Peerless War God

Chapter 134: 134

Not long after the eight Star King Wu flashed into the sky, Chen Xiao also jumped down from the sun and moon shuttle.

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A few flash, also disappeared in the dense forest, disappeared in an instant.

Time, slowly through.

About a cup of tea, the eight Star King Wu reappeared in front of Chen Xiao.

After discovering Chen Xiaohou, a ferocious color flashed on the eight Star King Wu's face.

Because, he knows, he can't run away.

Since you can't run away, it's better to fight to death!

Eight Star King Wu appeared in the hands of a large number of pills to restore self-cultivation. He swallowed them without looking at them.

The next moment, his face began to rise red, a violent breath, began to spread on his body gradually.

Chen Xiao's brow slightly frowned, this guy must be trying his best.

However, Chen Xiao didn't intend to give him time to fight hard. Before the pills he had just swallowed melted completely, Chen Xiao turned into a shadow and rushed up immediately.

In his hand, the chiyun sword carries a terrible sword, and directly covers the place where it is, and attacks it fiercely.

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The eight Star King Wu also had a short blade in his hand. However, after suffering from Chen Xiao's chiyun sword last time, he would not take the initiative to send up the dagger in his hand. If he had to, he would dodge directly.

The eight Star King Wu's body method is really good, at least in Chen Xiao's view has been very good.

However, even so, how can it be compared with Liuyun Xianbu, which has already reached the heaven level and is comparable to the divine level?

Under the crazy attack of Chen Xiao, the eight star king of Wu finally fell to the ground with his face full of reluctance.

Until this guy completely fell to the ground, Chen Xiao was slightly relieved.

Without time to rest, Chen Xiao immediately summoned out the black flame and devoured all the true yuan in his body.

Let Chen Xiao some surprise is, unexpectedly even before this guy phagocytized those pills, the black fire all gave to swallow over.

After swallowing up the accomplishments of him and the previous nine Star King Wu, Chen Xiao's accomplishments have steadily increased to the early stage of the three-star King Wu. On the empty tower in his body, the number of dragon scales has also been lit up to 219.

That is to say, in addition to his physical strength, Chen Xiao has an extra strength of 20000 Jin.

If Chen Xiao was a general, he might still be a terrible force. But now, after Chen Xiao became king of Wu, his strength is not enough. When he can really help Chen Xiao, he will need at least 500 upward, or even 1000 dragon scales.

After checking the situation in his body, Chen Xiao closed his eyes and felt a little, then his body turned into a flash of lightning, and quickly shuttled through the woods and disappeared in a flash.

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In a low valley tens of thousands of meters away from the original battle, a green fire wolf king, three meters high and five meters long, was half lying on the ground licking his wounds.

It is the wolf king of green fire who fought with two shadow Wu kings before!

After Chen Xiao catches up with him, it slips away quietly.

However, at this time, a strong wind whistling past, but suddenly appeared, straight to its forehead.

Green fire wolf king's heart suddenly startled, suddenly issued a wolf howl, got up and wanted to continue to run away.

But at this time, a black streamer suddenly appeared from the distance, appeared at a very fast speed, before it was completely reflected, a touch of cold light suddenly flashed.

Pooh hee

A clear voice rings out!

The green fire wolf king's mouth issued a burst of sob, finally, the body or unwilling to slowly fall down.

Seeing the wolf king die completely, Chen Xiao is also slowly relieved.

This time he chose to leave the city, which was a huge crisis for Chen Xiao. Previously, he was forced by two shadow Wu kings and almost had no way out.

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Fortunately, all of this is over now. The two kings of Wu are killed by Chen Xiao, and even the green fire wolf king, which is comparable to the peak of King Wu, is also killed by Chen Xiao.

Looking back on the previous experience, even Chen Xiao felt a little chilly on his back.

If Chen Xiao had made a mistake in those previous occasions, I am afraid that Chen Xiao would not be lying here now, but Chen Xiao.

After a little rest, Chen Xiao still dug out the demon pill in the green fire wolf king's body, and the other demon forces in his body were also devoured by Chen Xiao with black fire.

As for the green fire wolf king's body, Chen Xiao did not move, directly found a location, buried it.

Although the materials on these corpses are worth a lot of money, the green fire wolf king has a little help to Chen Xiao after all. Chen Xiao used it once, otherwise he would not have suffered this disaster. Chen Xiao did not mean to move his body.

After killing the wolf king of green fire, Chen Xiao didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he found a secret cave. In the cave, he completely restored his cultivation to the peak, and then devoured the demon pill with black fire. His cultivation broke through to the middle of the Three Star King Wu, and then he walked out of the cave again.When Chen Xiao came out again, more than a day had passed, and it took several hours to get out of the monster forest.

By the time Chen Xiao returned to Los Angeles, it was two days later.

Los Angeles, alchemists union!

In front of the gate, a young girl in a green dress stood there full of tension and expectation. As long as someone came from a distance, the girl would immediately look up.

But every time, when she found out that the person who passed by was not the one she was waiting for, a touch of disappointment would appear on the girl's face, but she would revive her spirit and continue to wait.

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Next to the girl, there are several guards of the military realm guarding the girl. Looking at their positions, they vaguely surround the girl in the middle, obviously protecting the girl.

"Miss Qingxuan, it's too dangerous outside. Why don't you follow me into the cultivation tower and wait? I'm sure Lord Chen Xiao will come back soon!"

When one of the guards saw the girl's appearance, he could not help but frown a little and began to persuade him.

"No, I want to stand here and wait for him. If it wasn't for me, brother Chen Xiao would not have taken risks!" The girl, also known as Qingxuan, has a faint worry on her face.

When she heard that Chen Xiao went alone to face the existence of the two kings of Wu, Qingxuan almost didn't cry. Fortunately, Ren Qianli and others were constantly relieved. Qingxuan barely rushed out to find Chen Xiao.

But since then, Qingxuan has been standing outside the door waiting, even if it is to eat and drink water, but also very little.

At this time, one of the generals suddenly changed his face and said in a low voice: "those who are strong in the kingdom of King Wu are approaching. Be on guard!"

As a result, the other three generals changed their looks. Chen Xiao and their enemies were two powerful King Wu, which is known to all. Now that King Wu is approaching, they can't help but worry.

However, they soon found that Qingxuan suddenly rushed out towards the distance. The four people changed their looks and quickly followed up.

It is also at this time, a young man wearing black short sleeves, smiling from the distance slowly came over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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