Peerless War God

Chapter 237: 237

Looking at the golden body, Chen Xiao has a smile on his face. This is the spirit and spirit of Zhan Tian wuzun's life. As long as he absorbs it, Chen Xiao can step into the realm of Wuzong.

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Without too much hesitation, he directly began to use the secret method to absorb the spirit into his body.

Now the main hall is empty, only Chen Xiao is in it, no one bothers him. He simply sits down with his knees crossed and begins to devour and refine directly.

This process lasted for three days.

When his refining continued to the third day, Zhan Tian Wu Zun's spirit had been completely absorbed, and only when he was absorbed, at this time, a strange wave came out from Chen Xiao's knowledge of the sea.

There was a sound in his head.

"Ha ha, I finally have a chance to fight tianwuzun. I want to revive again and see the sun again!"

In this voice, there is endless hatred and greed, and there is also the joy of happiness and long cherished wish. All kinds of emotions are interwoven in it.

When Chen Xiao heard the voice, his face changed slightly.

"The old man has done something wrong Chen Xiao's face was blue, and his mind was not good.

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At present, he had already guessed that Zhan tianwu Zun was a soul sucking pearl left on purpose. He used various secret methods to keep his spirit will not dissipate. When someone devoured his spirit, he reappeared and took over the body of the Devourer directly, so as to be reborn.

"It's a bit of a trick!" Chen Xiao was really careless this time. He had never thought that a little wuzun also knew this immortal method, and he was so deep in his mind that he wanted to take his house and be reborn.

If the spirit has not entered his body, he still has a thousand ways to completely eliminate the lingering ghost of zhantian wuzun. But now, it is a little difficult to do.

Zhan tianwu Zun's spirit has completely entered the sea of his knowledge, which is the most vulnerable place of human body. If he wants to swallow Chen Xiao's spirit and turn to the host, it's easy.

"Do not struggle, give up resistance, I will let you this body, famous in the world, ascend to the peak, you as a witness, should be with honor how to be!" Zhan Tian Wu Zun's remnant soul is extremely proud at the moment, as if the overall situation has already been decided.

But the fact is true, if an ordinary warrior, encounter this kind of thing, I'm afraid only sit and wait for death, but he wants to take the house, but Chen Xiao!

Immediately, Chen Xiao snorted coldly: "a little wuzun, but also falsely claimed to be on the top of the mountain? It's really arrogant! "

"Do you know who I am? If you dare to get close to my spirit, you will surely die! " After a brief absence, Chen Xiao came back to his senses and became confident again.

If this old guy wants to take away his body, he must first devour his spirit and destroy his independent will.

But Chen Xiao's spirit is the level of martial god in his previous life. How can such a little martial master be contaminated? Chen Xiao is confident that even if he devours a little bit, he can make him burst directly!

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"Little thing, I don't know where you come from. I'm so indifferent. But it's no harm. It's not too late for me to search your soul after I devour your spirit and take over your body." Immediately, Chen Xiao's mind, rang out the voice of Zhan Tian Wu Zun.

The next moment, Zhan Tian Wu Zun's remnant soul pounced directly at Chen Xiao's spirit, trying to swallow him up.

But at the moment when he came into contact with the spirit of Chen Xiao, he cried out: "what! How can it be? How can your spirit be so huge? You are not Emperor Wu! "

"It is absolutely impossible for Emperor Wu to have such a rebellious spirit!" "Who are you?" Zhan tianwu Zun said suspiciously

Hearing this, Chen Xiao Ao Ao ran a smile: "who am I? Since you are curious, I'll show you!"

With that, Chen Xiao directly released the spirit in his body, and a large part of his previous life memory directly entered into the ghost of Zhan tianwu Zun. He also saw Chen Xiao's previous life experience in an instant.

He saw a great power more powerful than him, shivering in front of Chen Xiao....

he saw an extremely powerful group, dominating jiuchongtian, but was overthrown by Chen Xiao....

he saw....

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at this moment, he saw the countless scenes of Chen Xiao's previous life, and suddenly, he was shocked.

What kind of existence did I seize!

At this moment, Zhan tianwuzun, who had won the victory, was finally a little frightened. He found that his own strength was so insignificant in front of Chen Xiao.

"Taoist friend... No, master, if you have offended before, please look forward to Haihan!"

"The younger generation fights the sky, has the eye not to know the Mount Tai, hoped the elder can regardless of the past suspicion, lets me leave!"

At this time, Zhan tianwu Zun finally felt Chen Xiao's terror and begged for mercy.

But how could Chen Xiao pay attention to the old man's words and immediately release the spirit and directly devour one third of his remnant soul."Ah Zhantian wuzun's remnant soul can't help but scream.

He had some illusory soul body. After being swallowed by Chen Xiao, he became more transparent and weakened to the extreme.

"Run away!"

He knew that Chen Xiao would not take the initiative to let him go. Only by finding his way could he have a chance of life. So he quickly took the remaining spirits and fled to Chen Xiaoti.

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At this moment, his heart was full of remorse. He thought that he had a chance to seize the house and be reborn and dominate the sky again. However, he did not realize that the object of his taking away the house was an old monster who was more terrible than him.

The strong desire for survival drove Zhan tianwu Zun to flee, but before he could escape completely, he met something, which was the mysterious Pagoda in Chen Xiao's body.

The pagoda exudes a sense of boundless antiquity. On top of the pagoda are carved a powerful black dragon, which is full of pressure, which makes the remnant soul of zhantian wuzun stare straight.

"What is this?" Zhan tianwu Zun wanted to cry without tears. He thought that he would be safer if he escaped from Chen Xiao's consciousness sea. However, the sense of threat brought by the mysterious Pagoda in front of him was even stronger than that of Chen Xiao before.


Before he reacts, the mysterious pagoda shakes and glows, swallowing all the remaining souls of him.

Wu Zun, who boasted himself of being extraordinary, had the ambition to take his house and be reborn. But now, under the influence of the pagoda, he did not even have time to shout out a scream, so he turned into nothingness.

A generation of wuzun, on this point, completely fell.

The mysterious pagoda, which absorbed the spirit of the remnant, is also in a surge of light, and there is a continuous flow of gold in its body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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