Path to Heaven

Chapter 827: 827

The qualification to listen to qibaomi's Zen sound is not based on cultivation, but on meritorious deeds. Therefore, all the disciples gathered on Daqiong peak are of different ages. There are teenagers in their twenties and elders in their 70s and 80s.

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"This guy is just a medium-sized man, he is so arrogant."

Wei Suo's divine consciousness repeatedly scanned and found that among the 700 disciples of Zhufeng, many of them were young disciples whose real bone age was no more than 30 years old, but they had already reached the dual level of Fen Nian realm. Among them, some of them were spiritual root monks. Among these people, the romantic young Dayu peak disciple could not be seen at all, but it was true to think of his words and deeds before Is to let Weisuo only in the heart sneer.

The super large sect has the advantages of super large sect. It can have a stable training environment and certain spiritual stone guarantee. However, in terms of merit and virtue sect, a large number of resources are still concentrated on the true disciples and elders. If there is no special opportunity, most of the disciples of Zhufeng have become the cornerstone, and a lot of time has to be spent working for the sect Go ahead.

This kind of environment is like hundreds of relatively stable, no dangerous small-scale cities, which hold up dozens of large-scale cities, allowing large-scale cities to emerge in large numbers and protect the safety of these hundreds of small-scale cities. However, the cultivation and development of the monks in hundreds of small-scale cities are also virtually restrained.

Maybe many of the young disciples who have already reached the fenniang realm can not be appreciated and become true disciples. They will stay in fennianjing all their lives.

A moment later, more than ten figures came from a mountain in the distance. Most of them were old people with white hair. Wei Suo glanced quietly. Among them, four of them were in the period of golden elixir, one was a monk in the later period of golden elixir, and the other three were Jindan Yizhong.

According to Wei Suo's understanding of gongdezong, these old people are not the outstanding ones among the former zhenzhuan disciples, but the relatively common ones among the zhenzhuan disciples who have worked for the sect without falling down. These people have no special experience, and they are not much different. They just follow the steps, and they have completed the normal cultivation of each realm and spent a hundred years of normal cultivation To the golden elixir.

This group of old people landed in front of the square. One of them, the Yellow robed old man at the later stage of the golden elixir double, said in a concise and comprehensive way, "we will connect you to qibaomi place immediately. Remember that you can't get any sound all the way. You're not allowed to communicate with each other or perform any magic arts. Otherwise, you will be disqualified from listening to Zen Music in qibaomi and will be severely punished according to the circumstances."

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"All the disciples boarded the boat." After seeing that all the disciples were afraid to come out, the old man with white hair in yellow robes reached out and a white haze rushed out of his hand and turned into a big white boat.

The whole white ship is very large, holding more than ten thousand people. It is covered with various patterns of Baolian and Baoman.

The white ship made many disciples look amazing, but it was nothing to Weisuo, because judging from the aura power of the white ship, the white ship was huge, but at most it was just a magic weapon of the inferior level.

Wei Suo just quietly followed the disciples of the surrounding peaks and boarded the boat.

The old man in yellow robe and the rest of the old people did not have any nonsense, and did not remind them of anything. After all the disciples boarded the boat, the old man in yellow robe reached out and rowed. The white boat made a roaring sound of void. It glided over the sea of clouds and made a rapid journey towards the middle of the Gongde sect.

A moment later, the white ship was shocked and passed through a glass like transparent light curtain.


Many people inhale at the same time, dare not make any sound, but the inspiration sound is loud.

"Gongdezong, a super sect with thousands of years of history, is really amazing. The so-called gongdezong mountain is just one of the 33 hills "Weisuo could not help but squint his eyes and feel a little shocked in his heart.

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There are 33 hills in this glass like transparent light curtain.

These 33 peaks are completely different from the surrounding peaks. Each peak is forbidden to emit various kinds of Grand Buddha light, forming various different directions. Most of the Grand Buddha light emitted on the top of the mountain will disperse all the surrounding clouds to form various images.

Some of the Buddha light that covers the whole mountain top form a huge lotus terrace and a huge pagoda, while others form various Taoist and Buddha statues.

There is a strong breath in the light of Buddha on each mountain. Although it is far away, Wei Suo can feel the spirit and mystery in many Buddhist lights. It is obvious that most of these prohibitions are left behind by the power of the divine.

The overall appearance of several mountain peaks is very amazing. One of them is a golden mountain, which is carved into a huge golden Buddha on all sides. The Golden Buddha's body is filled with numerous caves, including the residence of monks and the statue of Buddha.

