Peerless War God

Chapter 150: 150

"Don't hurt the Lord!"

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"Looking for death!"

"Stop it


A series of startled and angry voices rang out one after another.

Everyone's eyes, they all widened.

At the moment when Chen Xiao was able to walk in the void, everyone had a premonition that something was wrong.

But I didn't expect that this moment would come so fast that before they came to besiege Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao took the lead in counterattack.

From a distance, it's like Ji Bai himself sent to the door to attack Chen Xiao!

At this moment, all six kings of martial arts all gave up their lives, and all of them displayed their cards to protect their lives. A group of true light instantly covered the position of Chen Xiao and others.

Because, the glory and wealth of these people are all placed in Ji Bai's body. Once Ji Bai is killed by Chen Xiao, their hard work over the years will be wasted. How can Chen Xiao succeed.

However, their speed is a little slow after all. At the moment of their rush, Chen Xiao points his foot in the void, and his body instantly lifts up and flies towards a building in the distance.

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The six kings of Wu did not rush to attack Chen Xiao for the first time. Instead, they looked at Ji Bai, who was in the middle of the air.

One of them, the commander-in-chief of one star King Wu, took Ji Bai in his hand and gently put him on the ground before he fell to the ground.

At this time, Ji Bai, from the appearance, is as miserable as it looks. Not only has the original majestic boa robe been torn to pieces, but also on his body, there are blood everywhere, large sword marks, all over the body, even on his face, there are three sword marks, which looks terrible.

However, there is no fatal wound among these sword marks, which makes Ji Bai look very dangerous, but actually there is not too serious fatal injury.

Even so, he really scared Ji Bai. If it wasn't for his extreme, he would have thrown out a lot of things in the storage ring to stop Chen Xiao's several deadly attacks. I'm afraid he has gone to see the Lord Yan.

Do not dare to have any delay, after being rescued, immediately began to swallow a large number of pills, used to restore the body loss of true yuan, as well as the body surface injury.

The existence of the six kings of Wu was gathered around Ji Bai and did not rush to catch up with him.

This also makes Chen Xiao secretly feel a pity. Just now, he retreated, deliberately dispersing these guys. Who knows these guys are not cheated at all.

This makes Chen Xiao helpless at the same time, but also knows that he can't continue to wait. If Ji Bai is given time to recover, the next fight will be hard.

With this in mind, Chen Xiao's toes gently on the ground, the whole person seems to have no weight in general, straight to Jibai's location, fast as lightning.

Chen Xiao's sudden attack startled the warlords of Chen Xiao. However, they didn't worry too much. Several of them took a look at each other, and then came out together. Three long swords stabbed Chen Xiao at the same time.

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Although none of them has been able to fight Chen Xiao on his own, they still have a lot of confidence in holding Chen Xiao down temporarily.

Just give Jibai a certain buffer time, then the seven of them can start the siege again.

Even Ji Bai thinks so.

Although Chen Xiao's combat effectiveness is terrible, it has not yet reached the point of directly killing them in seconds. As long as they can't kill them with one stroke, they will have a way to deal with each other.

However, what they didn't expect was that Chen Xiaogen didn't use all the cards in the previous fight with Ji Bai. Otherwise, how could Ji Bai survive?

In the face of three King Wu at the same time, and behind him there are four King Wu may rush up at any time, Chen Xiao also dare not continue to hold big.

In the moment of approaching these three people, you can directly activate the rage skill.

Originally, Chen Xiao's cultivation has reached the nine star king of martial arts, and is close to the peak state of the nine star king of martial arts. After using the fury skill, he reaches the peak state in an instant.

Although, after reaching the peak, Chen Xiao did not break through to the realm of Emperor Wu as scheduled, but Chen Xiao could feel that his strength was still growing stronger.

In addition, Chen Xiao once reached the realm of Emperor Wu. He knew very clearly that his combat effectiveness at this time had already reached the realm of one star emperor of martial arts, and even surpassed the general one star emperor of martial arts. He was close to the realm of two star Emperor Wu!

The three kings of Wu were just ordinary offerings from one star to three stars. Although they felt that Chen Xiao's breath was a little scary, they still didn't think deeply. When they realized that they were wrong, it was too late.

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Pooh hee

Smooth flash, Chen Xiao has been in an instant through the middle of the three, straight behind the four Jibai rushed in the past.

"Well? Third, what the hell are you doing? Stop him now! "

Low voice, all of a sudden!However, what puzzled him was that, even if he had already started to remind him, there was no movement among the three people standing there, as if they had suddenly settled there.

This time, not only did he realize that something was wrong, but even the guards around him could feel something wrong. It was really weird!

However, the scene in front of them has not allowed them to think about it, because Chen Xiao has rushed to them. If they don't confront them again, they will suffer!

The remaining three immediately stood up and besieged Chen Xiao. Ji Bai, the master of the moon city, did not dare to continue to recover. He quickly stood up and stood on the side. As long as he saw the opportunity, he would immediately launch a fierce attack.




There were three consecutive soft sounds and they suddenly appeared.

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Then, in everyone's incredible eyes, behind Chen Xiao, the three kings of Wu who were responsible for blocking Chen Xiao fell to the ground at the same time.


Originally boiling scene, instant quiet down, everyone's eyes almost stare out.

That's three strong men in King Wu's realm!

Even, they didn't even see how Chen Xiao did it, so they fell down!

Is that too much exaggeration?

Just now they were still considering whether Chen Xiao would be beaten to death by seven King Wu, but in a flash, three King Wu fell down!

Compared with other people's surprise and disbelief, the other three King Wu standing in front of Chen Xiao are more shocked!

Because they are together with the three kings of Wu themselves. They all know each other's strength very clearly. If Chen Xiao can kill three people in an instant, then there will be no problem in killing them in an instant.

At the thought of this, the original momentum of the three people suddenly panic, it is from the heart of panic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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