Path to Heaven

Chapter 739: 739

In the hall, which is made of pure black gold, there is a huge dark yellow throne with an extremely ancient and wild flavor.

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The throne is three Zhangs round, more than one Zhang high. It is round and covered with strips. The lower part of the throne is the flame of the nether world, and the upper part is the talisman pattern of the skeleton in battle armor.

This throne is the throne of the former Yin corpse sect patriarch Xueling. Now, on this very solemn throne, there is a beautiful white nun wearing a black robe.

This nun looks like a picture, born with a pair of moving charming, awe inspiring is a beautiful flower.

At the moment, she was frowning, holding a thin piece of pure gold in her hand, with an indecisive look.

Below her, there are more than ten monks of the Yin corpse sect. Most of the monks are old and have strong Yin Qi. They are obviously high-ranking figures in the Yin corpse sect. Among them, there was a middle-aged bald man, whose black aura condensed into the shape of small black snakes with two heads. This monk was a monk Mo Qingfeng, who Wei Suo had met before he rushed to the gate of Yin corpse sect and challenged Ye zero.

"Lord, although this is strange, we have no way to refuse the golden slips of Huatian sect. What's more, Huatian cult only said to establish an offensive and defensive alliance, and did not interfere in the internal affairs of the clan. This did not harm our Yin corpse sect. " A thin elder dressed in a white skull like talisman, his eyes glowing with green fire, suddenly uttered his voice.

"Elder Jiang, this is not so simple." Mo Qingfeng took a cold look at the skinny elder and said, "Huatian sect and gongdezong have always been wrong. This will certainly cause big trouble. At that time, we will not interfere in the internal affairs of the sect, but if there is a war and we will accept the dispatch of Huatian sect, we will probably become cannon fodder first."

"What elder Mo said is true, but if we don't agree, I'm afraid that the Huatian church will attack us everywhere." A yellow hair Yin corpse sect elder very worried said.

"If you promise, even if you can't afford to fight against us, I'm afraid that the opponent of Huatian sect will also have a black hand on us. If you don't promise, you will be blackhanded by Huatian sect." Yin Lihua's voice rang, "now the matter is that we have to decide whether to go back to gongdezong or huatianjiao. Because it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that if there is a big war at that time, the foundation of Yin corpse sect may be gone if the party we are against loses. "

"Since huatianzong was the first to make trouble. Maybe there is some control. I think we can still consider huatianzong. " A very calm face purple robe Yin corpse patriarch deep voice said.

"Gongdezong has been accumulating for nearly ten thousand years, and its foundation is much stronger than that of Huatian sect..."

"The strength of both sides can't be measured. They are both super big fish. It's impossible to see who can eat who..."

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"Huatianzong only gave us three days, and there was not enough time to inquire more."

… ...

seeing the negotiation between Yin Lihua and these big elders of Yin corpse sect, it is obvious that Yin Lihua has successfully won the position of the master of Yin corpse sect. Now it seems that there are two major sects opposing each other, one of which is trying to win strength around, and Yin Lihua and these big elders of Yin corpse sect are also difficult to make a decision at the moment.

Suddenly, a flash of white phosphorous fire talisman, suddenly shot in from the entrance of this hall.


Yinlihua's eyebrows slightly jumped, immediately out of the voice, "come in!"

"Lord!" A friar of the Yin corpse sect, who was dressed in a miserable white robe, immediately came in and stood near the door of the hall and saluted the Yin Li flower and the elders of the Yin corpse sect.

"What's the matter?" Yinlihua waved her hand, which was very decisive. She was a patriarch, and she did not have the small woman's posture in front of Weisuo.

"Three friars said they would like to see you immediately if there is something urgent. Ma Changlao .。” The monk of Yin corpse sect hesitated at this point.

"What's wrong with Ma Changlao?" Yin Li Hua's eyes flashed and said.

"Elder Ma said that you didn't want to see him. He had a few words in conflict with the other party, but he was caught face to face. The other side said that he didn't want to do it, just pass half a word to you, and you will know. " Said the monk.

"What a half sentence! Say it Yinlihua suddenly got excited and drank.

"The moon in the sky is white." The Yin corpse sect disciple did not dare to stop and immediately said, "it's only half a sentence like this."

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"Please invite him in." Yinlihua's body was slightly shocked. After saying this quickly, she immediately pointed to Mo Qingfeng and other humanitarians: "all elders, please go back first."

"Come back first?" All the elders were stunned, "then this Huatian Jinjian..."

"I'll make a decision later." Yinlihua smiles and suddenly becomes very confident.

Mo Qingfeng and others looked at each other, all of them were a little suspicious, but these big elders of Yin corpse sect didn't say much. After a suspicious look, they all plundered out of the hall.

"Hiss!"When Mo Qingfeng and others all went out of the hall, yinlihua reached out a little and inspired a green and sparkling fireworks to go out.


Just one or two breathing time, a monk of the Yin corpse sect, who was also wearing a miserable white robe, appeared at the entrance of the hall, respectfully.

"Go and invite all of them, elder Keqing, and say that there are distinguished guests." Yinlihua took a deep breath and waved.

