Path to Heaven

Chapter 958: 958

Wei Suo paid no attention to Jin huangnv and others. A crystal jar with amazing immortal charm was revealed by Linglong Tian's hand, and then it was handed over to Weisuo.

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At the same time, Linglong heaven swept forward more than ten Zhang, blocking Wei Suo's body.


The empty space vibrates, and the incomplete moon that Weisuo made breaks into pieces directly, just like the roar of the God King. The red divine light is suddenly pressed back to the body of Linglong heaven.


Linglong day's body appeared a layer of gray light, but in an instant was hit a scream, fly upside down, the body appeared a lot of cracks, the whole body seems to break open.

"What man! It can resist the power strike of the magic Rune of the divine realm Seeing this scene, Jin huangnv and others suddenly flashed such thoughts in their minds.


But at this time, to the horror of Jin huangnu and others, Wei Suo was solemn and solemn, and his mysterious breath burst to the extreme, just like a star suddenly exploded.

"Immortal tears" small pot emitting annihilation of all the crystal light, such as the Dharma sound in the road.

A round of grey and black crescent moon like the ancient magic moon and a huge white Xumi mountain are revealed at the same time. A startling white water wave and a piece of ordinary looking rotten wood are hit at the same time.

Weisuo instantly broke out his strongest fighting power, hit Luo Feng!

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"It's a real fairy

"How could he have a real immortal in his hand?"

"How could he play such two tricks at the same time?"

"How could he burst out such a battle force, so that the magic symbols in the divine realm would collapse completely, and counterattack the divine power would annihilate everything. This man is completely crazy!"

At this moment, the gold queen daughter, the hidden God xuandaneng wearing bronze pure gold robes, and the four holy King friars wearing bright red refined gold and black iron vestments, all changed their colors completely, and each thought roared violently.

"Ah "Ah "Ah

But these people have no other choice at all. They all scream with horror and try their best to play their strongest fighting power.


Just like the sudden disintegration of the heaven and earth, Luo Feng's spirit of contempt for everything suddenly disappeared and became extremely violent in an instant.

After being partially offset by Linglong heaven, all the red divine patterns suddenly cracked and turned into a sea of red divine fire. The air in the void in front of him was instantly burnt out and became a vacuum. In front of all the people, only a full of red, wipe all the divine power of instant pressure to.


Wearing bright red pure gold robes and black iron robes, the two monks of the holy King's sect burst into pieces with a brilliant rain of flowers and a piece of blue divine light. They just uttered a scream, and they were drowned in the red that wiped out everything.

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"Ah! Extremely Yin God, you madman

The hidden God Xuanda Neng, dressed in bronze and gold robes, screamed wildly. In front of him, there was a triangle of colorful ancient jade, together with his amber divine power. In front of him, a unique glass world was formed. It seemed that there were countless crystal flowers constantly disappearing in front of him. But just in a flash, the glass world of this side also disintegrated in an instant. The red Shenhui suppressed him, tore up the brilliance of his pure gold robe, and constantly smashed the mysterious vitality from his body, beating his body back and forth, shaking out pieces of flesh and vitality, and being burned to fly ash.

"Who are you! The real immortal has fallen into your hands! " The golden princess looked at Weisuo and let out a fierce roar. Countless gold and silver patterns were seen from her spirit, forming countless peacock feather like brilliance. Around her body, she was able to resist the red light that wiped out everything temporarily.

However, she was also held in the air by the five power of the Dharma Realm, unable to move at all.


But in an instant, she uttered a cry of utterance, and the gold and silver patterns outside her body began to crack layer by layer. A stream of mysterious vitality of the God of the stock gushed from countless orifices of her body, but it could not stop the crack of the divine lines outside her body.

"You madman

She had to scream hysterically, because at the other side, Weisuo blocked the crystal clear "immortal tears" small pot in front of her, and Weisuo had already put on the iron lotus uniform which was the star of the universe. At the moment, the red light was constantly washing up, and the crystal clear "immortal tears" small pot was ringing. Although it was impossible to break the "immortal tears" small pot, it also caused the bright moon like light from the holy iron lotus battle suit to shatter. A strong power impact made Weisuo's body unable to bear. He kept coughing up blood, and the blood in his body seemed to vomit up In this instant, his body began to crack, cracks appeared, and it seems that he will fall completely.


