Path to Heaven

Chapter 686: 686

Wei Suo Zhenyuan wrapped in Li freehand brushwork, Zhentian FA Xiang stepped out of the mysterious track in the air.

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The explosion of Jindan quadruple gold elixir even annihilated a Jindan monk who had no time to retreat, and directly destroyed it into fly ash.

However, this huge power did not impact the Zhentian Dharma phase. The speed of Zhentian Dharma phase is unimaginable.

"Lin Taixu even..."

All the people trembled and couldn't believe what they saw. Xuanfengmen under one person, ten thousand people above the zhenzhuan big disciple, was killed by Wei Suo!

"He Han Yueer, who had previously looked down on Weisuo, was very angry because Weisuo didn't look at her. Her brain was almost blank. She didn't expect that Weisuo's magic power had reached such a level.

In addition, Lin Taixu, only for a short time, five amazing monks have fallen. Wei Suo's divine power can not be described by words.

"Gentlemen, if you don't want to die, you will try your best to kill this person. The power of this statue is so huge that even the cultivation of the golden elixir can't last forever!" The dark wind door with the Milky Way curled up is an old-fashioned antique with red eyes and a shocking drink.

Xuanfengmen and his contemporaries had only six old monks. This time, due to the change in the northern part of the Tianxuan continent, four old antiques were sent out. These four antiques could have been rampant decades ago, but only in this moment, the four antiques had fallen to the ground and left him alone!

The torrent of heaven and earth, for hundreds of years, did not annihilate them. At this moment, they all fell into the hands of such a young monk!


A green robed monk's aura was exhausted in an instant, but the sky above was dark, and a group of dark green lights were suppressed. It was an irregular appearance, like a piece of ordinary dark green gold, but the whole body was covered with a magic weapon of flying goddess shape runes.

This magic weapon is only the size of a fist, but it makes the air above Weisuo explode violently. Obviously, it was a magic weapon that the green robed monk could sacrifice only after exhausting his whole body.

"Evil king's box! This is the treasure of the ancient evil king clan! It can not only reach the top level of Xuanji, but also increase the absorption speed of yin and Li Qi. For the monks who practice Yin Li Yuan Qigong, it is a marvelous treasure, which can greatly improve the cultivation speed, boy, don't .。” At the same time, the voice of the old man in green robe, who had been silent for a long time, rang again. He wanted to tell Weisuo not to break the magic weapon, because this magic weapon is a rare treasure for yinlihua, which can greatly improve the cultivation speed of yinlihua. But his words did not end, it has automatically stopped.

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Because at the moment, Weisuo had no intention to touch this magic weapon.

When this magic weapon was offered, Zhentian FA Xiang had already arrived in front of the green robed monk.

This irregular appearance of dark green gold block magic weapon, hit is also an empty!


With a shrill scream, a green flame came out of the green monk's mouth. It seemed that he wanted to escape by some way.


But Weisuo's hand was just a stroke, and Zhentian FA Xiang made the same action. The light lines that came out one by one directly scattered the green flame from the green monk's body and mouth.

Then Zhentian FA Xiang's huge palm just crossed the direction of the green robed monk's body, and everything turned into fly ash.


There was another monk in black robe, who was the only living black woodcutter among the three murderers in Tianbei. All the black light in front of him broke and flew out.

Just now, he offered a huge black axe like magic weapon to attack Wei Suo from the rear, but Zhentian FA Xiang smashed the black axe he offered with a single wave of his hand.

In the sky, an ancient copper seal with golden rays suddenly became bigger and fell down like a hill. It was obviously the magic weapon of a great monk.


However, this huge ancient bronze seal was smashed into pieces by Zhentian FA Xiang with one hand, and all the aura on it was extinguished in an instant.

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"Poof!" A great friar whose aura was condensed into a huge golden wing. At the same time, his body was shaking and his mouth and nose were spraying with blood.

After fighting this record, Zhentian FA Xiang was also shaken violently, but Wei Suo's body was still shining with silver, and countless yuan Qi was spitting violently, just like an ancient beast breathing fiercely. Zhenyuan did not show signs of exhaustion at all.

"It can't match his casting speed! His casting speed and reaction are more than twice as fast as ours

"He's not an immortal tool that doesn't fully stimulate his power!"

