Path to Heaven

Chapter 803: 803

"Who the hell is this? Even the five heavy antiques of the golden elixir can be directly killed by one blow, and even the xuanbing soldiers pressing the bottom of the box can be directly grasped with their hands..."

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At the sight of Linglong Tian's killing the five old antiques of the red thunder sect's golden elixir, the remaining friars completely changed their faces.


A blood awn across the sky to fight Linglong days. This blood awn can break through the void and pass through the void, and it seems to be able to lock in the opponent from a very long distance, just like the result of the previous method. Just a flash of blood, it directly fell in front of Linglong sky, and around the blood awn, all of them were covered with flaming red light lines, distorting the void. A unique breath of supernatural power shook the void.

"It's something that contains the divine patterns that can be compiled and engraved by Shenxuan." Weisuo was startled.

"This is the blood of the Heavenly God! This is the magic weapon of the northern prison sect. This is situ Jue, the leader of the northern prison sect. " Yinlihua recognized the origin of the object and immediately transmitted the sound to Weisuo's ear.

The northern prison sect is a clan about the size of the Haixian sect. At the moment, the leader of the northern prison sect, situ Jue, is dressed as an old man in gray robes and with hair.


At the moment, the patriarch of the northern prison clan, who was dressed in grey clothes and hair, immediately yelled in horror.

Linglong Tian's body is full of gray aura. The power he inspires is close to the blood of the celestial God. He can't penetrate the grey aura and is stuck with it.

The sky god blood awn is a finger size prismatic crystal, emitting a fiery red divine pattern.

But the blood red crystal quickly disappear, a crack of a broken.

"Situ Jue, I'll send you back to the West." Wei Suo step out, instantly to situ Jue behind, a dark emperor sword toward situ Jue at the same time, a foot hard step down.

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"Ah "

the casting speed of situ Jue was a little slower than that of Weisuo. A little red crystal light just appeared in his hand, and he was also a blood awn of heaven God. But before he could be excited, his whole back was completely smashed by Weisuo, and his blood gushed in his mouth, which made him lose all his vitality in an instant.

"Pa! Bang!

several black wooden boxes suddenly burst around Weisuo's body, and Weisuo's body became stiff.

Then, Weisuo used the formula of "water emperor swallowing the sun", and a water Emperor God almost condensed into substance was condensed above his head. His body was like opening countless huge mouths, and a stream of pure and pure water spirit vitality, with countless golden rays, was constantly washed out.

"Even this kind of fruit has been used." Weisuo's eyes coldly swept to the friar who made these black wooden boxes. The monk was wrapped in a cloud of clouds and could not see his face. The black wooden box that he made is the kind of ancient fruit that xuanfengmen asked donghuangzong to collect before, which can make monks' flesh body wood.

"Even this kind of fruit can be washed away by force..." Seeing that Weisuo's body was not rigid, the friars who had made these black wooden boxes out of the colorful clouds were shocked to the end.

But without waiting for him to make any unnecessary action, a dark green light was suppressed from above him.

Yinlihua urges the evil king's box to attack him.

The dark box of the evil king is a real magic weapon of the Xuan level. Like the magic spear, ordinary golden elixir can hardly resist it.


The friars in the colorful clouds and haze instantly made several flashes of brilliance, which could resist the attack of the evil king's box. However, even the colorful clouds and haze were all shattered by the power of the dark box of the evil king.

A piece of silk flying, colorful clouds is a ribbon like silk, but at this moment, the silk scarf has been beaten to pieces scattered.

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A handsome young monk in a white robe appeared, and the light at his feet formed a bright green lotus leaf. This handsome young monk did not appear at the meeting of Huatian cult, neither Weisuo nor yinlihua knew each other.

Just as he was barely able to block a blow from the evil king's box, the young monk's eyes suddenly flashed with despair.

"Boo!" On his head, there was a soft sound like a bottle stopper being opened, and a blood light rushed out, showing the figure of a heart eating insect.

At the moment, there are still four monks left, one of whom is the natural patriarch who has been seriously injured and repeatedly vomited blood. One is an old Dong level figure in dongxiushan, and the other is a middle-aged monk dressed in rags and looks like a beggar. His face is covered with black color, which is dark and can't be seen clearly. One is hidden in a magic weapon of flying away like a white jade painted boat, We can't see the reality.


At this moment, seeing this scene, the four friars were shocked to the extreme.

"Hum!" Weisuo didn't stop at all. He started the hole empty footwork again, and in one step he got behind the middle-aged monk who was dressed in rags and looked like a beggar.


