Chapter 447: Terrifying Learning Ability.

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Su Li and Luo Pingxiang gradually started to notice Xiao Luo’s rapid progress. When they saw his relaxed effortlessly movements, both of them were surprised.

“Mr. Xiao Luo’s learning ability is too terrifying. He mastered the basic foundations of roller skating by just doing a few laps.  This development is too rapid.”

Luo Pingxiang looked at Xiao Luo in amazement. If she didn’t know that Xiao Luo was a beginner, who had fallen the very first time he put on roller skates, she would have thought that Xiao Luo was a veteran at roller skating. The speed of his progress was extremely incredible.

An indecipherable light flashed through Su Li’s beautiful eyes.  She recalled the moment she mocked Xiao Luo earlier and felt her cheeks burned up with embarrassment, a surge of competitiveness filled her heart.  She could put up with Xiao Luo being the best at other subjects, but roller skating was her strong suit. She started skating back in high school, so if she couldn’t be compared with this man who was a beginner, what then?

“Help me watch Su Bei!”

She said to Luo Pingxiang before rushing towards Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo was still carefully trying to figure out the basics of roller skating when Su Li suddenly rushed up beside him and knocked into him as she breezed by. She also deliberately glanced at him with arrogance in her expression. Her challenge was transparent. It was like a car challenging another car to a race at the red stoplight.

He was mocked earlier, and now he was being subjected to this obvious provocation? How could the chauvinistic Xiao Luo stand it? His heart roared in fury, ‘Want to compete? I ain’t afraid of you!’

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He instantly sprung after Su Li, like an arrow leaving the string!

When Su Li saw that the man had accepted her challenge, she instantly took on a grave attitude. She didn’t want to lose. Her long legs quickly propelled her forward as her speed suddenly increased exponentially.

The ‘couple’ tandem was like wind, one chasing after the other!

In the end, the two were head-to-head and were almost in line with each other. Currently, Xiao Luo was on the outer circle (edge) of the rink while Su Li was on the inner circle. Both of their movements were unusually elegant, not to mention that their movements were synchronous with each other, down to the swinging of their arms. The scene seemed to give off a special aesthetic feeling.

“Sister Pingxiang, are Mom and Dad racing?” Su Bei blinked her eyes in confusion and asked Luo Pingxiang, who was standing next to her.

“It seems to be so, see how taciturn they are with each other?” Luo Pingxiang laughed.

Hearing that, the little girl wanted to try, “I’ll race too.”

“Beibei, let’s stay here and just watch to see who’s better, your mother or your father?”

Luo Pingxiang was afraid that Su Bei would get hurt once she joined, so she dissuaded the girl immediately.

The little girl was easily persuaded to just watch, she was indeed curious on who was the  better skater. She nodded her head surely, “OK.”

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Then she clasped her snow white fists and shouted at the rink in her milky smooth voice, “Go Dad, Go! Go faster, Dad!”

Hearing this, Luo Pingxiang started to sweat, Beibei was obviously more biased towards Xiao Luo.

Inside the rink, Su Li suddenly made a 180 degrees turn and faced Xiao Luo, however, her speed stayed constant despite her swift change. She was clearly skillful.

“Can you?” (Referring to something that will be revealed about 5 paragraphs from now)

She pursed her lips and asked provocatively to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo carefully recalled how Su Li did it in his mind and smiled, “I will try.”

After all, when Su Li turned around, she was basically doing Michael Jackson’s moonwalk while skating backward. Although he saw that she had some momentarily hesitation during the process, causing her actions to be somewhat choppy, it was still generally smooth.

Su Li opened her mouth wide in astonishment. He was just a novice skater moments before but now he was like a master. This guy’s learning ability was so strong that it was terrifying.

She was very well aware that Xiao Luo was not pretending to be a novice, and there was no reason for Xiao Luo to pretend in the first place.

Her red lips puckered, she then made a 90 degree turn and skated straight towards the wavy runway in the middle of the rink.

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The wavy runway had three peaks and two valleys. If a beginner was to skate there, he would definitely lose his balance and fall down making a fool of himself.  Even more than that, a small portion of advanced level skaters wouldn’t be able to skate there without hurting themselves.

But Su Li obviously wasn’t like those low skilled skaters. She was composed, when combined with her sense of balance, she skated through the wavy runway with all her strength. Once she reached the other end of the wavy runway, she came to a crisp brake. She looked back at Xiao Luo which meant it was his turn.

Seeing Xiao Luo rush up without hesitation, she kindly gave a warning, “If you are not sure, don’t rush so fast, otherwise the fall won’t be too pretty!”

“No problem!”  Xiao Luo smiled gently. The roller skates on his feet now felt like ordinary shoes. Although he hadn’t completely adapted to it yet, he was about 80-to-90% there.

His legs moved rapidly picking up speed and momentum as he glided towards the wavy runway. He actually passed the wavy runway in one go! In the end, he screeched to stop with a brake of his blades, easily stabilizing his body.

“Dad is so great!” Su Bei applauded and cheered.

Luo Pingxiang also muttered to herself, “Mr. Xiao Luo is terrifying.”

Now, Pingxiang could safely say that Xiao Luo wsa better than her, because she personally couldn’t pass safely through the wavy runway.

On the other hand, Su Li was frowning, and the shock she was feeling was obvious on her delicate face. This man was great at basketball, could speak several foreign languages and even knew how to race cars. And now, he seemed to have more or less mastered roller skating. Was he a prodigy?

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“Miss Su, are there any other skills for roller skating?” Xiao Luo asked for advice. Now that he had already learned and applied the beginning skills, he might as well learn all the skills this roller skating sport had to offer.

When Su Li heard this, she felt that he was mocking her, her expression turned frigid as she said disdainfully. “Fine, I will show you my skills.  That is the fruit of five years of practice.” She then shouted to Luo Pingxiang, “Pingxiang, tell the owner to bring twenty glasses of the same size.”

“Understood sister.”

Luo pingxiang immediately ran towards the doors as requested.

Soon, the owner and some staff arrived, bringing with them twenty glasses and arranged them in a row, spacing them at about the same distance in between.

“Are they going to do figure roller skating?”

The owner didn’t leave immediately.  Instead, he stood in the distance, he was quite looking forward to it.

figure roller skating was considered as an advanced form of roller skating. Competition for figure roller skating were being held all over the world, contestants competing using skills and tricks. For example, the twenty glasses would be considered a more difficult trick to pass than just your regular wavy runway. It required a high level of control.

“Mom wants to ‘dance!'”

Su Bei laughed happily, and then sat down on the small stone stool beside the roller skating rink. Her eyes staring unblinkingly at the scene with great eagerness. Her two legs were swinging gently, as if they were also anticipating a good show.

Obviously, it was not the first time she had seen and enjoyed Su Li’s performance of stunt skating, aka dancing. She also thought Su Li’s skill regarding this stunt was exceedingly high, otherwise she wouldn’t be this excited.

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