At the top of a mountain, above the middle of the mountain, a huge blue hall was carved. The light on the hall formed a green lotus. This green lotus has this aura. Compared with the golden Giant Buddha, it is obviously another kind of inheritance."That mountain top should be one of the most important places for gongdezong besides the seven treasures. It may also be the place where the Scriptures are stored." Weisuo concentrated around, 33 of the mountains, a yellow hill attracted his attention. There are many temples on this yellow hill, which are hidden among many towering ancient trees. The Buddha light on this mountain top is colorful. In his perception, there seems to be a strong power of the law of the road in the prohibition of this mountain top. Compared with the prohibition of other mountains, it seems to be much stronger. At least, it has the strongest supernatural power, in which he engraves his own divine patterns 。

The old man on the white boat seemed to have known that this group of disciples had such a reaction, and did not say anything at all. They just carried on with the white boat.

Weisuo's brow was locked unconsciously. Now he is very clear about the location of the seven treasures. He is facing a peak with seven kinds of treasure flowers. However, among the 33 peaks, there are all kinds of Buddha light reflecting through. Even if a bird flies through it, it is difficult to hide his hidden things. If you want to sneak into the seven treasures, you can't hide your hidden things It's extremely difficult to steal the fruit of mango in the dense land. Even if Linglong day has the ability to break all the prohibitions, it is too slim to be found in such a large area. Unless only people will be Linglong days into the seven treasures around, and then she secretly hands, it is possible to get.

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A moment later, the white ship landed on the hill that weisseau had already secretly identified.

On the outside, the mountain looks solemn, with seven kinds of precious flowers blooming in the void, but inside it is very simple, with ordinary Qingshi mountain roads, old trees and withered vines, and even a little similar to xiaolinggu.

This gives Weisuo the feeling that the Buddhist light prohibition of this mountain was added by later monks. The whole mountain has a very ethereal and secluded feeling, which is somewhat incompatible with the breath of Buddha light.

He secretly observed the landform and topography, but the landform of the top of the mountain where the seven treasures are located is very common, which is a common stone mountain with a long history.

"Follow us." The old man who put up the white boat was very serious. After saying this, the more than ten old people led the way to the back of the mountain, but they came to an open valley.

A gravel path into the valley, the whole valley, is a plain courtyard general, there is a small pond, surrounded by some blue rubble.

In front of the pond, there is a pine monastery, surrounded by some pine cypress and bodhi trees. The whole valley has no rest, just like an ordinary hermit.

"These zhenzhuan disciples and elders have occupied most of the positions!"

Many of the disciples of Zhufeng who came into this open valley with Weisuo could not help thinking of injustice and depression. Because there were already more than 700 monks gathered in the valley. At the moment, there were all monks sitting around the pine wood monastery, including the bluestone beside the pond.

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And the place close to the Zen temple, there is no room for people. Now even if you choose a place to sit, it is estimated that you can't even see the appearance of the Zen sound wooden fish in the Zen temple.

The more than ten white haired old men did not speak, but made a gesture to indicate that Wei Suo, a group of later ordinary disciples, could choose their own place to sit. At present, almost all the disciples of Zhufeng rushed forward, and did not dare to make any voice to rush forward and strive for a place close to the Zen temple.

But Weisuo was not anxious. He glanced at the scene around him.

There was a strong breath in the Zen hall, which made him feel shocked. It was obviously the breath of a great power of God and Xuan. It must be that the present master of merit and virtue was also in it. According to the records on Mingde and Daying peak, the Shenxuan Daneng, who left the wooden fish with Zen sound, is the strongest one in the history of Gongde sect. It is infinitely close to the true immortal. The supernatural power must be far ahead of the present one. Therefore, the present Gongde patriarch is also close to and wants to understand the mystery of Zen sound.

It seems that there is an inexplicable aura in the temple itself, which makes people's divine sense become illusory. In addition to feeling the strong breath of the master of merit and virtue, Wei Suo could not feel clearly how many old Dong level figures could threaten him. There is no figure of Mingde outside the temple, and Wei Suo can't feel whether he is inside or not.

He quickly looked at the north side of the bottom of the valley. He knew that there was a ban on eye blocking in that area. The fruit should be after that place. But judging from the current situation, all the leaders of Gongde sect were present. If there was no special accident, he would not be able to sneak past and get the fruit himself.

Then he swept around and immediately saw the place on the picture that Zhang Yun gave himself. The place was not far away from where he was now, just in front of him on his left side, at the edge of the valley bottom, there was an old low yellow bodhi tree, and under it was a frog like, rugged, mossy stone with many weeds.

All the later disciples tried their best to sit forward. No one wanted to sit there. Weisuo didn't need to fight with anyone. He shook his head and pretended that he was robbed of all the front. He could not sit down. He sat on the uneven stone. The bodhi tree above was low and almost touched his head. It was not comfortable to sit in this , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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