Peerless War God

Chapter 116: 116

But these people are also very tacit understanding, did not ask each other, just looked at it, then quickly scattered, toward Chen Xiao disappeared in the past, as if nothing had happened.

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Somewhere in the dark corner of the corner of the lane, Chen Xiaozheng stood there silently, and his breath had already completely converged.

Unless someone stands in front of Chen Xiao, it is absolutely impossible to find another person here.

Soon, at the end of the lane came a noisy footstep, and seven or eight people ran directly from the opposite side and ran straight to Chen Xiao's position.

As for the rest of those people, Chen Xiao felt for a moment, and found that they were all hundreds of meters away, and did not catch up.

This makes Chen Xiao a little speechless.

Originally, I planned to kill all these people in one breath.

Now these people are scattered. Once Chen Xiao starts, the rest of them will surely run away.

However, it doesn't matter. The remaining ones are just the existence of the military general's territory. It is estimated that other forces sent to follow Chen Xiao and want to see the details of Chen Xiao.

Otherwise, with only a few generals, even if Chen Xiao borrowed their ten courage, it is estimated that they would not dare to beat Chen Xiao's attention.

"Good play, coming soon!"

Chen Xiao's smile is more and more prosperous, but his look is more and more cold.

People who are familiar with Chen Xiao know that Chen Xiao has made a killing attempt.

Finally, the group came to a distance of less than five meters from Chen Xiao. As long as you turn a corner, you can see Chen Xiao.

"Where is it?"

"This guy, it's gone in a blink of an eye. Has he found us?"

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"Don't make any noise. Find out, or you'll be in vain today!"

Low voices were heard, obviously discussing each other.

According to Chen Xiao's observation, this should be a member of the two teams, but now it is obviously aligned.

But what's wrong with that?

But two one star King Wu just, Chen Xiaogen did not pay attention to this.



Two groups of seven finally came to the corner.

Chen Xiao, also moved at this time!

There is a long sword in my hand, which is chiyun!

Red cloud in the hand, Chen Xiao's whole body momentum suddenly changed, the moment rushed into the corner of the crowd.

The light of the sword twinkles and the spirit of the sword is vertical and horizontal!

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Pooh hee Poof

"Ah Save... "


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"Dare you


A series of startled and angry voices rang out one after another.

However, they all stopped abruptly.

Even the existence of the two one star King Wu's territory was a heavy blow in the face of Chen Xiao's surprise attack.

Moreover, Chen Xiao's attack is not so easy to bear!

While breathing, Chen Xiao harvested the life of a one star king of martial arts and cut the throats of the other four generals.

The remaining one is the existence of the peak of the one star King Wu. There is also a foot long wound on his arm, which shows the bone deeply.

This one star peak Wu Wang's face is full of anger. He didn't expect that he would be Yin by Chen Xiao!

He's six steps away from the scene. He's one step behind him.

In Chen Xiao's hand, he also holds a sword pierced through the heart of a star warrior king.

After swallowing up the accomplishments of the King Wu Kingdom in his hand, Chen Xiao threw it aside, and his eyes fell on the one star King Wu.

Just a glance, then let that one star king of martial arts peak all over a tight.

Chen Xiao's eyes are very calm, even if he killed five people in one breath, there is no fluctuation.

This proves that Chen Xiao is absolutely a resolute and ruthless man, and may have killed many people.

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Although Chen Xiao's strength has the elements of sneak attack, Chen Xiao's strength can not be ignored. When facing Chen Xiao, he has no resistance at all.

This is to let his heart shock, Chen Xiaohe may hide strength.

When the warrior at the top of the one star king of martial arts was going to open his mouth to say something, Chen Xiao suddenly stepped forward and waved the chiyun sword in his hand.

An awn of sword broke away from the tip of the sword and rushed to the Star King Wu. However, the king of Wu waved his sword and bounced away.

However, he did not wait to see Chen off quietly.

This strange body fatun let his pupil contract, do not want to think, then suddenly back.

However, this reaction is a little late after all, Chen Xiao's sword has arrived!

Pooh hee

The sound of sharp blade entering the flesh rings, and Chen Xiao's eyes flash slightly, a touch of surprise.

That Xingwu net, unexpectedly at this time, twisted the body for a while, let Chen Xiao this sword, just cut in his left shoulder.However, how sharp is chiyun sword?

Even if it was just a scratch, one of the arms of the one star king of martial arts, who was at the peak of the king of martial arts, was directly broken.

Blood flowed all over the ground in an instant.

However, the guy at the top of the Star King Wu was also very able to resist. He didn't even hum, so he turned around and ran towards the distance.

Obviously, seeing that Chen Xiao is hopeless to kill, naturally, he can only run away quickly.

However, how can Chen Xiao let this already accomplished cultivation run away?

The left hand points to form a sword, and the explosive cloud points to gallop out, penetrating the back of his head in an instant.

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The Star King Wu did not expect that he had run five or six meters away, and he would have been killed by Chen Xiao.

As for the last general, he was already stupid.

Chen Xiaoqiang is so big that he has no resistance at all.

He successfully killed the last general. Chen Xiao quickly swallowed up all the accomplishments in the human body with black fire.

Waiting for Chen Xiao to continue to pursue those who wait and see from afar, a team of neat footstep sound has quickly run towards this side.

At the same time, there were shouts and shouts. It was obvious that the guards who were patrolling nearby came here after hearing the news.

Chen xiaolazy to meet with these garrison troops, otherwise when the time comes, a burst of trouble will certainly be indispensable. He simply escapes into the darkness and disappears in a flash.

And in a few hundred meters away, there are four people who belong to different directions, looking at Chen Xiao's disappearing position, all of them are shocked.

At the same time, it is full of happiness.

Because they did not go up, or they would be included in those who died.

The city guards soon arrived, and when they saw the bodies of a place, they were all staring at each other.

From the time they hear the sound to the time they come, it will never be more than a cup of tea.

However, it's a bit exaggerated that seven people died after a cup of tea.

"Eh This seems to be the existence of King Wu A guard stood in front of the corpse of the warrior at the peak of King Wu's realm and opened his mouth in amazement.

"It's not only him, but there's also a king of martial arts territory. Besides, the rest of the people are all generals." Among the guards, a three-star military general was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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