The crystal clear "fairy tears" jar again violently shakes, "drink!" But when he took a big gulp of blood again, Weisuo let out a low drink, and a powerful force burst out in front of him.At the same time, the pressure slightly light Weisuo did not have any hesitation, the body's true element flow to the extreme. "Hum!" A gray black crescent moon and a huge white mountain of Xumi were revealed again, shaking the earth and sky, and the town was in front of him.


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The red light sweeping in front of him finally cracked The crystal clear "immortal tears" small pot was also directly pressed on Weisuo's body. The glory of Weisuo's iron lotus battle suit was greatly destroyed. Although it was still not damaged, the body inside Weisuo, which was full of cracks, was completely cracked, and the whole chest completely disappeared. Countless flesh and blood and Yuan Qi were all turned into fly ash.

"Ah! Madman

The Golden Princess cried out in despair, and all the divine lines outside her body were also cracked. Large groups of Shenxuan yuan Qi came out of her body, and could not stop the red light from rolling over. "Shua!" Immediately, she was also submerged in the red light.

"Pa!" The remaining two king salamanders were also affected. The demon Dan and body of one king were all burst open. Only the remaining king of Xuanxuan could resist the collapse of the red light. A mouthful of white blood gushed out from the two heads of the king like magma, even bringing out fragments of internal organs.

Wei Su is very miserable as the ancient emperor's corpse, but in the air he is forced to live. The essence of a stock life is revealed from the roots of God, and his body is restored at an amazing speed.

"Well? It hasn't fallen yet? She has already carved divine patterns in her body... "

Weisuo glanced at it, and saw that the ancient wood and snow within hundreds of miles had disappeared completely, and the ground was covered with flying ash. Luo Feng and the other three of shengwangzong had turned into three shoals of debris. The smart Tianzheng flying out of the rear of Weisuo came back, and the golden emperor's daughter fell nearly a thousand feet behind Wei Suo's back, and her body was completely broken After thorough like rags, full of holes, but it has not completely fallen, there is still life. Weisuo saw at a glance that there were gold and silver in the body of the golden princess, which made her body like a broken magic weapon carcass.


Weisuo reached out a little, and first pointed the "immortal tears" small pot to Linglong heaven, so that Linglong day could not be put away, so that the breath of Jidao immortal soldiers would not be perceived. Immediately, he did not have any stop, first swept to the top of the golden princess.

"Who are you! It's so vicious. Use us to help you resist the power of the divine realm

"The real fairy is in your hands! Don't be complacent. My holy King clan will not let you go, and the fire domain God King will not let you go! "

"I can't believe that I have been the only one to calculate people in my whole life. Today, I've been schemed by you!"

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But before Weisuo could speak, the golden princess had already let out a series of low growls, "pa!" She didn't want to hear Weisuo's answer at all. After making these roars, her whole divine consciousness suddenly cracked and her whole head was completely turned into a mass of flying ash.

"There is a secret method of self destruction of divine consciousness!" Linglong day flies back, her appearance is not very sad, only her body has a lot of laceration like wounds, is rapidly recovering. "This secret method, even if you use the magic method to stop her from dying. It seems that even if we capture the high-level monks of this sect, we can't extract anything useful from them. "

"Although this man is a nun, they are so determined, but they want to kill us first, and we are not to blame. At least we can be sure that there should be no problem in carving divine patterns with my current cultivation of flesh Weisuo frowned and swept away his divine sense. At the moment, all the magic weapons on the four monks of the holy King's sect were all broken, and all the treasure bags were gone. Even the gold and silver patterns in the body of the golden princess were disappearing, and there was nothing valuable.


After a slight twinkle of vision, Weisuo made a brilliant display and completely smashed the remains of the four friars into flying ash.

"Is this the ancient treasure that can hold the knapsack?"

When they reach the top of the wreckage of Luo Feng, Wei Suo and Linglong Tian are all flashing their eyes. This young man, who has only achieved accomplishments in Shenhai realm, is relying on the power of the God King of the fire domain. He kills people and goods all the way. His body and all the other magic weapons in his body have disappeared. But among the ashes, there is an ancient treasure in the shape of a seven layer pagoda. It looks like the material of gray ceramics, but there is a faint void inside The breath of emptiness is obviously an ancient treasure of emptiness and nabao.

"This is an ancient mustard pagoda. Although it has been damaged, it can still be used." Linglong Tian directly took this thing in his hand and said this to Weisuo, but his eyes flashed directly, and he carefully explored whether there was any prohibition left over by this thing.


Weisuo nodded and presented the old picture of the young man in Chinese clothes and went to the young man in Chinese clothes and the king of the newt who had been so badly damaged that he could not get up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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