《Saintess Party》Elma’s POV 42: True, You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover…

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“—By the way, you ready to be embraced by him?”

After Exa and the others had left to chase after the guy called Boreios.

Zana asked me out of the blue as I was helping to repair the half-destroyed inn.


Of course, I got no clue what she was talking about and was stunned, but Zana tilted her head—seemingly finding it odd—and said, “I mean, it’s your turn next, right? After purifying the ‘Axe’, the only one left would be the ‘Sword’.”

“No no no no no!? What’s that got to do with me being embraced by him!? If it’s just to purify him, my《Superior Arms》isn’t necessarily required, right!?”

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“Yes, that’s true, but to defeat Phinis-sama, Exa needs to activate《Superior Arms》with everyone, so you’ve gotta do it sooner or later, you know?”

“Ho-ho-ho-hold on!? This is the first time I’m hearing that, though!?”

As I was shocked, Arcadia, who was transporting the wood for repair, curled up her lips into a smile, “You don’t have to worry,” and said, “He’s a gentle man. He’ll heal the pain of deflowering right away.”

“No, I’m not worried about that!? Or rather, why are you talking under the premise that I’m gonna be embraced by him!?”

“That’s right! More importantly, on what basis did you judge that he’s gentle!? Can you please tell us your experiences—abuhh!?”

“Shaddap!? You just keep your mouth shut and move your hands, you pervert!?”

The pig screamed somewhat excitedly from the side, and I snarled while throwing a hard snowball at his face.

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I mean, what did he mean ‘more importantly’!?

You want some beating!?

“There, there, calm down. I mean, it’s not like you hate Exa, right?”

“T-that’s true… B-but that sorts of things usually comes after exchanges of letters and dates, doesn’t it!?”

“What? Exchanges of letters? You…”

What was with that cringing face!?

I was at the age in which females yearned for romance. What was wrong with me wanting to have exchanges of letters with a guy I was into!?

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You got a problem!?

When I stared at Arcadia in protest, Tirna, who was silently cleaning up the rubble, chimed in, sounding a little surprised, “What a surprise. To think Elma the one most ‘innocent’ here.”

“I’m sorry for being ‘innocent’!? I mean, it can’t be helped!? I’ve never done those kinds of things!?”

“Okay, okay. Let’s cool off our heads for now, shall we? Well, they do say that you can’t judge a book by its cover,” said Zana.

No, what do you mean by that!?

“True. Magmell looks like a prim and proper priestess at first glance too, but all her underwear is the type that bites into her ass and is transparent,” said Arcadia.

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“I-is that true!?” The pig who had been lying on the ground, eyes rolled back, suddenly got up energetically.

After which, the subject of the conversation ran over from the other side at a tremendous speed. “W-what nonsense are you blabbering about, Arcadia-san!?”

“It’s the truth, though?”


“Porco-san, can you keep quiet for a moment…? As you see, I’m currently having a conversation with this person…” Magmell said with a smile, a vein popping out from her forehead.

The intimidating feelings she was giving off seemed to allow the pig regained his mind, “Y-yes…” he nodded obediently.

I’d worn many kinds of underwear, but not even once had I ever worn that kind of underwear…

Despite her looks, Magmell sure was unexpectedly indecent…

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