"His present supernatural power is infinitely close to a real supernatural power! It's like we're against a real supernatural power

"Go! Or all of them will fall here! "

All the friars at the scene saw the clue. All the great friars who killed Weisuo all had the intention of retreating. They all turned into streamers and fled in all directions.A purple aura, escape speed is the most amazing, speed like a magic gun, people's eyes can hardly keep up with.

However, Zhentian FA Xiang first kept up with the purple aura. With Wei Suo's hands moving, Zhentian FA Xiang's hands brought out lines of light, as if the order of heaven and earth was interwoven again. The purple aura was squeezed by the huge power. But he was a great monk with a pale face and white brocade robe.

"If you are willing to give up this method, you will not die!" The giant palm of Zhentian FA Xiang pressed in the air towards the great monk who was fixed in the void. At the same time, Wei Suo's calm voice came out.

"I am willing to give up this method of escape!"

The monk, who was wearing a white brocade robe, screamed violently.


The huge palm of Zhentian FA Xiang pressed lightly, and the great monk in the cloud brocade robe gushed blood in his mouth and was rolled by Wei Suo.

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Without a bit of pause, it seems that he just took two steps in the air, and Zhentian FA Xiang came to the back of a great monk.

With a cry, the great monk sent out all kinds of brilliance and rushed to Zhentian FA Xiang.

But at this time, the monk alone could not compare with the power of Zhentian FA Xiang. With a sound of "pa", all these brilliance were smashed, and the body of the great monk was shattered.




Zhentian FA Xiang crossed the void. After killing the monk, Wei Suo was more than 2000 Zhang away from the other three escape lights. However, each step of Zhentian FA Xiang would shorten the distance with one of them. "Ah But in a flash, the only old one among the four old antiques of xuanfengmen, who was wrapped in silver light, just had time to make a scream, and was fixed in the void by the incomparable power behind, and then his whole body was crushed to pieces.

"Don't kill me!... I know the news about the fruit of Sakyamuni!"

Weisuo did not stop, and continued to pursue the other blue escape light, which was two thousand Zhang away. The monk in the escape light felt locked by the divine sense, and his body trembled and gave out a cry.

This friar, however, was the one who was extremely arrogant before, just like the princess who looked down on the common people, and some looked down on Han Yueer who was Wei Suo.


Wei Suo didn't have any idea of pitying and cherishing jade at all. He wanted to strangle all the monks who might threaten him in the future. But when he heard Han Yueer's words, Weisuo's eyebrows jumped, and Zhentian FA stopped.

Between this pause, the rest of the escape light has already shot out a very long distance.

"Hum" of a shock, a flash of vision, Wei Suo is put away Zhen Tian FA Xiang, coagulation in front of Han Yueer not far away.

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The water candle demon pill above his head was about a third of its size.

This stopped, Weisuo reached out a little, but he collected all the remaining water candle demon Dan and Zhentian FA Xiang.

In this process, Han Yueer also completely stopped, did not dare to have any movement, the body kept shaking, her face no longer saw that kind of lofty arrogance, without a trace of blood color.

"Do you know the news about the fruit?" Weisuo looked at the girl indifferently and asked.

"I've heard that there is a large gate in Yunling land, which is planted with pitaya fruit." Although she received Zhen Tian FA Xiang, Wei Suo's figure, in Han Yueer's eyes, is incomparably tall, which makes her mind tremble.

"What kind of door?" There was a burning light in weissou's eyes.

"The gate of Yunling land? That's not the right time. We're going to Yunling land to get the sacred fruit The old man in green is also very excited. The higher Weisuo's accomplishments are, the more amazing his magical powers are, and the greater the possibility of his successful condensation in the future.

"I don't know what it is. All I know is that there is an old ancestor in our sect who got a sacred fruit from that sect in exchange. But I don't know which clan it is. " Han Yueer said.

"Which clan is it? It's in exchange for your life, isn't it Wilson's face sank and he gave a sneer.

“…。” Han yue'er bit her lip, unable to speak, her face was extremely pale, and she was deeply humiliated.

"Her elder martial sister and I have some friendship. This Taoist friend, can you let her live for my sake. I don't know what she looks like. " At this time, the voice of the wind Wu Cang was passed down from the sky behind.

"You go. But if you are against me next time, I will not show mercy. " Weisuo didn't have any nonsense and nodded to Han Yueer directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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