[The Birth of Hallowed Sacred Treasure]

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While sighing at Arca and co who were gloomily huddling together while holding their knees, we set out for the volcanic island—Magrid.

Fortunately, I could use Vermillion Bird Form since I was just carrying two people, so we were able to fly in the sky several times faster than usual and reach Magrid before the sky turned red.

This being the case, we should be able to return to the village faster.

I mean, the three left at the village would be sulking if we took too long.

Let’s buy them some souvenirs later.

Anyways, we immediately descended to the entrance of the temple.


After we did, a familiar woman in shrine maiden outfit ran over in our direction as if surprised.

――It’s Kaya-san.

“Long time no see, Kaya-san.”

“L-long time no see… W-why are you here…? And that getup…”

I said with a smile to calm Kaya-san who seemed confused, “Ahaha, things happened. Now I’m traveling with the saintesses.”


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“Yes. I’m Zana, the ‘Bow’ Saintess. Pleasure to meet you, Kaya-san.”

“I’m Tirna, the ‘Fist’ Saintess. Let’s get along, Kaya.”

“Y-yes. I am Kaya, the shrine maiden here in Magrid. It is my honor to be your acquaintance, Zana-sama, Tirna-sama.” Kaya bowed respectfully.

I then immediately told her our purpose of coming here, “So, about the reason why we came here, we were hoping to meet Fire God-sama, so if possible…”

“I see. Now this place also functions as a temple for worshipping Fire God-sama, so you don’t need the permission of the mayor. As such, please follow me, I will show you the way.” Kaya-san smiled.

“Yes, thank you!” We all bowed to her.

◇ ◇

Meanwhile, around that time.

Dwarven Village, Nazarie’s workshop—the inspection of the ‘Sacred Treasure’ left by Hesperios was underway.


The Saintesses, including Nazarie, were all staring at the staff-shaped Sacred Treasure placed on the desk.

“If I remember correctly, that guy said that it was a ‘weapon that surpasses the Holy Armaments bestowed upon the demi-humans’, wasn’t it? Then does that mean it was made by the demi-humans?” Arcadia asked.

Nazarie answered, “I couldn’t say. But I don’t remember us dwarves ever making such a weapon. To begin with, even dwarves can’t make anything like this.”

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“Even you who are called ‘Matchless Genius’ is incapable of making it?” Magmell tilted her head.

“Yeah, it’s impossible for me. If there’s anyone who could make something like this, then it must be a ‘god’.”

When Nazarie shrugged her shoulders, Ophir curiously looked at the Sacred Treasure and said, “Hmm, so this thing was made by a god?”

“That’s such a simple line of thinking…” Magmell gave her an exasperated look.

“No,” Arcadia shook her head with an inscrutable look on her face and said, “that may not necessarily be wrong. Of the six great gods including the Goddess of Creation, we ourselves have already met with four… no, three strictly speaking. Given that they actually exist, it wouldn’t weird for there to be a weapon that’s filled with their power.”

“You have a point, but… would any of the goddesses really make such a sinister thing?” Magmell asked.

Ophir shrugged, “Who knows. But the goddess of thunder is a pretty bad news, ain’t she? It’s possible that she’s the one who made it, don’t cha think?”

“Well, there’s the fact that she governs over ‘destruction’, too. We can’t rule out that possibility. So, what should we do with this thing?”

When Arcadia brought up the question, Nazarie folded her arms and racked her brains. “That’s the problem. We can’t leave such a dangerous thing in the village. That said, we have no way to destroy it either,” she looked at Magmell and continued, “Why don’t you use it? I mean, you both are ‘Staff’ Saints, right?”

“Please don’t lump me together with such a vile person. Besides, I already have this staff. I have no need of this sort of sinister weapon.” Magmell said while pointing out her Holy Staff at the Sacred Treasure but,



At that moment, her Holy Staff was wrapped in a pale light.

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“O-oi, don’t cast yer Magic Art in this kind of place!?”

“I-I’d never do something like that!? This is not my doing!?”

Magmell apparently didn’t put in any magical power into it.

What on earth was going on, then?

Before all the dumbfounded girls, the Holy Staff turned into small, glittering particles of light.

“T-the Holy Staff is…!?”

Then, leaving Magmell’s hand, the particles flew to the Sacred Treasure that was still lying on the desk, and disappeared into it as if sucked in.




The Sacred Treasure suddenly emitted a blinding radiance, causing everyone to squint.

After the light subsided, what appeared before their eyes was a staff floating in the air while giving off a divine glow.

“T-this is…” Magmell was confused.

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“Could it be that they’ve fused…?” Arcadia asked.

Nazarie shook her head, “No, ‘have returned to their original form’ should be a better way to put it… By taking in the Holy Staff, the sinisterness plaguing the Sacred Treasure has been completely purified…”

“Haha, I don’t really get it, but in short, the Holy Staff has powered up, ‘ight? Then that’s all that matters, ain’t it? C’mon, take it.”


Urged by Ophir, Magmell timidly grasped the staff floating in the air with both hands.

“—!?” Magmell opened her eyes wide at that moment, feeling the unprecedented strength of the staff.

“Looks like it’s really powered up. Well, it’s something that was originally difficult to dispose of, so it’d be great if we can put it to good use, but… this situation is really unexpected.” Nazarie said.

Magmell agreed, “I-indeed… I was surprised myself…”

“But this makes it clear. We can get more power with the Sacred Treasures. Of course, it’s unknown if other Sacred Treasures exist, but at least the ‘staff’ did. The other types likely do as well. Probably in the hands of the other saints, that is,” Arcadia said.

“Ha, then all we gotta do is to beat ‘em all in one go!” Ophir laughed boldly, but then she seemed to have noticed something.

“Come to think of it,” She pointed at Magmell’s staff and said, “what do we call this thing? It’s a Sacred Treasure that’s been purified by the Holy Staff, right? So, ‘Hallowed Sacred Treasure’?”

Nazarie disagreed, “No, the ‘Staff’ would be missing, then. Well, it would be okay to use it as a general term. Since this is the staff version, then it should be called—‘Hallowed Sacred Staff’.”

“Hallowed Sacred Staff…” Murmuring the words as if ruminating, Magmell swallowed her saliva while looking at her new staff—‘Hallowed Sacred Staff’.

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