At the same time, Weisuo transmitted the voice to Jiya and others.

He was not worried that he and shuilinger could not stop the monsters over there, but in such a dangerous situation, he felt that it was safer and more secure for a group of people to gather together.

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"It's a poisonous arrow badger!"

Before he reached the southernmost wall, Weisuo had already jumped his brow and said this to Han Tianmo behind him."Poison arrow badger?"

At the moment, Han Tianmo can't see what kind of monsters are in the dark and torrent in the distance. However, after seeing the magic power of Wei Suo and others, he will not doubt the truth of Wei Suo's words. His face suddenly changed, "Li Daoyou! It's a poisonous arrow badger Without the slightest hesitation, Han Tianmo immediately gave a shrill roar to Li Hanlin's location.

"Poison arrow badger! It's a poisonous arrow badger

"It's such a monster!"

At the same time, under the leadership of Li Hanlin, at least four or five hundred friars shot at the wall directly to the south.

Later, under the command of Li Hanlin and more than ten friars of wanlingzong, at least 200 different kinds of Dharma shields were sacrificed in advance, blocking in front of the friars on the wall, forming a shining FA shield wall.

Even so, the friars on the wall still looked extremely nervous and afraid.

The reason for this reaction is that although the poison arrow badger is only the size of an ordinary weasel, many of its long hairs on its back emit a black light with toxin like a sharp arrow from time to time. The attack range of these black lights can reach 200 Zhang. Moreover, the poisonous arrow badger is an authentic five level low-level monster. The power of this black light is equivalent to the magic power of the double friars in the sky.

There are so many poisonous arrow badgers pouring in, and the number of black light that is excited in a moment is certainly very amazing.

"What sound!"

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Wei Suo, shuilinger and Han Weiwei have just arrived at the city wall here, and each of them inspires a real formula of ice, which re freezes the wall which has been completely exposed by the golden shell insect. But at this time, Wei Suo's eyes suddenly flash violently.

"Ha! Ha! Ha

A strange crack sound came out suddenly.

Then, a few miles away from the city wall, many of the ground suddenly cracked and arched upward. The head was dark and shiny. The head was very similar to the rhinoceros, with a stout one horn, and the face was similar to that of a rhinoceros, except that the appearance was covered with thick black crustaceans. But its body is a flat insect body. It looks like the back half of the cockroach's body, but its body is very large. The whole monster is about four feet long. The huge insect body is also covered with thick crustaceans.

"Ground rhinoceros!"

As soon as I saw the appearance of these monsters, many friars suddenly lost their voice and exclaimed.

"Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!"

As soon as they got out of the ground, these monsters began to run towards the city wall. At first, they seemed very heavy and slow. But after running, they ran faster and faster. Moreover, they stepped on the thick ice as if they were walking on the ground. The exclamation of monks on the wall almost just sounded. At least ten of them forced their way through the wall Friar Fang intercepted him and ran to the bottom of the wall. This huge black monster once rushed to the bottom of the city wall, it would not climb, but hit the wall with its head.

The earth rhinoceros beast is a lower level monster in the sixth level. This kind of monster is a kind of earth monster that can walk underground. Obviously, when we get to the periphery of Beiling City, we find that all the rocks under the northern spirit city are comparable to those of pure gold, which can't be directly drilled into the city, so they can only drill out. However, this kind of monster is also a pure force monster, It is ranked as the low level of level 6 with thick armor and strong strength. At this moment, the impact on the wall is just like that of a famous monk who launched his magic to bombard the wall.

Although the temporary wall around Beiling city is made of pure gold and iron juice, earth and stone, and monster's shell, its strength and toughness can't be compared with that of magic weapon. At the moment, under the collision of more than ten rhinoceros, many walls suddenly vibrate violently, and two even large blocks collapse.

At least dozens of friars who had no time to resist the sky fell down and were immediately crushed to pieces by the golden shell insects and the ground rhinoceros. In this case, the Friar's fragile body makes his life more fragile than these monsters. At the same time, many gold shell insects around also took the opportunity to climb up from these gaps and jump into the friars above the city wall, causing chaos.

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"Younger martial brother Chen, organize people to kill these rhinoceros first!" At the sight of this situation, Han Tianmo also immediately issued a shrill scream.

It seems that he has already understood Han Tianmo's ideas. Almost at the same time as Han Tianmo's shrill whistle, Chen Fangyuan's roar rings. More than a dozen monks, who had been unable to move, shot out from the middle of the inner and outer walls of the city, and attacked the rhinoceros respectively.

"What the hell are those things?"

But at this time, a piece of startled exclamations rang at the same time.

On the west side of Beiling City, a green cloud is rolling fiercely, and the scene is amazing.

"Blue flame dove!"

Weisuo looked at it, took a deep breath, and vomited out the three words.Just behind him, Han Tian Merton was pale.

"It's biyanjiu! All the friars are on guard His shrill voice rang through the city.

Blue flame dove!

This large green cloud is an amazing number of Biyan doves of the same rank as the earth rhinoceros!

Han Tianmo is very clear that this scale of animal tide must be extremely difficult to resist, but from the beginning of the sky thunder owl and the golden shell insect attack to now, only less than half a stick of incense. It's just that the time for half a stick of incense is not enough, and the monks in the whole city have to resist it completely! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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