Peerless War God

Chapter 224: 224

"Icy meteor, empty Xuan Yin grass......" he looked through it for a while and took out dozens of kinds of Tiancai Dibao. Looking at these exotic treasures, he also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

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"The fruits of these three days have been fruitful." Chen Xiao crushed a panacea and absorbed all of its essence directly. At the same time, the "empty body training body" was run to the extreme and devoured everything.

All the materials harvested these days were devoured and refined by him, and the materials piled up like mountains were all refined by Chen Xiao.

And the spiritual power in his body, at the moment, is also surging to the extreme, some pressure can not be suppressed.

"It's time to attack the eight star emperor!" Chen Xiao looks at the spiritual power source of flying around in his body. With a smile, he starts to break through.

Previously, in dongxun City, he had already reached the peak of the Seven Star emperor of Wu. He was only one step away from being able to enter the ranks of eight star Emperor Wu. Now he has absorbed so many things, naturally, it is natural that he can absorb so many things.

After half a column of incense, Chen Xiaoyou turns to wake up, and his momentum has broken through the acme of Seven Star Emperor Wu and stepped into the level of eight star Emperor Wu.

"Another breakthrough." Chen Xiao is extremely satisfied. Now he, with all kinds of cards, has been enough to sweep the whole territory of Emperor Wu. In the territory of Emperor Wu, he pushes invincible. No matter how much he comes, he just gives him vegetables.

Only the warrior in Wuzong can make him solemn.

"I'll see where to go next." Chen Xiao covered the divine consciousness again, and soon found the next place to go.

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However, this place is more precious than all the previous Tiancai Dibao. There is a monster that can be comparable to the level of respect, and the corpse is left here.

And his goal is the most precious Neidan of the monster.

After all, this is the inner elixir left by wuzun level monsters. Even after thousands of years of time, there is no spiritual power in it. It is also a huge energy, which can at least make Chen Xiaoxiu further.

After Chen Xiao decided to go, he didn't delay. Now his time is very precious. The secret place of Wansheng mountain will only be opened for a month. In this month, he will search all the treasures here.

This secret place of Wansheng mountain is like a huge treasure house. Chen Xiao is a thief who stops by chance. He can't take all the things away. He can only get some benefits as much as possible in a short time.

"Hooray! Whoa

Chen Xiao's flying speed has reached a very fast level. There are countless sounds of breaking the air in the air and hunting sounds tearing the air apart.

At a very fast speed, he finally came to the place of this trip.

Below him, there is a huge cave, and in his memory, there is the body of that terrible monster.

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But now, the cave is not peaceful, but there are many people's voices.

"What's the matter? Was it the group who got it first? " Chen Xiao looked tight, and quickly flew down and walked toward the interior of the cave.

When he approached, he also heard the dialogue inside.

"Brother Zhao, it's not good. That beast is crazy. Run away!"

"Hateful, how can there be a blood moon wolf comparable to a star Wuzong?"

"It's over. Now we can't get the remains of the monster. We're going to die here."

In the cave, constantly came the panic sound, Chen Xiao was there to observe, and did not appear for the first time.

After observing for a moment, he understood the situation in general.

There are five people here. All of them are warriors from the five countries. They found the remains of the monster beast which is comparable to a star wuzun. They thought they could find a big bargain, but they didn't expect that there was a blood moon wolf with the strength of one star Wuzong.

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The accomplishments of these five people are two nine star Wu Huang and three eight star Wu Huang. Facing these monsters, they are naturally unable to defeat them. They can't even run away.

Soon, the five people fled from the cave in a hurry, and the fierce blood moon wolf, without any intention of letting them go, directly chased them out and was about to crush them to pieces.

In the face of this situation, a slightly beautiful woman's face of despair: "it's over, this time we're just afraid to be buried here."

As soon as the woman's words came out, despair spread across the five people. Only the two nine star Emperor Wu, who were the leaders, were still very blue and looked at the blood moon wolf, unwilling to wait for death.

"Don't talk nonsense. If we fight hard, even if we can't all escape, we can always survive one or two people!" A man named brother Chen took a deep breath and opened his mouth in a loud voice.

The other nine star emperor was also ready to flee at any time, but behind them, two men and one woman, three eight star Emperor Wu, were pale.

They were not a very united team. It was because of the alliance of the five countries that they got together. Now, in the face of the life and death crisis, the possibility of the two NINE-STAR Emperor Wu to escape is undoubtedly the greatest. But the three of them, who are weak in strength, may be thrown away as human flesh bait by the two NINE-STAR Emperor Wu."Roar!"

The blood moon wolf strides towards the five people, and his body exudes extremely strong pressure and momentum, which directly suppresses some of the five people out of breath.

Chen Xiao looked at it for a long time, and finally decided to make a move.

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Although these five people did not have any friendship with him, they came from the alliance of five nations after all. He still wanted to help. Moreover, he wanted to get the remains of xingwuzun. The blood moon wolf was absolutely impossible to get around.

Such a blood moon wolf, which is comparable to one star Wuzong, would definitely turn around and go. But now that he has broken through the eight star Emperor Wu and encountered this blood moon wolf, he can fight against one of them.

"How dare you

When the blood moon wolf opened his huge palm and intended to make the five people into meat sauce, Chen Xiao's explosion followed, which made everyone dumbfounded. The blood moon wolf also stopped his palm and looked at Chen Xiao.

When the five warriors saw Chen Xiao's figure, they were all happy and thought they had come to the rescue. But when they saw that Chen Xiao's breath was no more than the level of eight star Emperor Wu, they fell into despair again.

"Is this guy here to die?" One of them was crying and yelling.

Not only he, but also the other four people also think that Chen Xiao is an idiot. With the martial arts cultivation of eight star Emperor Wu, he dare to appear in front of the blood moon wolf. He is really impatient. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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