《Saintess Party》Elma’s POV 57: It’s Kind of Disturbing, I Wonder if Everything Is Okay…

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“W-what… was that…”

Feeling the cold hard floor with my butt, I was trembling, horrified.

The reason being, just now a disgusting tentacle-like thing had suddenly burst out from the ground—blowing me away along with my chair in the process—and then attacked Elysium, who was reclining on his throne.

However, the moment the tentacle was about to eat him, it, for some unknown reason, stopped moving and returned to the hole it had come from as if nothing happened.

So there was now a large hole in the middle of the throne room. The table where I had been resting my head on and everything else was destroyed.


However, the most unsettling thing was that the sour-faced jerk remained silent and motionless despite the fact that such a situation had occurred.

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Say something, why don’t you!?

No matter how you look at it, that was not normal, wasn’t it!?

How can he still sit calmly as if it is an everyday thing to him!?

Or what, has he fainted with his eyes open!? I couldn’t stop myself from giving retorts inwardly, but—it was at that time.



A familiar voice echoed in the throne room, and Tirna, dressed in a mystical outfit, rushed into the room.


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As my tear glands loosened without me knowing at the entrance of the reliable companion that I’d been waiting for all this time, Tirna’s outfit suddenly released itself from her, and Terra-sama, the goddess of earth, appeared.

It seemed that she had been fused with Tirna like armor.


Tirna put a rather familiar woman she was carrying under her arm on the floor.

The woman was dressed in a unique black dress and was quite a beauty. If I wasn’t mistaken, she was one of the demons.

I didn’t know her name, so let’s just call her ‘Arinsu’ for now. [1]

I mean, she spoke that way, so.

“I’m glad you’re safe. Have you seen the others?” Tirna said.

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“N-not yet. More importantly, did you beat this Arinsu?”

“Mm. But I didn’t do it on my own. I was only able to beat her thanks to Terra-sama lending me her power. I was going to leave her alone, but just as I was about to leave a strange tentacle appeared and attacked so I had no other choice but to bring her along. Though because of it, the tentacle kept pursuing us and we only managed to shake it off just now. Also, her name isn’t ‘Arinsu’.”


I mean, I knew that.

Rather, you didn’t need to go out of your way to point that out with such a straight face.

I’m hurt~… as I was taking small mental damage, Elysium—still on his throne—nodded, “I see,” and said, “It appears that Valon was trying to eat the other 《Eight Sacrifices》. Is it because he is cornered, or is he simply got too worked up… Either way, that was quite dangerous wasn’t it, ‘Sword’ Saintess?”

“Yeah, thanks to you! I mean, weren’t you almost got eaten by that tentacle, too!?”

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“Yes. But in the end he recognized me, bowed his head down, and withdrew. Don’t lump me together with someone who unsightly fell on the ground with their rear thrust up into the air like you.”


W-whose fault do you think it was that I fell head first onto the floor!?

Kii~!? How annoying~! As I was scratching my head with both hands, Terra-sama directed a sharp look at the sour-faced jerk and said, “This is the first time we meet in person, isn’t it, ‘Sword’ Saint Elysium? I won’t scold you. Just return our power and atone for your sins.”

“Atone for my sins? Ridiculous. Don’t you think those words are better directed to you?”

“…What do you mean?”

“I’m saying that you gods are the ones who should be atoning for your sins. Your negligence caused the proliferation of humans, which, in turn, led to the ‘filth’ overflowing the world. Have you forgotten? Who was it that despite having the duty to purify ‘filth’ and maintaining the cycle of life, got herself corrupted by the ‘filth’ instead and went berserk?”

“T-that is…”

Looking down at Terra, who bit her lips regretfully, Elysium in the end said, “Now just be quiet and stay there with the saintesses. My target is only your dear Savior.”

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