《Extra》37: Being a Popular Man is Tough?

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On a certain day when I was about to enter the last month of pregnancy.

It all started when the pig suddenly showed up for the first time in quite a long time with a self-satisfied look on his face.

“It has been a while, Saintess-sama. How have you been?”

“Not bad. How about you? It seems you’ve been busy lately.”

“Yes, I have been quite busy, indeed. I came by today to give you a report about them.”

“Hmm. Even you have times when you get it rough, huh.” After taking a sip of my cup of tea, I asked the pig. “So, what have you been up to? You haven’t been trying to make a pass at the married women at the minotaur village again, I hope?”

“No, I’m already over that phase. After all, I’ve already got myself a ‘girlfriend’. I can’t be doing such silly things.”

Hahaha, the pig laughed, and I nodded, “Good point,” but…

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“…Huh, hang on a second, what did you just say?” I asked the pig, hearing something I couldn’t just brush aside.

The pig then said in a stupidly plain tone, “Oh, was there anything wrong with what I said? I simply have a girlfriend, so I can’t be as fickle.”

“No, who cares about the last bit? You, you seriously got a girlfriend?”

“Fufufu, doubly serious. What’s more, she’s gentle, has huge breasts, and dresses sexily, to boot—just the way I like it. She’s like the perfect combination of Magmell-sama and Shiva-sama.”

“Why would such a woman go out with you…?” It was so unbelievable that I was at a loss for words, but it suddenly came to me.

What if… he was being deceived by some strange woman?

No, that had to be it. But I got no evidence yet, so I asked the pig carefully, “Well, never mind that. So, that girlfriend of yours, what is she? Human? Or demi-human?”

“Of course, she’s a human. Her name is ‘Ai’ (love), perfect for a woman full of love like her.”

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“Hmm. Ai, huh… By the way, where did you first meet her?”

“A bar in Algren. She couldn’t just watch as I was wallowing in despair after being rejected by Freyr-sama.”

“I see. But before we continue, you hit on Freyr-sama? Did you think you’d have a chance because she was a widow or something?”

“N-no, I…” The pig averted his gaze with an awkward look on his face. Sighing, I dug in for more information about the woman named ‘Ai’.

I knew I was being meddlesome, but if he was being deceived, he should break up with her before his wounds get any deeper—that I believed.

“Well, let’s set that aside for now. So, you two met there and immediately decided to go out?”

“Yes. But being a popular guy sure is tough. When she pushes her breasts against me, I can’t resist buying her whatever she wants~.”


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“Wait, let me get this straight, she seduces you into buying her stuff?”

“Hahaha, what are you talking about? You make her sounds like she is dating me only for my money. Please, I voluntarily give her gifts because I love her!”


Ah, this guy was totally deceived…

To make it worse, he was the type of good-for-nothing who wouldn’t listen to persuasion…

“Oh, look at the time. I must go to work to earn money for our next date. Well, I’m a popular guy, so it can’t be helped.”

As the pig laughed with a self-satisfied look on his face, I stared at him with a faraway look and muttered, “A popular guy, yeah…”

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“Hey look, Darling♪. Ain’t this cute♪?”

“Huh? You got a new dress?”

“Fufu, yeah♪. To make Darling call me cute, tough troublesome, I got a job and worked hard♪. Look, with my 《Disperanza》, I can transform into others’ dreamed figure, remember?”

“Oh, I see. So you made a customer happy and they bought it for you? It looks really cute on you, Aetia.”

“Ufufu, thanks♪.”

I thought to myself as I watched Aetia, aka ‘Ai’, pressed her vulgar masses of fat against Exa’s arm:

This is how the economy works, huh…

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