Peerless War God

Chapter 2358: 2358

"I see. You heal first."

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Ji Changfeng has no expression on his face. He doesn't express too much. His heart is sinking.

Although I had long expected that it would be difficult to deal with the other party even if he was injured, I didn't expect that there was still enough strength to fight back, resulting in one death and two injuries. It's really terrible.

But that's all.

Although he has paid the price of one death and two injuries, it is also worth it. Bai Jun's injury plus injury is the end of his life. As long as he recovers a little more, it is the time for Bai Jun's death.

Obviously, Shao Shimao's plan is the same. If the three men could attack Bai Jun in one fell swoop just now, it would be the best.

If you can't kill him, it can also make Bai Jun hurt more and recover more slowly. In this way, Ji Changfeng takes the lead.

At present, Bai Jun's death is only a matter of time. Maybe the only thing to be careful about is Li Tong who is demonized on the black soil.

The little island master frowned and stared at Li Tong beside the stone table on the black soil. He saw that he was motionless and full of evil spirit. It was clear that he was eroded by the evil spirit. He didn't know whether he could recover or whether he had lost his mind at this time.

A restless mood rose slowly in the master's heart.

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You know, before he came to the secret place of burying demons, his biggest reliance was Li Tong, who was with him. Now Li Tong's situation is not clear, which is very bad for him.

There is only one season long wind, which may not be enough. But there is no other way. We can only go step by step.

Slowly, with the passage of time, Ji Changfeng's injury has some improvement, and his mana has also recovered a little. On the contrary, Bai Jun, who is not far away, has a pale face and is coughing up blood, but his injury continues to deteriorate and has not been contained.

"Well, the overall situation is settled. He's dead." The little island Master sneered in his heart.

My dear aunt, it seems that you lost the first game, and you still lost completely. As long as you want Caiwei fairy in his hands, and let him abuse and play with him, he will feel very comfortable. Now even Bai Jun, a good helper of my aunt, will die in front of him. How can he not feel happy.

"Ji Changfeng, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and kill him. I promise you all the benefits you want." The little island Master said harshly.

Smelling speech, Ji Changfeng grinned and said: "little island Master, as you wish, Bai Jun, your time of death is up."

Ji Changfeng gets up slowly, his sword is in his hand, and flies away. A sword stabs out. The blue sword light is sharp and cuts through the sky. Bai Jun, full of hatred in his eyes, holds up the hidden gold shield to block it. However, he is hit by the huge power of the sword and falls askew into the Black Lake, smashing a spray.

Ji Changfeng takes advantage of the victory to pursue and fall from the sky. With a sword, he falls to the ground. Boom, the huge waves burst open in an uproar. Bai Jun's body is stabbed with a terrible wound in front of him. His flesh and blood are turned out, but he doesn't die at the first time.

With the moon blade in hand, he swept away the sword and kept retreating. His chest was bleeding, but he still insisted.

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The same season is not so good wind, just that a few times although he is the upper hand, repeatedly move, but the other side's counterattack is particularly fierce, let him a little hesitant.

For a moment, the two faced off again.

"This long wind sword is really useless. Even a dying guy doesn't dare to fight. This man is really useless." Little island Master in the heart belly Fei way, but this kind of words naturally dare not speak out.

At present, he still has to rely on the power of Ji Changfeng to help him, but he has another sinister move.

With a sinister smile, the little island Master catches Caiwei fairy from the space magic weapon and holds it in his hand. At this time, Caiwei fairy is in a mess with tears in her eyes. She is tied up with a strange gold rope and can't move. Where can she have half of the fairy's noble pride? She is a weak woman to be bullied.

It seems that it is both pitiful and miserable.

"Bai Jun, open your eyes. Who is this? If you don't stop, I'll kill her right away. " The little island Master stepped forward and yelled.

"What?" In the fierce battle with Ji Changfeng, Bai Jun, who is reluctant to part for a while, sees this scene, his eyes are splitting, his eyes are bleeding, and his hatred is overwhelming.

"No, Caiwei, Wan Liangcai, what have you done to her? Ah ~ "Bai Jun roared angrily, almost going crazy.

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Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Ji Changfeng repeatedly takes the lead. For a moment, Bai Jun's wounds add several more, and his blood flows out like water. He is about to die.

"What? Hehe, you say that such a beautiful woman is in front of me. What else can I do to her? Isn't that what men like to do most? Ha ha ha ~ "the little island Master laughed wildly.

He said such unrestrained words to stimulate Bai Jun, disturb his heart of resistance, and defeat his will to fight. Of course, just as he said, some things have been done.His purpose is very simple. It's to revenge his aunt. That's the price he should pay for competing with him for the position of island leader.

He has to let others know that if he wants to compete with him for the position of island leader, he is definitely not easy to get into trouble.

"You, you brute, ah ~" Bai Jun's eyes were bloodshot and he swore.

At the moment when he yells at him, Ji Changfeng is fierce and fierce. He takes advantage of the opportunity to kill Bai Jun, who is in a mess.

Seeing, Bai Jun's defeat is a foregone conclusion.

Shaodao decided that the time was almost right. He sneered and said, "you guys, let's get rid of this old thing together. After that, I have a lot of clothes."

"Yes." The injured guards beside him and the other two disciples who had been ready for a long time were all responding in unison.

Three people together, will kill Bai Jun thoroughly in this, Bai Jun at this time has come to a dead end.

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At this moment of despair, change suddenly.

Brush ~ a strange sound came from the air. The sound was so subtle that it was almost imperceptible. But the little island Master was always very alert, but he heard it a little bit.

Even in the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something approaching him,

"then, what is that?"

A big doubt rose in his heart, and soon passed. In this very short moment, he had no time to think, because it all came too fast.

"Ah ~"

then, there was a great pain. The unspeakable pain came from his right hand. Subconsciously, as soon as he let go, the whole person retreated quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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