Peerless War God

Chapter 221: 221

It's not too much to call Chen Xiao's seven star master at his age. Losing in the hands of such figures, they really have nothing to say.

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But although they were convinced, Zhang Yang was not so easy to accept.

"No way! How can you refine the Seven Star pill? You must have cheated Zhang Yang Shen blushed. Instead of being as confident as before, he was full of madness.

Seeing his appearance, both the audience on the periphery and the representatives of various countries on the stage frowned and looked down on Zhang Yang Shen.

Chen Xiaoming has already won the battle, but Zhang Yang is still so persistent, which makes people disgusted.

Even Cao Guo, who is a referee, frowned: "take care of you!"

He opened his mouth to the representative of Qingqiu, and the old man of Qingqiu suddenly coughed awkwardly and quickly stepped down to stop Zhang Yangshen system.

This farce ended here.

At this moment, the Danbi of the five countries is over, and it is only waiting for Cao state to announce the result.

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Under the public's attention, Chen Xiao ranked first, followed by Zhang Yangshen. Later, Li Xu and others all occupied the top five places and got the quota of the secret place of Wansheng mountain.

However, the biggest black horse this time was Chen Xiao, who had never been known before. He swept all the talented alchemists on the scene with invincible money and won the first place. At the same time, he also won 50 Places in the secret place of Wansheng mountain.


in a room of dongxun city Dandao alliance, Li Xinxin's face was wrinkled with laughter.

"Chen Xiao, this time you just let me by surprise."

"If this news is sent back to tianwu, you will definitely become a hero of tianwu."

Li was careful to say it solemnly. In fact, what he said was not exaggerated. Before tianwu Kingdom, every five country Danbi was the most backward embarrassing situation. In this kind of competition between countries, it was undoubtedly extremely humiliating.

But this time, Chen Xiao's appearance changed the situation in an instant, and tianwu Kingdom rose completely, and no longer needed to be ridiculed by other countries.

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"Well, I've heard you say it many times." Chen Xiao waved his hand, some helpless.

He doesn't care about the face of tianwu kingdom. When he comes to Danbi of the five countries, he mainly wants to get the quota of the secret place of Wansheng mountain. Now he gets the first place, and he gets 50 places. According to the previous agreement, these places will be sold to Li Xinxin at the price of one billion gold coins.

"Well, do you want to buy it or not?" Chen Xiao frowned: "if you don't want it, I'll buy it to the other four countries."

As soon as Chen Xiao said this, he immediately let Li be careful. He said, "no, no, no, of course I will."

I'm joking. All five countries in the eastern search empire are struggling constantly. How can such a precious quota be given to the other four countries? He immediately made a package ticket and bought all the places in the secret land of Wansheng mountain in Chen Xiao's hands at the agreed price.

After getting his promise, Chen Xiao raised his smile.

After selling off his quota, he will get 49 billion gold coins. With this money, he can spend freely. He can buy all kinds of materials for alchemy in Fangshi auction house, which can be absorbed and improved by "empty practice formula".

With such a huge sum of money, the resources that can be exchanged are also very rich. He can definitely upgrade his martial arts cultivation to the level of Seven Star Emperor Wu and even eight stars. At that time, his power will be more powerful.

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He has never stopped craving for power. He is about to go to the secret place of Wansheng mountain. There are dangers everywhere. Not only the threat of monsters is that human beings who enter the secret land together will also fight with each other for the secret treasure. In such an environment, only strong strength is the source of ensuring himself.

Because Li had never expected that Chen Xiao would win the first place and get 50 Places in secret places, so he did not prepare so many gold coins to buy the quota. It was three days later when he really collected enough gold coins.

On that day, he gave all the gold coins to Chen Xiao, and after exchanging for 49 places, he was ready to return home.

He wanted to tell the whole tianwu kingdom of Chen Xiao's deeds of suppressing Tianjiao of the four countries in dongxun city. Moreover, these quotas should be allocated to potential warriors in the country to explore. Therefore, he left in advance, but Chen Xiao did not go back with him.

There is still half a month to go before the secret place of Wansheng mountain is completely opened. Chen Xiao plans to stay in dongxun city and exchange these gold coins for enough alchemy and weapon resources to enhance his own strength.

Therefore, he went out once a day and brought back a large amount of weapon refining resources every time. With the constant phagocytosis, his breath gradually rose to the level of Seven Star Emperor Wu. The awakening of black dragon scale was also up to 990 pieces.

Eight days before the secret place of Wansheng mountain was opened, Chen Xiao had already spent 20 billion gold coins in the market and bought them wildly. All the resources he got were swallowed up by his "empty practice and body formula". On this day, his martial arts cultivation quietly entered the level of Seven Star Emperor Wu."Finally, we have reached the Seven Star emperor." Chen Xiao clenched his fists and felt the power of his body.

If he had just broken through the six star emperor, he would have taken at least half a year to get to the Seven Star emperor. However, with the accumulation of countless resources, he had achieved this step in just seven days.

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However, the cost is not small, 20 billion gold coins, even the ordinary high-ranking emperor of Wu, can hardly have such a large fortune in his life, all of which were squandered by Chen Xiao in a few days.

However, he had just made a windfall and sold his quota in exchange for a huge fortune of $49 billion. Such profligacy did not empty his family, or even spend half of it.

"There are still eight days left to buy weapon refining materials, and strive to rush to the eight star emperor when the secret place of Wansheng mountain is completely opened!" Chen Xiao's eyes flashed and decided to say.

Time passed like water, and soon it was the day when the secret place of Wansheng mountain was opened. Chen Xiao's martial arts cultivation was the peak of Seven Star Emperor Wu.

"Still can't break through!" Chen Xiao frowned and sighed.

After all, he underestimated the accumulation needed to rush from the Seven Star emperor to the eight star emperor. Although he kept swallowing materials, it was still difficult to cross the barrier in these days.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you can't make a breakthrough. It doesn't matter if you enter the secret place of Wansheng mountain. It's my most familiar place. I know the location of all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. With the help of those things, I can break through again soon!" Chen Xiao said to himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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