Peerless War God

Chapter 164: 164

Is this guy too bold?

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The shopkeeper subconsciously wanted to shout, but he immediately shut his mouth.

Because, there is no one nearby, even if he shouts, no one can save him.

What's more, the strength of this guy in front of him was very clear that day. Killing him would be just like playing.

There was no risk, nor did he dare to take risks. The shopkeeper quickly bowed his head and walked towards the firm as if he had not seen Chen Xiao at all.

Can't I hide?

However, the next moment, the shopkeeper's body will be stiff in place.

Subconsciously, I saw that Chen Xiao, who should have stood on the street, appeared quietly on his side.

But none of the workers and craftsmen outside found out!

Cold sweat, Shua on the flow down.

Just now, Chen Xiaoruo was trying to plot a plot against him. I'm afraid he has died and can't die any more.

"Guest My guest, what can I do for you The shopkeeper cleaned up his uneasy mood and motioned to Chen Xiao.

Attitude is not disrespectful.

Chen Xiao, with a faint smile on his face, waved his hand slightly to him, and sat straight on the seat beside him. He said, "tell me, where is the residence of qinglingzong?"


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After half a column of incense, Chen Xiao appeared over an empty mountain.

Below, a winding river flows slowly towards the distance.

The surrounding mountains and mountains are covered with thick and green ancient trees, and not far away, there are large groups of Qionglou Yuyu, in the mountain fog between, like a fairyland.

He didn't fly directly into the area. Several miles away from qinglingzong, Chen Xiao fell into a forest.

After identifying the direction around, he fired at a certain position.

It's just a piece of tea winding on the road.

The mountain road, naturally built by qinglingzong from zongmen mountain, connects several nearby peaks.

At the bottom of the mountain path, that is, at the foot of the mountain, there is a huge blue stone archway with a height of five Zhang. The archway is completely carved from the jade with the whole body as white as jade. There is a lifelike green dragon on it, which looks quite spectacular.

In the middle of the memorial archway, there are dragon, Phoenix and Phoenix dancing carved with the three characters of "qinglingzong".

In the center of the archway, there is also a huge three legged bronze tripod with a foot of one meter long and wide. The cauldron is full of green smoke and emits a refreshing fragrance.

On both sides of the archway, there are two qinglingzong disciples wearing white long clothes and holding long swords.

Seeing a young man in black walking slowly, the two disciples were shocked and looked at Chen Xiao with a little vigilance.

Chen Xiao's accomplishments are so shallow that they can't see it at all!

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It's ok if you can't see it. But Chen Xiao is not the disciple's dress of qinglingzong!

Zong, stop at the gate

The two qinglingzong disciples rushed forward, one left and one right, and stopped in front of Chen Xiao.

"Get out of the way!"

Flat but with no doubt voice, slowly sounded.

Then, the two qinglingzong disciples, actually a little bit out of the way, to let Chen Xiao leisurely walk!

Without going to see the two disciples again, Chen Xiao stepped forward and walked leisurely through the mountain road behind them, gradually disappearing.

Until Chen Xiao completely disappeared at the corner of the mountain road, the two disciples suddenly paralyzed.

If you look at each other at a glance, you can see the beads of sweat on each other's forehead.

"What happened just now? Why do I feel a huge force pushing me aside, unable to move at all? "

The disciple on the left opened his mouth with fear, while the one on the right nodded at the smell of speech, and his face was full of horror.

Although the two of them are only the guardians of the gate of qinglingzong, they represent the face of qinglingzong, and their accomplishments have reached the level of five-star generals!

In a small city outside, the general has already been regarded as a master of one side. But just now, in front of Chen Xiao, he and he did not even have any resistance ability.

Even, Chen Xiao did not start, just rely on momentum, they will be forced to push away.

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What kind of cultivation can we achieve?

At least, you have to do something above the level of Seven Star King Wu?

The two looked at each other, and did not dare to delay. One of them took a short cut and ran towards the top of the mountain to report the news.

As for the other man, he continued to stay at the same place to guard, but his eyes were constantly looking up the mountain, as if to see something moving.After passing through the guard's disciples, Chen Xiao walked slowly along the mountain road.

It seems that Chen Xiao is walking very slowly, but in fact, his speed is very fast. He often steps out in one step, which is tens of meters away. After a few breaths, he can walk hundreds of meters.

Along the way, naturally, I met other disciples of Qingling sect.

However, those people also just have a strange look at Chen Xiao, but no one cares too much.

After all, although qinglingzong seldom comes to outsiders, there are still one or two of them occasionally. Since Chen Xiao can pass the inspection of the disciples at the foot of the mountain, there is no need for them to worry about anything.

"Why, am I dazzled?"

A disciple sitting on the hillside unconsciously rubbed his eyes and looked at the mountain road in disbelief.

"Elder martial brother Wu, what's the matter?"

On one side, a disciple asked curiously.

"Look over there. Is that the man in the picture?"

Speaking of this, elder martial brother Wu quickly took out a painting from the storage ring. On the painting, the portrait of a young man in black holding a long sword was eight or nine points similar to Chen Xiao.

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On one side, the onlookers all looked at each other, looked at the pictures, and looked at Chen Xiao walking slowly in the distance. All the corners of his mouth suddenly began to twitch.

No one thought that a man wanted by qinglingzong would appear in the residence of qinglingzong!

What's more, it's still so swaggering on the mountain road!

This is simply not to their qinglingzong in the eyes of ah!

Arrogant! Arrogant!

This is a word that all qinglingzong disciples can think of to describe Chen Xiao.

"Immediately inform the elders and others, others, follow me to stop him, and never let him run around in the door of the sect. Otherwise, what is the face of Qingling sect?"

Elder martial brother Wu murmured and rushed to Chen Xiao's place.

On one side, someone immediately rushed to the top of the mountain with a portrait, while the disciples behind them were staring at each other and quickly followed.

However, at the same time of keeping up with them, a long roar was constantly emitted from their mouths.

This howl is not only an alarm, but also a voice of summoning people.

For Chen Xiao's power, these people are still fresh in their memory. With only a few of them, it is impossible to stop Chen Xiao. Naturally, they need to find someone to help. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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