"Yes." The monk of the Yin corpse sect immediately turned and swept out without stopping.

"You're here at last." After the monk of Yin corpse sect left, Yin Lihua stood up directly from the throne of Hades, and her face was suddenly full of excitement.

Next, the woman, who had just returned the bearing of the patriarch, was somewhat restless.

"Lord, here they are." A moment later, the voice of a Yin corpse sect disciple came in from outside the hall.

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"Invite them in. You don't have to come in. When elder Keqing arrives, let them come in directly. " Yin Li Hua took a deep breath and then said this sentence.

Three monks, covered in black cloaks, soon entered the hall.

"Hoo", a black cape was first put away, a smiling Weisuo, quietly looking at the beautiful flowers.

"You worry me to death." Yin Lihua's eyes suddenly turned red, completely without the dignity of the previous clan leader. The swiftlet fell into Weisuo's arms like a forest.

"Lord Yin, you seem to be thin." Wei Suo Wen Xiang full, some embarrassed, dry cough, but some dishonest mouth.

"How did you survive when you were trapped in the northern Ming City when you were not restored to practice that day?" As a result, Wei Suo didn't open his mouth, but pearl tears rolled out of her eyes as soon as she opened her mouth.

"It's a long story. What are you doing There was a sudden cry from Weisuo.

Yinlihua was also stunned.

Because at this time, a figure beside Weisuo directly threw herself on her throne of the underworld, and with a "click" sound, it actually chewed the throne directly.

The throne of the underworld God, which was still shining, suddenly disappeared.

"Weisuo, this..." Yinlihua is so stupid that she forgot to wipe the tears on her face.

"Die steel tooth sister, you!" Weisuo was so angry that he almost blackened his eyes. The one who bites the throne of the underworld with a single bite is naturally the iron mouthed girl Linglong Tian. "What grade is this magic weapon?" Wei Suo resisted the impulse of patting the dead Linglong day, looking at the Yinli flower asked.

"Don't worry, it's just a medium level defense. There's a magic array like a teleportation array on top of it. It's equivalent to that a monk can teleport two or three thousand Zhang away from here, and it's almost able to teleport a monk out of the mountain gate from here. It's not very useful. Don't be stingy, just give me healing. " At the moment, Linglong day has recovered its original face, showing sharp tiger teeth and a look of indifference. Yinlihua still did not answer, but she had already said so to Weisuo.

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"Poof!" But just after finishing this sentence, this Linglong day's eyes suddenly bulged, his hands couldn't help but pinch his throat. He immediately spat out some foam in his mouth, and his body twitched and screamed, "how can there be so many cloudy spirits in this magic weapon matrix?"

"Weisuo, is she?" Yinlihua finally came back to her senses and couldn't help looking at Weisuo. This Linglong day chewed down a piece of pure gold from the throne of Hades and ate it. It looked like a monster in appearance. However, judging from the situation of her speech and the breath on her body, it was not like a monster, which made her feel strange.

"What the hell, it's killing me." Wei Suo opened his mouth, and before he could speak, he foamed at his mouth, but the sky was relieved. He looked at the throne of the underworld and cried out again, "who refined this ghost thing? How can you add so much cloud essence to the ancient Ming gold? Don't you know that this kind of thing can burn people's blood essence?"

"This is an ancient creature that has lived for more than 60000 years. I'll explain it to you later. " Wei Suofei quickly and Yin Lihua said such a sentence, gnashing teeth: "die steel tooth younger sister, are you a dog, see bone to gnaw, how gnaw not to die you! If you dare to gnaw, I promise to go out and publicize it and tell all the friars in Yunling land that there is a steel tooth girl of the ancient spirit clan here! "

"More than 60000 years of paleontology?" Yin Li Hua Dun also took a breath of air-conditioning, and looked at Linglong day incredulously.

"The food of this clan is just like Beimang. It's full of ghost. Don't eat it if you give it to me. Dead liar, you refine the cloudy essence in this thing for me. I promise I won't eat the magic weapon in this sect. " Linglong days retch twice again, it seems that this is completely good. "Is she your companion?" And see the appearance of Yinli flower, Linglong day can't help muttering, "should not be plastic surgery?"

"Don't worry about her. She eats too much and her head is broken." Weisuo's teeth itched with hate.

"There seems to be no cosmetic surgery If you look like this, you can still have such a Taoist companion? " The golden light in Linglong's eye sparkles. After a look at the Yinli flower, it is somewhat depressed.Yin beautiful flowers, beautiful and beautiful, but the standard beauty embryo.

"Damn it, such a dirty and cunning guy can still have such a Taoist companion, and he is actually a patriarch of the clan." Linglong day looked at Yinli flower again. The more he saw it, the more he felt uncomfortable. He scolded a rude word in his heart.


Wei Suo was just about to ask about the whereabouts of the Yin Li Hua, because he saw the look of the Yin Li flower before, and the Yin Li Hua talked about the northern spirit city. He knew that there was nothing wrong with Ji Ya and they were in peace. And just at this time, a cry from the hall, a graceful figure, toward Weisuo straight swept over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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