《Extra》5: Tirna’s Request 1

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It was when I was helping with the reconstruction at the oni village.

“…Hm?” Suddenly, the hem of my clothes was pulled from behind, and I looked back wondering who it was.

Standing there was Tirna. “Elma, can you do me a favor?”


As I tilted my head wondering what was up, Tirna said as expressionlessly as usual, “These days Arinsu has been picking a fight with me relentlessly. So I’d like you to fight her in my stead.”


Uh, why should I…?

I blinked my eyes in confusion.

Or rather, why did you call her ‘Arinsu’, too?

Then again, ‘Arinsu’ is far easier to pronounce than ‘Ryugu’, so I kind of got where you’re coming from… wait, that’s beside the point?!

“W-wait a minute. If that’s the case, there are better choices than me, right? Like say, Arcadia… but she’s pregnant so she’s a no-no, so uh, Ophir or Fluga-sama?”

“Mm, I thought so too at first. But Ophir is in high demand for manual labor, whereas Fluga-sama is busy with putting the new world’s balance in order along with the other goddesses. And so, since you seem quite free, I decided to ask you, Elma. Congrats.”

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—Clap, clap.

“Thank you—is that what you expect me to say?! Heck, I’m pretty busy too?!”

“It’s okay. I believe you can do it.”

“I-Is that so? Then maybe I should give it a try—is not gonna happen?!”

And it may not be my place to say this, but why do you keep snapping, me?!

Well, it must be because the pig has been making me retort to him a lot lately, I’m sure?!

“Wait, I know! What about Zana?! She’s quite free too, right?!”

“Zana isn’t an option. The only thing she has on her mind these days is Exa. She has turned into a simple carnivore.”


I couldn’t help but hold my head in my hands, but then a question came to me and I asked Tirna, “…Why is Arinsu picking a fight with you in the first place? Did you do something to make her mad or something?”

“No, I didn’t. I think it was probably because she was frustrated to lose to me twice in a row.”

“I see. But if that’s the case, then I can’t fight in your stead, can I? I mean, Arinsu wants to win against you, right?”

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“Mm. But Elma, you’re stronger than me.”


Hearing that I blinked two to three times, then I folded my arms, puffed my—rather plump yet didn’t cause any inconvenience—chest, and said, “W-well, isn’t that obvious? After all, I’m the saintess of the ‘sword’, the representative of all weapons. Of course, strength-wise, I’ll be on the higher side.”

“Mm. You’re really powerful even among us. That’s why Exa also used your power to finish off the oni man.”


Yeah, he did, but that means he thinks of me as his number one, right?


Could it be that he’s going to make me the legal wife?

Oh my~.

No hard feelings, Arcadia~, as I couldn’t stop myself from grinning, Tirna nodded, “Mm,” three times and said, “Please help me, Elma.”

“Geez, it can’t be helped, I guess. –Alright. I’ll beat Arinsu black and blue for you!”


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Clap clap, as Tirna clapped again, a female voice suddenly came, drowning it out. “Sounds like you two are having fun here. Please, allow me to join.”

Speak of the devil. It was Arinsu.

So, I pointed at her and said, “There you are, Arinsu!”

“…Arinsu? Ah, you must be referring to me.”

“Yeah, that is right! I heard the whole story from Tirna! You apparently want to defeat her no matter what, I heard!”

“Fufu, well, that’s not wrong. After all, she has made tasted defeat twice.”

“In that case, this ‘Sword’ Saintess Elma-sama will let you taste defeat for the third time!”

When I declared so loudly, Arinsu looked blank for a moment, then smiled happily and said, “I see. So you are going to be my opponent today, yes?”

“Yeah, that’s right. You don’t mind having a different opponent for a change, do you?”

“Of course not. Then, shall we get started?”

“Fufu, I’ll make you cry!”

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“…Are you okay?” Arinsu asked.


Yes, I got completely trashed…

Now that I thought about it, there’s no way I can win against a full-counter type when I specialize in melee combat?!

At least let me use Infinite Goddess?!

“I’m sorry flattering you. I truly regret it,” Tirna apologized, looking sad.

Didn’t you already apologize?!

And if you’re really sorry, you shouldn’t have come out and said it’s all just flattery?!  I couldn’t stop complaining inwardly, but that was only natural.

After all, right now I was lying on the ground face-down, with my butt pushed up, powerless.

Jeez, why do I have to suffer like this~?!

Or rather, help me up already~?!

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