Path to Heaven

Chapter 714: 714

"Wan Jiansan, do you remember that ten years ago, you tianjianzong just discovered the evil vein of the magical pattern. Not long ago, you cheated a group of five pulse detecting friars outside Lingyue city to help you inquire about the direction of the dry spiritual pulse?" Wei Suo's voice is extremely cold, dunguang and Wan Jiansan are drawing closer.

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Wan Jian San Geng's face was bloodless, and he screamed in panic, "it's been so long, how can I remember clearly."

"I don't remember! I'll make it clear to you! " In Weisuo's heart, the cold and killing intention is stronger, and the breath on his body shakes the world. Compared with Wan Jiansan, his breath gives people the feeling that a giant dragon is chasing a sparrow.

"It's none of my business! At that time, I also listened to Liu Xiangcheng. If you want to look for Liu Xiangcheng. " Wan Jiansan has been completely scared out of courage by the little girl and the devil like Weisuo, who has no great monk's demeanor.

"Wan Jiansan... You!"

Previously, Liu Xiangcheng, who didn't want to run the fastest, just wanted to run faster than the supreme elder Xue Chaoran. Liu Xiangcheng, whose aura condensed into a red pearl, was also shivering in the distance. He wanted to kill Wan Jiansan at once.

"Liu Xiangcheng, you were one of those tianjianzong disciples at that time!"

"Damn it, his escape speed is too fast to escape. He can only escape into the copper Hall of Tianjian and open the Tianjian Road ban to survive." Liu Xiangcheng used to run directly to the outside of the evil veins. But now hearing Wei Suo's words and seeing Wei Suo's escape speed, Liu Xiangcheng made a shiver, but Liu Xiangcheng clenched his teeth and ran away toward the copper Hall of Tianjian which was not far away from him.


Just a moment later, Weisuo had already chased wanjiansan only a few hundred Zhang away. With a cry of fear, Wan Jiansan burst out of his hand a white fist sized golden pill, which instantly turned into a white sword light, and went to the rear Wei Suo.


But Weisuo just reached for a stroke, a huge white wave and a dark golden sword Qi burst out of his body in an instant, making the white sword light fly back out of his body.


In the sound of a scream, the dark golden sword Qi is not only powerful, but directly impacts on WAN Jiansan and cuts off his whole left arm shoulder to shoulder.

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Before the scream fell, another shrill scream came out. Before Wan Jiansan had any extra action, another dark golden sword light cut off Wan Jiansan's right arm.

"You run away again."

Wan Jiansan has no ability to resist at all, and he can hardly even resist the sky. Wei Suo comes to Wan Jiansan with his arms broken with boundless cold.

But at this time, Weisuo is also fierce turn head. A purple light came from the left back side, and it was not far away from his side.

Just just a buttock to sit dead, the elder of tianjianzong, Xue Chaoran's little girl with long horn on her head, actually caught up with her. Moreover, she is still very strange to fly away, silent, without any sound of breaking the sky, and there is no sharp fluctuation of aura. She can't feel it without being swept by divine consciousness.

"What are you pestering me for?" In Weisuo's angry cry, the little girl with long horns on her head is also wearing sharp little tiger teeth and patted at Weisuo.

With a bang, Weisuo's silver light flashed, and she was photographed by the little girl with purple light on her body.


What makes Weisuo even more angry is that after the little girl patted and flew Weisuo, she saw Wan Jiansan in front of her. She also grabbed Wan Jiansan's nabao bag, and then beat Wan Jiansan away with one hand.

Wan Jiansan has been cut off by Weisuo, and his arms can't be stopped. The little girl is right in the chest. Her chest collapses, and her mouth is full of blood. It seems that she has been shot to death directly and has no breath.

"Bad guys..." The little girl with long horns on her head is not in charge of Weisuo's feelings. She grinds her teeth and catches up with Weisuo.

"Bad guys You kicked me in the face A big foot girl kicked her face fiercely, the silver light and the purple light flashed, the voice was sonorous, like the collision of a huge ship.

The little girl's face was not hurt at all, only a little dust, but was kicked a little silly, it seems that Weisuo would use such a despicable trick, when he punched her, he also took the opportunity to kick her face with his big foot.

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"It's endless. Don't you think I'm afraid of you!" Weisuo also fell into a rage, was shocked to fly out, the initiative to force the little girl. Wan Jiansan and he have a different feud. Seeing that he has been caught, he is actually slapped to death by the little girl.

"Bad guys You dare to kick me and kill you. " Little girl is also grinding teeth huohuohuo, not to show weakness, and Weisuo fist kick, hit into a pile.

"What a pain I'll kill you

"Damn it, it's you and me that hurt! Get out of my way

"Bad guys How dare you call me to get out of here? Is a little bit of broken dragon spirit great? Dare to call me to roll... Kill you

"Damn it, idiot!"

"Bad guys You want to steal my bracelet

"You don't want to grab my bracelet yet!"... ... Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa! The sound of hammers pounding each other in the sky.

