Peerless War God

Chapter 209: 209

"Chen Xiao, stay on the front line." The five-star emperor of martial arts stuttered his mouth.

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But where would Chen Xiao take care of him? He flew out immediately and took a picture of him. The huge palm power directly shattered his heavenly cover, making him die in an instant. He didn't even have a chance to resist.

Another four-star Emperor Wu, also completely desperate, knew that he was absolutely unable to escape. He immediately bit his teeth and gathered all the spiritual power of Qihai, and then chose to explode himself.

This kind of self explosion is the final counterattack of the mortal at the cost of his own life. However, Chen Xiao did not give him this opportunity. At the moment when he gathered the spiritual power of Qihai, Chen Xiao realized the intention of this person, and used thunder tactics to destroy this man's Qi sea, and then killed him.

At this time, Chen Xiao even killed four blind Emperor Wu, but he was still dissatisfied, because the four emperors were just a knife, and the Luo family brother who took the sword was the mastermind. Chen Xiao had no patience for these two people who repeatedly provoked him.

"Since you want to die, I will help you!" Chen Xiao squinted and directly covered the whole city of tianwu, exploring the breath of the two brothers of the Luo family. Soon, he found these two familiar breath.

"Found it!" Chen Xiao's face is hung with a faint killing machine and flies to the place where they are.


on the other side, lomowan and lomowei are still waiting for good news from their four Emperor Wu's entourage.

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"I don't know what they got. Why have they gone so long and haven't come back?" Lomovan was a little anxious and kept going back and forth.

Luo Mowei on the side seemed confident: "don't worry, Chen Xiao is only a teenager. Even if he started practicing martial arts in his mother's womb, he would not be strong enough. If the four Martial Emperor masters attacked and killed him, he would certainly die ten times!"

Hearing the elder brother's words, Luo Mo fan is at ease. After all, if this matter is not successful, there will be endless troubles.

But before they talked for a while, a voice came from afar.

"Are you two waiting for their news?"

Just after the words fell, a few heads were suddenly thrown in front of the Luo brothers. They two looked closely and were scared to death.

These are the people they sent to kill Chen Xiao's entourage.

"You... Chen Xiao, don't play tricks here, come out for me!" Luo Mo Wei's pupil shrinks, and he shouts in a hurry. Both of them are filled with inexplicable fear.

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All the attendants sent out by them were cut off their heads, which shows that the failure this time, Chen Xiaoxun came here, afraid that the consequences would be unimaginable.

But even so, they still have some confidence that Chen Xiao dare not kill them. After all, they are the legitimate children of the Luo family in the snow mountain city. Their identities are not comparable to those of the Wu Emperor's entourage. If they are killed, Chen Xiao will definitely face a heavy retribution.

In the distance, Chen Xiao's figure came slowly. At the moment, he was stained with a lot of blood, with a strong smell of blood. Seeing his figure coming, both of them were afraid.

"Chen Xiao, sending someone to kill you is really a daze. How about stopping now?" Luo Mo Wei retreated and threatened: "we two are the Luo family's lineage in snow mountain city. Our Luo family masters are like clouds. My father is a one star Wuzong. If you attack us, no one in the ends of the earth can protect you."

However, Luo Mo Wei's threat did not stop Chen Xiao for a moment. He sneered and whispered to his two brothers: "Shh... Don't talk. I'll take you on the road."

At the moment when he said this, his body had already moved, like a ghost, and came directly to the two people. With just one hit, they would Snort and burst out of blood mist.

"You know, I hate being threatened most in my life, so go and die!" Chen Xiao opened his mouth coldly and directly broke the necks of the two brothers, leaving them completely breathless and dead.

After killing these two people, Chen Xiao had no regret. They both came to provoke him repeatedly. They should have died. As for the Luo family in the snow mountain city and the one star Wu Zong Luo family owner, he was not afraid.

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Even if they can't beat a star Wuzong, they can escape safely in their hands. If they dare to revenge and attack themselves, Chen Xiao doesn't mind. In the future, they will uproot the Luo family completely.

"What's going on?"

After Chen Xiao killed the two men, the original huge movement caused by the war attracted many people's attention. The defense forces of tianwu city came late. Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, he was also shocked.

"Mr. Chen Xiao, what's going on?" A three-star Emperor Wu, who led the army, arched Chen Xiao and asked.

Chen Xiao's amazing performance in the Dandao competition before has spread all over tianwu city. Therefore, they all know Chen Xiao, so they will be so polite. If they change people and dare to make trouble in the capital city of tianwu Kingdom, they will definitely be captured instantly."It's nothing. The brothers of Luo family instigated several followers of Emperor Wu to attack me and be killed by me." Chen Xiaopo spoke casually.

The news was said by Chen Xiao in a casual tone, but it hit the hearts of the people like giant thunder, which shocked them.

Two young masters of Luo family in snow mountain city were killed!

This news is really a bit frightening. The commander did not know how to deal with it for a while, and immediately hoped to call the high-level of Dandao alliance to come.

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Chen Xiao also nodded and acquiesced in his behavior. He also wanted to tell the news to those old friends and see how they would react.

After getting the permission of Chen Xiao, the commander of the three star Emperor Wu immediately sent out a signal egg. After a sufficient incense time, Li was careful to arrive with several senior elders Shanshan.

"What's going on?" Li was careful to come up and asked in a hurry.

When he and the elders heard about the whole process of the matter, they all looked at Chen Xiao with a very strange look, as if to see through him.

However, they did not expect that Chen Xiao was not only highly accomplished in Dan Dao, but also in Wu Dao. The siege and killing of the four emperors of Wu were easily defused by him, and all of them were killed. This achievement can be said to be extremely terrifying.

"Brother Luo dare to assassinate you. It's really hateful. It's not worth dying!" Li was careful and showed the attitude of Dandao alliance in an instant.

For them, the importance of Chen Xiao is naturally far higher than that of the Luo brothers, and even the whole Luojia family in the snow mountain city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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