《Extra》13: Forbidden Potion 1

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One day when the reconstruction in each country was progressing smoothly.

Called over by Nazarie, I visited her workshop in the dwarf village by myself.

“Huh?! The pig was executed?!”

Hearing the unexpected news, I was shocked and froze, mouth agape.


“May get executed. Don’t just go write people off as dead.”

“O-oh, so he’s still alive… you really surprised me there…” After patting my chest, I asked Nazarie, “So, why is he getting executed? Yeah, he didn’t participate in the final battle, but we’ve already fought alongside each other for so long, and you two are treated as heroes of the village, aren’t you?”

“Well, we are, but that fatty went and violated the village’s ‘taboo’ of all things.”

“Violated the village’s taboo… why would he do something so stupid?”

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I crossed my arms wondering what the hell was on his mind, but Nazarie looked at me with half-closed eyes and said, “Well, it’s true that the fatty smuggled it out, but you were the one who used the forbidden potion, weren’t you?”


What is she talking about?

I don’t recall ever using any forbidden potion… hold on, forbidden potion?!

At that moment, what came to my mind was the figure of myself approaching Exa with seducing voice that I couldn’t believe was made by me after downing the dubious recovery potion in one of the rooms in 《God’s Garden》.

Yes, it was caused by the ‘Transcendental Super Aphrodisiac’ that the pig had given me for emergency use.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh?!” Having connected the dots, I involuntarily held my head in my hands.

It made me remember a memory that I had finally forgotten after trying so hard to forget it.

B-because of that thing… I… I…?!

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Higiii?! I almost exploded from embarrassment, but I barely managed to stop myself somehow. I asked Nazarie, “So, you’re saying that the pig was captured because of me…?”

“Well, in a sense, yes, but it was he who brought it out even though he knew it was taboo. Don’t blame yourself.”

“Even if you tell me not to…”

I was the one who actually used it…

And thanks to it we were able to escape from the 《God’s Garden》, too…

W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what to do?! I held my head again, and Nazarie reluctantly sighed and said, “Well, dying once will likely do that fatty good, but he’s still an old friend of mine, so I’m morally obligated to ask you to help him.”

“Y-you mean I can help the pig?”

“Mhm,” Nazarie nodded to my hesitant question and said, “You are a ‘saintess’ after all. And, you’re also the wife of the Savior. And on top of all that, you have a natural talent when it comes to pretending to be an innocent and pure woman. It’s safe to say you’re the only one who can save him.”

“Huh? That’s a compliment, right?”

But it didn’t make me happy at all…

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“But of course. After all, to save that fatty, we have to put on an act. The more natural you can act, the better our odds of success.”

“…Okay, I see your point.”

“Mhm. I’d like you to convince the chief and the elders, but before we get to that, how much do you know about the potion?”


All I know is that it’s a potion with a funny name: ‘Transcendental Super Aphrodisiac’…

Though its effect is nothing to laugh at… hold on, no way I’m explaining that?!

Anything but that?!

“From your complexion, it seems that you know the effect is dangerous.”

Oh no, she found out… I smiled self-derisively with a distant look on my face, and Nazarie folded her arms and said, “It’s true that the potion will enhance the sexual desire to an extraordinary degree once ingested, but it is extremely poisonous for nature. That’s why it hasn’t been disposed of, and instead locked away deep in the treasury as a forbidden item.”

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“Hmm, then don’t you guys use it instead? It should prove useful for couples who have lost their spark, right?”

“Mhm. As you say, they were originally distributed to the villagers with that use in mind. But the day after using it, the husbands all became burned out and afraid of women.”


Just how exploited were they…? I cringed, but then something suddenly came to my mind, “Ah, I see…” and I said while, again, holding my head, “Exa was able to endure because he has inexhaustible energy…”

“Mhm. Therefore, if you managed to persuade the chief and the elders, I think they’ll ask you to take all the remaining potions… isn’t that great?”


What, you can’t throw them away, so you want me to use them all?

Great, my ass?!

I’d be the one burned out?!

Of course, I couldn’t stop myself from retorting inwardly.

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