Peerless War God

Chapter 2350: 2350

It's just a late stage of the holy land. How many people died in his hands? Since the evil shadow appeared from below, he didn't mind waiting here for a little longer, waiting for Qin Feng to appear, and then killing him at one stroke.

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"You can't escape from catching a turtle in a jar, hum." The yin deficiency master sneered.

Since the other party is already below, it will appear sooner or later. There is no need for him to take any more risks.

The dark smell from the bottom of the Black Lake made him feel worried and slightly uneasy. To be on the safe side, he chose to stay where he was and wait.

But soon, he couldn't wait.

"What is this?"

Then I saw that the originally peaceful Black Lake suddenly rolled up, and the pure evil spirit appeared, and constantly converged to the bottom of the Black Lake. More and more, and the visible water of the Black Lake became pale, from the beginning of black to gray, which was extremely strange.

"It seems that there is something sucking these evil spirits. What is there at the bottom of the Black Lake? Is there any treasure?" The master of yin deficiency began to think and was slightly moved.

However, although he was moved, he was still hesitating, and at the moment of hesitation, he missed the opportunity.

Soon the change of the evil spirit stopped, and the whole black lake became calm, but half of the evil spirit in the Black Lake was sucked away, just like pulling up the roots, which was a little strange.

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This is of course, because the evil spirit overflowed from the devil's blood essence at the bottom of the Black Lake condenses out of the black Sha lake. Now the devil's blood essence is obtained by Chen Xiao and is included in the storage ring, which is equivalent to cutting off the source, and the evil spirit in the Black Lake is naturally greatly reduced.

Seeing this scene, master Yin Xu's face was ugly. "The evil spirit was reduced by half. What have you done, son Qin Feng?"

He had planned to use the Black Lake to cultivate and break through. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao took away the blood essence of the demon king and took away most of the evil spirit. No doubt the effect of cultivation would be greatly reduced. No wonder he would be so angry.

And with the disappearance of the evil spirit, the dark breath that made him feel palpitation and fear suddenly disappeared, almost disappeared, which was a bit too coincidental.

"Is it true that this boy has found some good treasure under here?" The master of yin deficiency doubted.

Hum, even if he has any adventures, he will die in my hands. Qin Feng, your end is coming.

At this time, there is no fear of Yin Xu master, quickly go down to chase Chen Xiao.

After a while, Chen Xiao, who is sitting at the bottom of the Black Lake, suddenly raises his head and looks coldly at a large dark shadow. It's master Yin Xu and more than 20 evil spirits controlled by him.

"I thought you didn't dare come after me?" Looking at each other, Chen Xiao sneered.

Master Yin Xu's face was expressionless. He obviously wanted to ridicule him and scold him for being timid, but he didn't care. He was not angry at all. Who would be angry with a dying man? There is no need for that.

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At this time, in the face of yin deficiency, what he shows is such self-confidence, but soon his self-confidence will disappear.

"Hand in all the treasures. Maybe I'll think about letting you die happily, OK?" Yin deficiency Master said with a sneer.

"Oh, don't you think you're too confident? Yin Xu old son, since I can be so bold to wait for you here, aren't you afraid of my deceit? " Chen Xiao stares at him, there is no fluctuation in his eyes, and naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.

You really don't say, Chen Xiao this appearance, still really let Yin Xu master to shock live, immediately eyebrow is a tight.

"Bluff, now you're a turtle in a jar. Die for me." The yin deficiency master sneered and made a direct move.

No matter how much you say, you still need to see the real chapter under your hand. Besides, master Yin Xu doesn't think that the other party really has a chance to turn the tables or set an ambush. It's impossible.

"Go and tear him."

The master of yin deficiency sneered, and with a cruel and cruel face, he manipulated more than 20 evil spirits to rush at Chen Xiao.

In such a small space, almost all the evil spirits were occupied, and there was almost no room for him to dodge.

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"Ha ha, I see how you can die with so many evil spirits. You don't need my hand at all, and you will die. Qin Feng, after you die, all your treasures will be mine. Ha ha," master Yin Xu laughed with great pride at the thought that you will succeed soon.

It's a treasure for soul defense. With it, he will not be in any danger when he goes through the natural calamity, and once he becomes a paradise of calamity.

He has the soul to defend the treasure, and his actual strength will be one of the best in the paradise. All this is due to the boy in front of him.

Thinking of this, master Yin Xu's eyes on Chen Xiao became more and more gentle. His eyes were very strange, as if he was not looking at a person, but at a pile of treasures, which could be said to be very real."Wuwu ~ ~"

"Wuhou ~"

under the Black Lake, the gray waves were rolling wildly, and there was chaos. More than 20 evil spirits rushed towards Chen Xiao, opening their claws and fangs, which could be said to be extremely ferocious.

However, because the space at the bottom of the Black Lake was too small, all the evil spirits crowded together for a moment, and only one or two of them could really kill near.

In this way, Chen Xiao was given a chance to breathe.

However, in master Yin Xu's opinion, even if it was so, under the round battle of more than 20 evil spirit chariots, it was enough to make the other party tired to death, and he didn't need to do it.

At this time, Chen Xiao has switched to the noumenon and hid the black spirit again. He doesn't want to tell his biggest secret to be exposed in the eyes of master Yin Xu.

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Although there is Heiling, he is confident that he can compete with master Yin Xu and even kill him. But if the other party is afraid and wants to escape, it's really troublesome.

The existence of the human body, but also to separate the mana to resist the evil spirit into the body, which gives the yin deficiency master great confidence.

At this time, seeing that the evil spirit was about to pounce on his face, he turned up his mouth and sneered, saying: "control the evil spirit? Oh, do you think only you can? It's just evil spirits. I have them, too. "

"So do you? What do you mean Smell speech, yin deficiency master a face of doubt, don't understand what Chen Xiao is talking about.

You know, these evil spirits can be controlled, but they are controlled by his refining evil spirits. He doesn't think Chen Xiao has such strength, but soon he is slapped heavily.

Then he saw a gray shadow coming out of Chen Xiao's back. It twisted and grew bigger and bigger. It turned out to be a six armed evil spirit.

“……” Master Yin deficiency. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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