Path to Heaven

Chapter 850: 850

In Weisuo's heart vessel and orifices, it is like a void. Originally, a huge golden elixir was suspended like a star.

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At this moment, beside this huge golden elixir, another golden elixir is born.

This is just metaplasia, still a little hazy, not completely sit solid, non-stop violent vibration.

, every violent concussion of this golden Dan is a communication between heaven and earth, which has brought an astonishing air and vitality, which makes the essence of life and essence of life in the Wei Su body condense.

Wei Su's original golden Dan, just like the water absorption of the long whale, absorbed the essence and essence, and immediately changed.

"Click!" "Click!"

at the same time, the first piece of his body had been broken into many small pieces of Miao tree fragments. Under the amazing flow of Qi and blood and the impact of vitality, all of them turned into aura. The first piece of wonderful tree fragment he got was completely refined.

But without any pause, he immediately took out several elixirs from the old antiques that surrounded him and could be quickly refined, and swallowed them.

The Five Secrets of the immortal root finally turned into double golden elixirs. Although the light system of the holy fruit transformed the amazing vitality of heaven and earth into pure aura, even so, he had the feeling that his body would be completely drained by the two golden elixirs.

"He is not illuminated by Purdue! He's practicing some secret art! "

At this time, Mingde and Zhantai Linglan finally responded.

Although I don't know what Weisuo is doing at the moment, they have already felt the amazing heaven and earth energy continuously pouring into the indestructible bottle, which makes people feel like a God King is born out of cocoon.

"Ah! Stop him Minder screamed in horror. At the moment, he seems to have lost so much that he can't even use his skills and magic weapons. He just yells at Zhantai Linglan and asks Zhantai Linglan to make a move.

Zhantai Linglan's face was very ugly. His hands kept bouncing. Ten space cracks were spreading in front of him. It looked like ten crystal like lightning, hitting towards the indestructible bottle.

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At this time, without Purdue's divine light, Linglong day had no scruples, and directly appeared outside the indestructible clean bottle. Her body was full of gray aura, and ten crystal like lightning waves rippling with horrible breath were directly annihilated in front of her.

"Ah! Indeed, they have not been moderated

"Poof!" With a sound, Mingde's face was almost twisted, and a mouthful of blood came out.

His mind was really unbearable. Countless secret arts were in front of him. He thought he could get them by hand, but all of a sudden, everything disappeared in front of his eyes, and the other party was safe and sound.


There was a sudden and violent shock in the void of the whole immortal bottle.

Weisuo's power of Zhenyuan was greatly improved in the immortal jar, and entered a new realm. After his two golden elixirs had been shaken for many times in an instant, they were completely seated in his heart vessel and orifices. The two huge golden elixirs were in harmony with each other, just like the sun and the moon.

Double gold pill!

The Five Secrets of the immortal root are completely cultivated, and the double golden elixir is finally condensed.

Moreover, at the moment, his two golden elixirs are extremely huge. Under the internal vision, the rays of the golden elixirs fill his body like substance. The walls of the two golden elixirs seem to become very thin. Inside the golden elixir, countless brilliance surges, sending out a mysterious and mysterious breath. It seems that there is something bigger and more amazing that is about to come into being.

Originally, Wei Suo's cultivation was moving towards the middle of the five levels of the golden elixir. But now, not only has he achieved double gold elixir, but his cultivation has also crossed the middle stage of the five fold golden elixir. At the later stage of the five fold golden elixir, there is only one step away from the peak of the five fold golden elixir!

Endless waves of God are surging in the body, and the divine consciousness becomes more powerful. An extremely strong feeling fills the body. It seems that a mountain can be broken by every move.

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At this time, the golden mask, which had been covered with countless cracks, suddenly trembled and made a broken sound.

The prohibition of the arrangement of the magic weapons left by the Taoist in the void has finally come to a breaking point.


Wei Suo with just a breakthrough in the cultivation momentum, never out of the bottle step out.

"Ah! How can you live in the low-end Pudu God light! Why Why... " Minder, completely out of his usual manner, cried out.

Obviously, Wei Suofei did not suffer any damage, and his cultivation was greatly improved. His breath was totally overwhelming, which made him feel that he could not resist.

"A wise man has a thousand worries, and there must be a failure. Even if it is a true immortal's cultivation, it can't completely deduce all the changes, let alone a person of your level." Weisuo looks at Mingde coldly.

"How can you suddenly improve your cultivation so much! Go

Zhantai Linglan also completely changed his face. He only felt that Wei Suo's breath had reached a terrible level. He did not stop at all. He reached out a little and offered a sacrifice to the empty golden gourd, which covered him and Mingde."Ah! I'm not willing to You can escape this robbery Mingde lost to the extreme, almost crazy. This time, he made countless designs, and even lost two of his original merits and virtues. On the contrary, he made Weisuo's wedding dress. On the contrary, he helped Weisuo get the tathixumi, Mahayana's Dharma sound, as well as the holy fruit.

