Peerless War God

Chapter 205: 205

For a while, the elders have elevated Chen Xiao's status to an extremely terrifying level, but the audience has not yet known all this.

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The communication among the elders is limited to the high platform, so the news has not yet been passed down.

This makes the people who have not yet got the result even more want to know, especially when they see a group of elders in the distance who have lost their manners. They can't help but guess secretly in their hearts what kind of pills Chen Xiao has refined.

"Do you think the pills made by Chen Xiao are stronger than those made by Luo Mowei?"

"Yes, the elders have not been so moved when Luo Mowei submitted the pills before."

Some people began to discuss with each other, and when they heard these words, he did not care at all.

In his eyes, the first one this time is already a certainty. Chen Xiao can never refine anything more than his own pills. However, he used the secret medicine of his family to refine the Xuan companion Sheng San. If Chen Xiao really wins over the past, he is afraid that he will directly hit and die.

"They are stupid people." Lomoway did not take these sounds to heart at all.

At the moment, Li carefully stood up, together with several senior elders behind him.

"The result of today's competition has been achieved. The first is... Chen Xiao!"

Li was careful to say this, and immediately settled the dust of the situation, and everyone was looking at each other.

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"It's really him!"

"It seems that Luo Mowei can't surpass him in refining Tianxuan associated powder."

For a time, the scene was hot, but at the moment, Luo Mowei, as if he had experienced something unbelievable, could not return to God for a long time.

"How could it be? How could he beat me! What I refined is the best five star pill

In order to win over Chen Xiao, Luo Mo Wei even used the secret medicine he had inherited for thousands of years. Now, he lost.

"You are not fair!"

Now lomoway, who was in a rage, did not care about the authority of the Presbyterian Church. He pointed to their noses and cursed them.


How high are the identities of the elders? How could they have been questioned by the younger generation? They immediately lowered their faces, and now they look down on Luo Mowei a lot.

"Lomoway, you are in the second place. If you lose, you will lose. If you entangle again, don't blame me for being rude." The opening of an elder.

Luo Mo Wei just came back to his mind at the moment. He was facing a small group of people who were at the top of the Dan circle in tianwu kingdom. He was not Chen Xiao, so he did not dare to contradict him again.

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But still gritted his teeth and opened his mouth: "the elders said I lost, then I hope to die to understand, please show me the basis of Chen Xiaosheng!"

He was extremely angry. How could he lose if he refined such pills!

He believed that everything was biased by the Presbyterian Church. If they could not provide a basis, he would never give up.

His request, also let the people present agree, they also want to see what kind of pills Chen Xiao refined, in order to win the top five-star Tianxuan companion powder.

"Yes, it's just that one sentence is too hasty. The elders still give proof and make the pills refined by Chen Xiao public to the public. Only in this way can they be convincing." Some said.

All the elders looked at Li carefully and wanted to ask him whether he would take it or not.

The reason why they didn't say that Chen Xiao refined the six star pill was that they hoped to hide Chen Xiao's strength and shine brilliantly when they went to seek the Empire in the East. Otherwise, there were too many people here and it would be easy to reveal Chen Xiao's card.

"Well, if you don't explain it clearly, others will think that my Presbyterian Church is unfair." Li nodded his head carefully, indicating that they would give the result, so that people would stop questioning.

Under the sign of Li Xiaoxin, a senior general Chen Xiao carefully took out the Qingyun bumie pill, and said aloud: "what Chen Xiaoyou refined is a six star pill, Qingyun bumie pill!"

"Well, lomoway, are you convinced?" This sentence was said carefully by Li.

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When people knew that Chen Xiao refined the six star pill, they were stupefied and could not even say a word.

They are not new to the six-star skill refiners, but they are so young that they are 18-9-year-old. This talent is really shocking.

After a short silence, the audience broke out an unprecedented boiling, all people with reverent eyes to Chen Xiao.

They are proud of the birth of such a young six-star master in tianwu!

At this moment, they no longer regard Chen Xiao as the pursuit target, because the gap between Chen Xiao and them has become a terrible degree.

At the moment, they are looking at Chen Xiao with a kind of fanatical eyes.

In the face of these eyes, Chen Xiao does not change his face. As a martial god in his previous life, he sits high on the clouds. He has seen these eyes for a long time, and he does not know how much, so he will not be lost.Wei and Mo Luo are both sad and sad.

"Six star pill! I really lost! "

Luo Mo Wei's hands and feet are cold. He never thought that the gap between him and Chen Xiao would be so big. Even if he took a shortcut and used the family secret medicine to make pills, he still couldn't compare with each other.

Luo Mo fan is even more indignant. He had been humiliated in Chen Xiao's hands. He also thought that his brother could suppress Chen Xiao and avenge him this time, but he didn't expect that things would evolve to this stage.

"In Qingyang City, there is such a young six-star master. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to live in snow mountain city in the future."

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There has always been a feud between Xueshan city and Qingyang City. Now, the rise of Chen Xiao has completely changed the situation. In the future, when the Xueshan City Martial Arts Association sees Qingyang City, they are afraid to take a detour.

"Congratulations, Chen Xiao. You won the first place. Not only did you get the qualification to go to the eastern search Empire to participate in the Dandao Dabi, but also the delegation of tianwu Kingdom led by you. We will spare no effort to assist you and get a good place in the eastern search empire." Li is careful to speak from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Xiao nodded, calm, the result, he expected.

"The next top ten are also qualified to go to the east to seek the Empire on behalf of tianwu state to participate in the competition. They are Luo Mowei, Zhuang Zhiwen and Chen Qingmei..."

after the Presbyterian Council finally announced the top ten names, it completely declared the end of the Grand Dandao competition.

Chen Xiao also became famous in the first World War. After the news spread, he will be concerned by all sides in tianwu, and his reputation will sweep the whole country.

After all, such a young six-star master is hopeful to step into the ranks of seven or even eight stars in the future.

At that time, Chen Xiao stamped his foot, and the whole kingdom of tianwu would shake three points. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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