The little girl didn't know whether she was born unable to use the technique, but Weisuo could not. He wanted to seize the gray bracelet from the little girl's hand. However, the bracelet she was wearing looked loose and looked like she was going to fall off. However, when Weisuo caught it on the plane, it was as if it stuck to her wrist and could not be caught, Wei Suo's face was also kicked by the little girl's little foot, which made her eyes twinkle and almost nosebleed. And the little girl also wanted to grab Weisuo's nabao bracelet, but she was also punched in the hand by Weisuo, which made her feel pain.

"Ah How dare you kick me in the face, villain

"What about kicking your face? If you don't have boobs, I'll kick you."

The strength of the two men was close, but they could not hurt each other. Weisuo had a severe pain, and even her hands and feet were swollen after a while, but the little girl didn't eat pain, and she cried out in pain, and her hands and feet turned red. The most important thing is that Weisuo is still unable to escape. He is entangled with death. Therefore, both of them are in a rage. They are eager to strangle each other alive. It is not like the fight between the terrible ancient creatures dug out from the spirit stone vein and the golden elixir. It looks like a shrew fight. It's not like two people yelling at each other when they are familiar with each other.

"I'm so tired What a pain... "

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"Why don't you go away and pester me for something?"

"Bad guys How dare you be so rude to me Kill you

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa! The little girl was out of breath and couldn't move after nearly a long fight. But Weisuo's hands and feet were a little swollen, and her face was red. The little girl was beaten to the ground and looked a little embarrassed. The two sides pause slightly and confront each other fiercely in the air.

"Bad guys Give me your bracelet I won't hit you. "

"Idiot steel tooth girl, why don't you throw away your bracelet."

"Bad guys How dare you call me idiot steel girl... "

"Don't chase me any more. I have two more powerful helpers outside. If you chase me again, I'll call them in and beat you together." Weisuo had no effect on this skill and magic power, and her body was even stronger than her own. The little girl with long horns who could not even fight her face was helpless. She was not angry enough to frighten her.

"You..." The little girl with long horns believed it, but she was afraid. If you have two more Weisuo, you can't beat her, but it must hurt her very much. Maybe you have to hold yourself down and slap her in the face.

Seeing the long horn, the little girl was afraid to approach. Weisuo glared at her angrily and took a picture of Wan Jiansan, who had fallen to the ground. Wan Jiansan had no breath at all and could not die any more.

In the twinkling of an eye, Liu Xiangcheng has already escaped into the copper palace of Tianjian.

At this time, most of the vein exploring and mining friars among the evil veins of magic patterns had already arrived, but they were afraid of the little girl with long horn. They all stayed at a place tens of miles away from Weisuo and waited far away.

"Liu Xiangcheng! Wan Jiansan doesn't remember more than ten years ago. Do you still remember? " Wei Suo, regardless of the little girl with long horns, approaches the copper Hall of Tianjian.

"A decade ago You look for our tianjianzong for revenge over ten years ago. Aren't you afraid of our tianjianzong's pursuit? " Liu Xiangcheng's shaking voice came from somewhere in the copper palace of Tianjian.

"If I told you that among the five monks you forced to come here, there was a couple of Taoist lovers who were my parents, would you dare to say so?" Weisuo's voice, rippling with the killing of the sky.

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"It turns out that this great monk is a descendant of loose cultivation His parents were also cheated to this place by tianjianzong? "

"The descendants of ordinary free cultivation have such amazing accomplishments."

As soon as Wei Suo said this, all the friars who had come to explore the vein and mining understood the reason of the matter and completely reflected that Wei Suo had come here to seek revenge.

"You are actually the descendants of those casual practitioners?" Liu Xiangcheng is also a cold voice. As soon as Weisuo uttered this sentence, he knew that it was useless to frighten Weisuo with tianjianzong.


Weisuo crossed the void with towering power, and approached the copper Hall of Tianjian. Beyond the blue light patterns surrounding these bronze sword like temples, there were countless amazing golden rays in front of him. In an instant, an ancient dragon standing on water waves was pressed down against the bronze palace. At the same time, a black archaic fierce fire was also facing the bronze palace The copper Hall of the Heavenly Sword thundered down.


All the light patterns around the copper Hall of Tianjian suddenly glowed, among which a strip of golden light flashed out. In an instant, it condensed into a huge golden sword hundreds of Zhang long and more than ten Zhang wide. It chopped the sky and destroyed the earth, and chopped the golden Danxia light of Weisuo and the fierce black archaic fire to pieces.

From this huge golden sword, a vast pressure and breath that only the supernatural power can have."Forbidden to Tianjian Avenue!"

Wei Suo's eyes flashed violently. The prohibition outside the copper Hall of Tianjian was even more powerful than Ma kongqun said. The power of this huge golden sword gave him the feeling that he would be cut and damaged even if he attacked with the destroying magic gun.


Without the slightest hesitation, Wei Suo's body radiated the vitality of shaking the heaven and earth. The giant Zhentian FA Xiang once again stood in the sky and stood between the heaven and the earth. One step out, he took up countless mysterious light patterns and attacked the copper Hall of Tianjian.


(the names of Zhao ruling and Liu Xiangcheng in this chapter are wrong and have been modified , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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