Peerless War God

Chapter 213: 213

"I didn't expect that there was a danta here!"

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Chen Xiao was a little surprised. In his previous life, this danta was quite rare in jiuchongtian, but he didn't expect to hide one in dongxun city today.

Chen Xiao is clear about the efficacy and use of this danta. It is used to test the potential and divine sense strength of the alchemist in the Dan Road. Only with sufficient ability can he break through the danta.

In the previous life, there was a top-notch danta above the jiuchongtian. Many nine star practitioners failed to break through it. The difficulty of this danta can be seen.

But now this one is, of course, countless times worse than what he had seen in his previous life.

"There are many precious martial arts and spiritual powers in this danta. If you can successfully break into it, the more layers you go up, the more benefits you will get." Cao said.

Chen Xiao nodded. He also knew about this setting. Danta has always been the place where the alliance of elites and alchemists are encouraged to break through the pass. Naturally, various rewards will be set up. Among them, the most common one is Wudao Lingli.

This kind of spiritual power of martial arts and Taoism is a very pure energy. As long as it is absorbed and refined, it will make the practitioner's martial arts realm soar. It is an excellent energy to assist the practice of martial arts.

"It was a surprise."

Chen Xiao slowly exhaled his turbid Qi. He was a little pleased. If he could break through the nine towers and get the martial spirit, his cultivation would definitely be improved.

After hearing Cao's introduction, all the martial arts practitioners from the five countries were excited and eager to try.

seeing this, Cao didn't want to delay any more. He waved his sleeve: "the rules are all explained to you. Now you can start to break into the tower!"

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As soon as this word fell, the five kingdoms' skill refiners rushed up and rushed to the danta.

This danta is quite strange. It can let so many people test at the same time, but it can also separate them all. That is to say, in this danta, although people rush into the tower at the same time, they will not meet each other.

"I don't know, this time the danta test, which country will be the highest level?" Looking at the disappearance of young people, Cao Guo also had some expectations.

Li Xinxin and the leaders of the other four countries were waiting outside, waiting for the achievements of their national alchemists.

"I hope Chen Xiao won't let me down."

Li Xinxin sighed. Now he has placed all his hopes on Chen Xiao.

after all, except Chen Xiao, the other eight practitioners who came to Danbi were only five stars, and even some of them were four-star. This level was absolutely not enough to compete with Tianjiao of the four countries.

Several old people are waiting outside for a while, suddenly, someone lights up the second floor of the danta, into the second floor.

"How quick! Who is it? "

For a moment, the change attracted the attention of all people. They cast their eyes toward the danta, on which the words of Qingqiu Kingdom and Zhangyang God were written.

"It was him. No wonder he got into the second floor of danta so quickly."

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After all, it is said that Zhang Yang Shen is the first one among the five countries. It is not surprising that he can take the lead in climbing the second floor.

Seeing this scene, the old man in charge of the team of Qingqiu state was also full of pride. Zhang Yangshen was able to take a quick step, and he was also proud.

"Zhang Yang was the first to climb the second floor, but he didn't know who the second one would be." Cao said curiously.

Zhao Mo was the representative of the ancient fortress state, Li Xu was the representative of the Chengyin state, and Xu Lai was the representative of the Tianli state. He was optimistic about the alchemists of the Three Kingdoms. It is estimated that the second person who ascended the second level was born in this process.

As for the tianwu state, Cao did not pay attention to it. After all, the achievements in the past years were too poor. It was only a few years later that Tianjiao, who could turn this situation around, was hard to emerge.

"The second is naturally Zhao mo The old people of ancient SAIC spoke confidently.

On one side, the representative of Chengyin country couldn't see it anymore. He said, "Li Xu of our country has been a six-star master for more than two years. However, he is better than Zhao mo. the second person to climb the second floor is definitely Li Xu!"

At this time, the representatives of Tianli state also came out to argue, and thought that Xu Lai was the second to set foot on.

The representatives of the three kingdoms are fighting for each other, but Li Xinxin on the other side doesn't mean to join in the fun. He is very clear about the foundation of tianwu state, and the only one who has expectations is Chen Xiao.

However, he still did not think that Chen Xiao had a chance to lead Tianjiao of the other three countries, and was the second to climb the second tier, so he did not go to insult himself.

At the time of their discussion, the second person who lit up the second floor of the pagoda appeared on the tablet.

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"The second is tianwu, Chen Xiao?"

When Cao saw the words of tianwu, he couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that someone in tianwu was ahead of the other three countries this time.

Not only he, but also the representatives of the three countries could not believe their own eyes."How can it be that danta is out of order?"

"The second one who boarded was actually a man from tianwu kingdom?"

However, they have never put the kingdom of tianwu in their eyes, believing that it is impossible for tianwu to be arrogant.

But all of a sudden, how did a Chen Xiao pop up?

Not only they, but also Li Xinxin was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Chen Xiao... This boy!"

Li hesitated for a moment and found that he was not mistaken. Finally, he laughed heartily.

Seeing Li's carefree and proud appearance, the representatives of the Three Kingdoms all snorted: "the air is nothing but luck. This dantabi's is not speed, but the one who can climb the highest is the strongest."

But even so, they still silently wrote down the name of Chen Xiao, and they were on guard against it.

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As time went by, more than ten minutes later, more than a dozen people rushed to the second layer of danta.

At this moment, the third layer of danta is also lit for the first time.

"Zhang Yangshen rushes to the third floor..." The representative of Qingqiu was overjoyed and cried out in a hurry.

But before his words were uttered, they stopped abruptly.

Because when he looked at the monument, what appeared on the third floor was not the quota he was familiar with, but Chen Xiao of tianwu kingdom!

"How could it be? He is faster than Zhang Yangshen

All of a sudden, all the people present were fried!

Although this does not mean that Chen Xiao is stronger than Zhang Yang God, it also shows from the side that he is not a man without ability.

All of a sudden, they fully understand that Chen Xiao was not relying on luck before.

"It seems that this man should really pay attention to it." The representatives of the four countries all looked at Chen Xiao's name and thought in silence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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