Suddenly, Weisuo felt an extremely dangerous breath. Instead of launching an attack, he immediately launched the Wushi sword Sutra with all his strength, forming a torrent of countless transparent flying swords."Hiss..." The friar, who was dressed in rags and looked like a beggar, suddenly burst into flames in his right hand. All of them turned into green flame and formed five green poisonous snakes shining with divine light. They actually went through the torrent of flying swords turned out by Weisuo and hit Weisuo on his body, flashing the silver light on Weisuo and flying backward.

"The master of the spirit snake sect is another patriarch!"

Weisuo's eyes twinkled. Though he was beaten upside down, his face was still very calm. This method is also a supreme secret skill. It is the treasure of the spirit snake sect. Only the master of the spirit snake sect can inherit it. Wei Suo has heard of it before. However, this supreme secret skill needs to be inspired by self damaging body. Although it is a supreme secret technique, he didn't have much interest at that time. Moreover, although the supreme secret law is worthy of its reputation, it even penetrates the defense of Wushi sword Sutra, but it is by him After Wushi sword was blocked, it hit him, but it only made his Qi and blood churn, and did not cause him any substantial damage.


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When the master of the spirit snake sect struck out, he already felt that Wei Suo's breath was stable and did not suffer any damage at all. Without any pause, his eyes flashed a resolute look, and his whole head burned into a green flame.

A green light rose up, and it broke through the blockade of the black divine pattern. Just a flash appeared outside the mask formed by the black divine pattern.


Yin Lihua exclaimed, the escape method that the master of the spirit snake sect is using at the moment is a kind of escape method that abandons the body. The speed of this escape method seems to be above Wei Suo's cave empty footwork. If the master of the spirit snake sect escaped, it would only reveal the true details of Weisuo and make Wei Suo's plan fail. The most important thing is that this person is very likely to spread the story of Linglong heaven. Then Huatian cult may infer that linglongtian and Weisuo are monks who steal Shenmu divine root.

"It's not so easy to run."

However, Wei Suo's face was still calm. As he stepped out, he immediately reached the edge of the black divine pattern. At the same time, a blood red light that rippled with the divine pattern shot out of his hand, just like jumping in the void, directly hit the green light transformed by the spirit of the spirit snake master.


The leader of the spirit snake sect screamed, and then the whole green light was beaten to fly ash by the destructive power.

"Do you know who we are? If you dare to kill so many of us, do you know what the consequences will be and what kind of shock will be caused? "The natural patriarch cried out in horror.

He and the remaining two friars could not break through Weisuo's prohibition of black divine pattern. Moreover, the monk who had inspired more than 1000 white ancient array flags had also fallen. He and the remaining two friars could not even break through the cracks in the space surrounding them.

"Who are you? Are you not the patriarch? " Weisuo looked at the natural patriarch and gave a sneer.

"You You can see who we are. How dare you "The patriarch of the nature clan was shocked and made an incredible sound.

"As monks of Dahua League, you dare to cover up your identity to kill me. It's understandable that I killed you. You are the enemy of the whole Dahua League. I will help the Dahua League get rid of you first." Wei Suo cold laughter, directly appeared behind the natural patriarch.

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"Ah In the startled voice of the natural patriarch, a thin dark gold sword light directly pierced the heart vein of the natural patriarch, who had little resistance, and killed him at one stroke.

"You did it on purpose You must have a elixir to improve your longevity, otherwise you can't hold on to the present without falling down. You are too poisonous! If you have killed so many of us, you will certainly not die well! " The friars in the white jade boat gave out a very bitter curse, "boom Then, the whole white jade boat exploded instantly and turned into a terrible flame, forming a huge light group in the air.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the monk tried to hide his identity, fearing that he might be implicated in the school, so he exploded the golden elixir directly from afar.

"Leave one alive!"

Weisseau let out a cry. At the moment, Linglong day has been forced to the last living monk, an old Dong level figure in dongxiushan.

Dongxiushan is just a small sect. Although there are monks in the later period of Jindan triple, there is no second great monk of Jindan in dongxiushan.

"I hate it so much!"

The old man also let out a cry of reluctance when he heard such a cry. All efforts toward Linglong day issued a bright multicolored light column.

"You call a ghost. If you don't call me, you may still be able to catch him. Maybe it won't be so hard." Linglong day again burst out gray light, blocking the multicolored light column, and yelled at Weisuo.

The power of this multicolored light column is very huge. Although Linglong sky can resist it, it is also purple light flashing, which is obviously not easy.

This Taoist method seems to have completely consumed the remaining spirit and spirit of the old antique. After stimulating the Taoist method, the remaining longevity yuan of the old antique was also exhausted, and the vitality was completely cut off."The fierce fighting here is sure to be found out. Let's get out of here first!"

Weisuo didn't stop at all. He put away all the monks' bodies and left the place quickly with the empty footwork of the cave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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