"This is your choice. Even if you can escape today, I will surely kill you in the future." Weisuo looked at Mingde and Zhantai Linglan and said calmly. At the moment, Zhantai Linglan responded very quickly, and directly offered sacrifices to the empty golden Hu to escape. However, the golden light mask had not yet completely collapsed. He could not play the ancient emperor's art of seizing soldiers. It was estimated that it would be difficult to intercept Mingde and Zhantai Linglan.

"Don't be proud! Even if I didn't succeed, you couldn't escape this time! It must fall Minder growled.

Then, he and the ugly Zhantai Linglan flashed and disappeared into the empty golden gourd, and the empty golden gourd immediately disappeared into the void and disappeared without trace.

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The golden mask that sealed Weisuo and Linglong sky also cracked completely at this time, turned into a strip of golden streamer, disappeared in the void.

"If there were no empty gold gourd, these two guys would be dead this time!" Linglong days gnashing teeth, see the other side in the eye to escape, let her very depressed.


Weisuo also has no nonsense. After taking a look at the direction, he directly launches the cave empty footwork and flees from here with Linglong Tian.

All the powers of Shenxuan four times cultivation may not have the magic power to break through the void. At the moment, he can't deal with such magic weapons as the empty golden gourd.

What's more, Mingde's last roar made him a little suspicious. Mingde said that he would not be able to escape this time. He must have fallen. It seems that there is still something amazing about him.

"The Five Secrets of Xiangen are indeed the supreme secret arts. It's no wonder that people of Linglong heaven are amazed." Wei Suo even displays the hole empty footwork, the heart also can't help but send out such exclamation.

A single spirit root monk will have a stronger sense of the same energy when he uses the same skill. But now he, the immortal root, has a greater perception of all kinds of vitality than the heavenly root. Even the skill of launching the hole empty footwork, his power has been strengthened. Previously, when he used the hole empty step method, he stepped out one step at a time, which was about ten miles away, but now he stepped out step by step It can reach a distance of 123 miles.

At the moment, his later cultivation of the golden elixir is extremely huge. The total amount of the real yuan is almost twice that of the previous five times of the golden elixir!

With the improvement of cultivation and the benefits of the fairy root, at the moment, his power of other skills is probably at least 20% to 30% more powerful than before.

"Boy, you are not tempered! Your accomplishments have been improved so much that you have become the Five Secrets of Xiangen! " After more than 30 times of hole empty footwork, Weisuo called out the old man with green robe. As soon as the old man in green felt Weisuo's breath at the moment, he immediately responded.

"Boy, if you had Mahayana's Dharma sound in hand before, you should have been invincible among the golden elites. Now you have cultivated the Five Secrets of Xiangen, cultivated the double golden elixir, and then broke through the later cultivation of the five levels of the golden elixir. If you use the skills of dati Xumi and lieincomplete incomplete moon, your power will be almost the same as that of the monks of Shenxuan. With Linglong heaven, ordinary supernatural powers should not threaten you at all. "

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"The cultivation of the master of gongdezong must be above Su Shenxue, at least the triple cultivation of Shenxuan, and it may even be the four fold cultivation of Shenxuan, just like Wang Wuwu. If he intercepts us, we may not be able to deal with it

"With so many water demon pills and miraculous drugs on you, you should be able to reach the five peaks of the golden elixir, and you can start to prepare to break through the Shenxuan."

"These miraculous medicines and other things I have now may enable me to reach the five peaks of the golden elixir. However, if the double golden elixir wants to break through the double Shenxuan, the amount of aura required must be amazing. I'm afraid that I have to prepare at least twice as much as what I have in my body before I can be sure to impact the Divine mystery."

"Ah The higher the level of skill, the more powerful it is. However, it is more difficult to break through. At least twice as many things as you have now. This amount is really amazing. You must prepare for it for a long time

Weisuo kept on using the empty footwork of the cave, and walked toward the northern direction of Yunling continent. This place is located outside the sky dome on the northwest side of Yunling continent. It is 50000 li away from the sky and at least millions of miles away from Haixian city. According to Weisuo's idea, he first uses the hole empty footwork to get to a certain city in the sky, and then transfers to Haixian city through the transmission array, and then tries to meet Ji Ya and others.

"Is that?"

Under the continuous launching hole empty footwork, Weisuo and linglongtian have quickly escaped from a distance of 7000 Li. But at this time, they suddenly see a blue light column falling from a void one or two thousand miles away from their left.

"Sanqing strides over the empty platform!"

Almost immediately they could see what the blue column of light suddenly fell from the void.

Two huge breath, from that place concussion and come out, even a distance of one or two thousand miles of Weisuo and Linglong days are immediately perceived."Gongde Zong and Dengxian Zong!"

This one of the breath, for Linglong day is not strange, and Weisuo is not strange to these two breath. They changed their faces in an instant.

Their eyesight is far beyond ordinary people. At the moment when they feel the breath, they can see that there are four people exposed in the fading blue light column. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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