《Saintess Party》Elma’s POV 46: Of Course It Would be Forbidden!?

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“It seems like things are getting more complicated…”


After hearing the report from Exa and the others who had got back, the pig muttered with a pensive expression.

I agreed with him. I mean, the goddesses all had been absorbed by that scary goddess Phinis. On top of that, she had also kidnapped Zana’s sisters.

Furthermore, the reason she did all that was apparently because she wanted to do ‘child-making’ with Exa.

If she really wanted it that much, I’d say she just had to do it with him. There was no need to involve other people.

If that would make the world peaceful, wouldn’t it be a matter of great congratulation?


“But now that the situation has come to this, the time for Saintess-sama to activate《Superior Arms》 with Exa-sama is nigh.”

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Wait, don’t broach a topic your conversation partner doesn’t want to touch, you pig!?

I’d finally managed to take my mind off it, and now you reminded me again!?

Yeah, yeah, I got it, alright!?

If I didn’t acquire that Superior-whatchamacallit, they wouldn’t be able to do child-making, to begin with!?

Which meant that if I refused to do it, that scary goddess would come after me!?

Though it seemed that Exa didn’t intend to go along with her wish. In which case, to defeat her he’d need my Superior-whatchamacallit, anyway…

Haah… I heaved a huge sigh, and then the pig said with an unusual gentlemanly smile, “How about we go for some fresh air?”

“Huh? But…”

I glanced at Exa and the others who were still in the midst of a serious discussion.

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I mean, this matter involved me. I’d feel bad if I sneaked out just like that…

“Don’t worry, no one would mind it. Come on, let us go.”


The pig pushed my back, and we left the workshop.

◇ ◇

And so, the pig took me out of the village, where we watch the sky that was covered with a veil of darkness.

It seemed that tonight was a good night to stargaze.

“How is it? Are you feeling a little calmer now?”

“Yeah, thanks to you. But you can be surprisingly pushy, can’t you?”

“Fufufu, despite how I look, I’m still the best playboy in the village, you know?” replied the pig with a smirk.

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I directed him a fishy look and hummed, “Hmm.”

Well, setting the playboy nonsense aside, it was true that I felt a little refreshed now, so I’d like to thank him honestly.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“Oh no, please don’t mind it. More importantly, I’d like to give this to you, Saintess-sama.” The pig took out a small bottle containing pink liquid.

“…What is this?”

As I looked at the small bottle he’d handed over, the pig said with a smile, “If you feel like you can’t do it with Exa-sama when the time comes, please drink it. I assure you, your anguish will instantly go away.”

“Huh? Don’t tell me, this is…”


I was frozen, stunned. The pig then nodded and said, “Indeed. Please use it when you feel like you really can’t stand it. That drug is forbidden in the village—if someone gets found out possessing it, they will receive immediate punishment.”

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“T-there’s no way I’m taking it!? I mean, I’m never gonna use it, anyway!?”

“No, it’s a must-have item for a late-bloomer like you. It’s dwarf special product—‘Transcendental Super Aphrodisiac’!”


Sorry, come again?

What in the world was this pig talking about?

Could I beat him?

As I blinked my eyes, straight-faced, the pig looked around before leaning in to whisper in my ears, “Incidentally, please return it if there’s some leftover. I may have to use it one day as well, after all.”


Yeah, it seemed like I could beat him.

With a smile on my face, I started giving the pig a beating.

By the way, though I completely had no intention to use the drug, it’d be dangerous to let the pig keep it, so I decided to confiscate it.

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