Peerless War God

Chapter 103: 103

However, what makes Chen Xiao feel funny is that they have come to a relatively remote Lane in the city of Los Angeles. Previously, on the road, they met a group of guards of the city Lord's mansion.

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Originally thought there would be a fierce battle, but who expected that those people, after discovering that two King Wu were fighting each other, chose to avoid driving decisively, which saved Chen Xiaojie a lot of time.

But Fang Tianming of the Fang family almost didn't scold. After all, those people were from the city Lord's mansion. He was not good at abusing at will. He could only count the account on Chen Xiao's head.

"Captain, why did we just hide?"

Chen Xiao two people left, the patrol guard in the team, some people do not understand the opening of the inquiry.

"Those two were King Wu just now. When King Wu was angry, his blood flowed into a river. What are your accomplishments? Martial arts master! What is my cultivation? One star general! Rush up and die? "

"Yes, yes!" Those people on the edge are busy nodding, looking at the captain's eyes full of worship and admiration.

"Don't be stunned. Go to inform the city Lord and ask the captain to deal with it. Otherwise, it may be a disaster for a long time." The captain gave a quick shout.

Two of them immediately nodded, and then quickly left towards the position of the city Lord's house, apparently to report.

The captain, however, took a look in the direction of Chen Xiao's departure, and said in a low voice: "other people keep up, we must not let these two guys do anything out of the ordinary!"

"Yes A group of people roared should be, then quickly followed in the back to go out in the direction of Chen Xiao two people left to catch up.

Chen Xiao naturally did not know what the city guards thought. However, he also knew that the decisive battle between the two kings of Wu in the city of Los Angeles would certainly attract the attention of other forces. Now no one has come here, but because the situation is not clear, many people are watching. Once they find that there is profit, those people will surely rush forward.

The time for a cup of tea soon passed, and Chen Xiao's speed finally slowed down.

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Fang Tianming's eyes suddenly brightened, and he quickly mobilized his whole body to chase Chen Xiao.

"Well, it seems that you can only use that secret skill..."

Looking at Fang Tianming, who is getting closer and closer to himself, Chen Xiao sighs in his heart.

Want to run is impossible, previously did not get rid of him, now more impossible to get rid of him, in addition to hard work, there is no choice.

"Furious!" With a deep drink in his heart, Chen Xiao's empty body is determined to keep the true Qi running at high speed, and his cultivation stops abruptly. Then, he begins to flow back slowly and finally reverses completely!

Countercurrent body Qi, this practice is very dangerous, a normal person will not try, let alone like Chen Xiao so decisive.

Chen Xiao not only reversed the true Qi, but also reversed all the true Qi in his body at the same time.

However, Chen Xiao is not worried about any problems, because at this time, he is performing a kind of martial arts called fury.

This kind of martial arts skill was acquired by accident in a previous life after hunting and killing the existence of a martial spirit realm. Chen Xiao learned this skill by accident, but had no chance to use it.

Now it's just the right thing to use.

Although there will be a day of weakness after use, the fury can also last for at least half an hour. More importantly, it depends on how much genuine Qi remains in Chen Xiao's body.

However, it should be more than enough to solve the problem of Fang Tianming in half an hour with huge combat experience.

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"Well?" Fang Tianming's eyes suddenly narrowed, because in his feeling, Chen Xiao's breath suddenly became very violent, as if it might explode at any time.

However, this feeling only lasted for a few breaths, and after a few breaths, the feeling disappeared.

Then, Chen Xiao's breath began to roar.

In the twinkling of an eye, Kung Fu broke through from the early stage of one star King Wu to the middle stage of one star king of martial arts, and it was extremely climbing.

One star late King Wu!

Two Star King Wu!

Two Star King Wu later!

In a twinkling of an eye, Chen Xiao's breath reached the beginning of the terrible three-star King Wu.

Until this time, Chen Xiao's violent breath gradually became calm.

One side of Fang Tianming's face is very ugly, but the shock of the eye also gradually turned into greed.

Although the cultivation of King Wu was promoted from one star king to three stars, it was beyond his expectation, but what was his cultivation?

He is a real four-star king of martial arts!

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The relationship between the four stars and the three stars is also immeasurable, even if Chen Xiao's cultivation has been promoted to the Three Star King Wu realm?

He is also confident that Chen Xiao will be directly killed!

The idea in the mind turns, but people have caught up.

This time, Chen Xiao didn't run again. He stopped in the alley, squinting his eyes slightly and looking at Fang Tianming.

"Who are you?" Fang Tianming's voice was low, and his eyes flashed wildly.

However, where would Chen Xiao answer him?In his mouth at the same time, Chen Xiao directly toward him.

"Looking for death!"

Watching Chen Xiao rush up, Fang Tianming sneers, and suddenly a long sword appears in his hand. He also rushes towards Chen Xiao.

However, his speed is slightly faster than Chen Xiao. Before Chen Xiao's attack falls, he takes the first step to pass the sword to Chen Xiao and stabs it directly to the heart.

"Die!" Fang Tianming looks ferocious on his face, and seems to have seen Chen Xiao's panic expression in his eyes.

However, the face of Chen Xiao, the expression is very calm.

He was a little scared.

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However, when he thought of his own cultivation, even if he could crush Chen Xiao, he didn't worry too much. Even if Chen Xiao was more powerful, he would not be able to turn the sky?

Although there is no expression on Chen Xiao's face, in fact, his heart has already blossomed. What he wants is this effect. As long as Fang Tianming is not extremely vigilant, then Chen Xiao always has a chance.

Obviously, this opportunity has already appeared!

At this time, Fang Tianming was only a few meters away from Chen Xiao. The wind from the rapid action even blew on Chen Xiao's face.

Right now!

Chen Xiao flashed a cold light on his body, and his real Qi burst out suddenly. The sword in his hand was covered with a thick layer of sword Qi.

The sword Qi is completely formed by the high condensation of genuine Qi, which is completely gathered on the long sword and can't be ignited until the moment of contact between them.

A lot of sword spirit swarmed in. Rao was scared to retreat because of his accomplishments in the four star Wuwang realm.

However, Chen Xiao seized the opportunity and approached crazily, attacking one after another. The power of the explosive cloud finger was increased several times, and the roaring sound of tearing air appeared constantly.

Hit the wall on one side, the wall will be directly blasted open a few meters around the big hole, scared Fang Tianming did not dare to be pointed at by the explosion cloud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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