《Extra》28: Plainness is the Greatest Weapon

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On a certain day when the world had recovered considerably.

I’d received a rare message from Terra-sama: “I would like to ask for your advice.” So alone, I paid a visit to the World Tree where she was waiting.


“Um, am I… plain?”


That was the first thing that came out of her mouth, making me reflexively stare at her in a daze.

Are you actually messing with me? You have such a big pair of assets hanging off you, and you call yourself plain? As I was pissed off inwardly, Terra-sama, completely oblivious, continued, “I never put any makeup on, and I think I’m far from Exa’s taste.”

…No, with those breasts alone, I’m certain you fit right in his taste, you know?

Just look at the astonishing big-breasted and small-breasted ratio of his wives.

He may never say it out loud, but he absolutely loves big breasts.

Haa… I wanted to go back already, but since she had asked, I tried my best to pretend to be calm and said, “Uhm, so in short, you want to be fashionable?”

“Rather than fashionable, I would put it to have a little more ‘individuality’. Compared to the other goddesses, I feel like I’m a bit too plain.”

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“I see. So, you can’t help but end up feeling overshadowed.”

“Yes. I have never been the assertive type. However, now that I have decided to walk alongside him as his wife, if possible, I want him to love me as much as—no, more than everyone else…” Terra-sama blushed shyly.

Staring at her with dead eyes, I wondered if I should let her know that her worry would go away if she just told Exa that.

Yeah, she might look a little plain compared to the other goddesses, but her breasts were huge, and her thin dress made various parts of her almost visible temptingly. In the first place, just the fact that she wore no panties was more than enough of an individuality.

Or rather, what was the deal with that strange rule “Gods don’t wear underwear”?

Sure, their privates were covered by skirts or bleached cloths, but that wasn’t the problem here.

Good grief… I released a sigh—at that time.

“—I heard your woes!”

“Hyagiii?!” “!”

The pig’s voice suddenly sounded from behind me, and I reflexively let out a scream unbecoming for a girl.

I mean, don’t just show up out of nowhere?!

I almost never bothered to keep my guard up now that the world is at peace?!

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As I glared at him, the pig began to speak with a solemn look on his face, “It appears that Terra-sama feels that she is too plain and wants to become showier.

“But!” The pig continued with, for some reason, a pointlessly manly face, “‘Plain’ doesn’t necessarily have to be a weakness! It’s a hard-to-get strength, instead!”

“…Hard-to-get strength?”

“Yes. The books I read every day for studying purposes all say the same: ‘Plain, glasses-wearing, huge-breasted girls are the best’.”

“No, those are lewd books, aren’t they?! What the hell are you spouting about with that sagely look?!”

“N-no, I would have never…

“Ahem,”the pig continued after clearing his throat, “In any case, please try this on first.”

The pig took out from his pocket a device for correcting eyesight—in other words, ‘glasses’.

Normally, they used lenses with a prescription, but it seemed this pair of glasses used normal glass lenses.

“H-how do I look?”

“Ohh, it suits you very well! Next, please try on this dress. With my clear eyes, the measurements should be perfect.”

To put it another way, he’d figured out Terra-sama’s size by ogling her body.

Okay, I’ll crush those clear eyes later.

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Right then.

“All right, I will go get changed for a bit.”

With the navy-blue dress in hand, Terra-sama disappeared into the World Tree.

A little while later, Terra-sama reappeared, but now she almost showed no bare skin, making her look plainer instead.

“U-uhm…” Terra-sama herself seemed to be perplexed by it.

“Hey pig, explain.”

When I asked him to explain himself, the pig nodded with satisfaction, “No need to worry, the dress serves its intended purpose,” and said, “Terra-sama, you have a beautiful face, so you can pull off as showy a look as you want. However, that wouldn’t make you stand out from the others. That is because, even if you dressed up, Exa-sama’s wives are mostly showy, anyway.”

“Well, when you put it like that…”

Being number one in terms of showiness among the wives, I felt like there was a point in what the pig said.

“With that being the case, I believe that rather than trying to be showy, it’s better for you to make full use of your strength which is your plainness, and aim for the contrast from being plain.”


“Yes. I named this strategy: ‘You Will Be Amazed If You Strip Me Naked’.”

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Of course, we both looked at him with contempt.

“You, if you don’t give it a rest, I’ll literally ship you off, you know?”

“Sh—?! I-in any case, please try it just once! Men are surprisingly vulnerable to such simple strategies! Y-you can ship me off later if it fails…”


“In that case…”

At a later date.

“…Uhm, it made him very excited (blush).”

“No kidding?!”

It truly works?!

But it kind of annoys me, so I’ll ship the pig off, anyway!

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