Chapter 464: Write An Apology.

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“Come, I propose a toast to Old Jia with tea instead of wine. Cheers to a happy cooperation!” the thin man raised his teacup and said.

“To a happy cooperation!”

Jia Zhengyi also raised his teacup and gave a rough smile.

The two clicked their cups in the air, and then downed the liquid.

However, as soon as they put down their empty teacups, both of them were almost scared to death falling from their seats to the floor with a scream. The reason was because a person suddenly appeared out of thin air in the seat next to them. Yes, the person ‘appeared out of thin air’—stealthily and abruptly.

“You… Who are you?”

Jia Zhengyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suppressing his inner fear and asked this newcomer.

The newcomer was wearing a white shirt, with the collar slightly open, and the cuff rolled half way up his arm revealing his wheat-colored skin. He had deep eyes, a high nose bridge, long eyebrows, and a handsome and cold face that exuded evil charm.

Who else would it be if not Xiao Luo?!

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He helped himself and took an unused cup on the table. He continued to leisurely pour tea while observing Jia Zhengyi’s blank expression. He took a sip of the tea, and said to Jia Zhengyi, “Such a high quality tea! Jia Zhengyi, you sure know how to enjoy life. This Pu’er tea can help you lower your blood pressure, lose weight, inhibit bacteria and help in digestion, warm the stomach, etc. I guess this tea seems to be tailor-made for you with all these effects.”

Xiao Luo’s calm attitude made the thin man feel an invisible oppressive feeling, he kept his fallen posture and did not dare move.

Jia Zhengyi was both shocked and furious. This was his home, however, it was suddenly invaded by this stranger. He even drank his precious tea. Anger soon overtook his reasonings and fear, occupying a more dominant position in his brain. He stood up from the ground and took out his phone, and angrily shouted, “Who are you? This is my home. How did you get in? Do you really think I will not call the police on you?!”

“Don’t get too agitated now. Sit down and let’s talk!” Xiao Luo simply waved with his hand in response to his ‘threat’.

This made Jia Zhengyi flew into a rage, “Are you treating me like a dog? This boss will… ”


Xiao Luo’s teacup suddenly flew out of his hand in a flash and hit Jia Zhengyi’s knee. They heard a clear and crisp crack, and the next moment, Jia Zhengyi was already kneeling down on the ground screaming in pain. His phone also fell to the ground in the process.

The thin man who was on the sideline couldn’t help but gasp. He immediately got up and ran desperately toward the door.


Xiao Luo coldly harrumphed and stretched out his hand.

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The thin man only felt a strong pulling force dragging him back! Before he could react, his neck was already firmly grasped by a big hand. Then a tremendous force came, and he fell back to his original position again. He landed butt first making his chrysanthemum blossom– the pain was unbearable and it made him cry out like a dying pig.

He grabbed him from a distance?!

Jia Zhengyi’s eyes went wide as he looked at Xiao Luo in horror.

Can this guy do ‘magic’?

When he thought of this possibility, he felt a chill run along his spine.

“Did I ever say that you can go?”  Xiao Luo forcefully asked the thin man. He then poured himself another cup of Pu’er tea.

The thin man kowtowed on the ground pleading, “Brother … Ah no, Big brother, you look like you have a grudge against Jia Zhengyi so just look for him. Since we have no hatred nor resentment against each other, just treat me like air.”

After hearing this, Jia Zhengyi spat out,  “Coward, you coward!”

“What do you know? This is called ‘knowing the situation’.  This big brother is obviously not a mortal. It would be like pinching an ant for him to crush us. It is you who offended him so don’t drag me into this.” The thin man flipped 180-degrees on Jia Zhengyi. Literally seconds before, he was greeting him with a smiling face but the next instant he had completely forsaken him.

“Shut up!” Xiao Luo ordered.

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“Yes, big brother.” The thin man respectfully obeyed.

Xiao Luo smiled and commented, “A real villain always looks pleasing to the eye huh…”

“Thank you for your praise.” The thin man immediately tried to brown nose.

“I just told you to shut up, didn’t you hear me?” Xiao Luo smiled coldly. While the thin man was still in shock, the teacup in Xiao Luo’s hand was abruptly shoved into the thin man’s mouth.

The speed was beyond fast, and the strength behind it was beyond fierce. The porcelain teacup collided violently with the thin man’s front teeth, it shattered without hesitation. The debris was sharp and numerous, and punctured the man’s mouth. Some of it even rushed down his throat; the man subconsciously swallowed in reflex, and the debris got stuck in his throat.

“Argghhh… Eughhh…”

The thin man laid on the ground in pain. His throat kept sending out stuffy sounds and his mouth overflowed with blood. He grabbed his throat and tried to force out the debris.

Seeing such a bloody scene, Jia Zhengyi was frightened beyond words. He started sweating  buckets. What he was seeing was cruel and terrifying. His eyes fell on Xiao Luo with horror, at this precise moment, Xiao Luo was the devil in his eyes.

“You… Who are you? Have I offended you? ” His voice was shaking and his body was weakening.

Xiao Luo didn’t answer him. Instead, he grabbed his phone and handed it to Jia Zhengyi, “Open your Weibo and write an apology to Su Li!”

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Su Li?!

Jia Zhengyi was shocked and then asked, “Are you sent by her?”

Xiao Luo was already a little impatient so when he heard Jia Zhengyi asked the question, he was instantly triggered. He seized Jia Zhengyi’s hair and slammed him towards the tea table.


Jia Zhengyi’s forehead severely hit the tea table. Naturally, the wooden tea table was sturdier than a person’s head, so after this collision, Jia Zhengyi was obviously the one who got the short end of the stick. His glasses didn’t survive either no matter how high quality they are.

“Simply do what I say, you are not qualified to ask me questions, do you understand?” Xiao Luo, still clutching at his hair, demanded coldly.

Jia Zhengyi’s face was bleeding. He also felt disoriented and scared out of his wits, he nodded immediately, “I understand … I understand…”

He felt like crying right now. Who would’ve thought that he wasn’t going to face a lawyer nor a lawsuit but instead a terrifying executioner. If he were to choose, he would rather agree to the court summons than be beaten by this terrifying guy. At the same time, he was also extremely shocked. Is Su Li’s background so strong and complex? Not only can she invite a super hacker, she can also invite such a monster.

“You used to be engaged in talk shows, so your literary talent should be very good. Make sure to bring out your super writing skills to full play and make this apology as touching as possible. At least it has to make me feel touched.” Xiao Luo requested, more like ordered, and then continued to leisurely drink his tea.

Jia Zhengyi took his phone. He definitely didn’t dare to call the police, this guy in front of him was a vicious person. If he dared to call the police, there would only be one ending for him–death. He opened his own Weibo account and wrote a sincere apology.

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