Peerless War God

Chapter 239: 239

Chen Xiao today's cultivation, although greatly increased, but still difficult in front of these people have too strong deterrent power.

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After making up his mind, Chen Xiao didn't stay too much. He left dongxun city and went out.

Not long after he left, the news of Chen Xiao's killing five big two star Wuzong Tianjiao was also spread.

"How could it be? Chen Xiao? He killed five strong men of Wuzong level of two stars by himself? "

"Damn it! Dare to touch the disciples of my spirit sword sect

"I will never give up this matter! Zhao Tong is the candidate of the next generation leader of our seven star altar. Now he died in the secret place of Wansheng mountain, and died in the hands of the boy of tianwu country. We must kill this man in the Seven Star altar! "

For a while, the five main gates who received the news were still unbelievable at the beginning. How could they not understand that the joint efforts of the five two star Wuzong could not fight a king of Wu. However, as time went on, the five people never came out, which made them have to believe.

When they completely accepted this fact, the top officials of the five major sects were furious and said that they would kill Chen Xiao at any cost in order to revenge.

At that time, it shocked the whole dongxun empire. These five main sects were xuanlevel sects of dongxun empire. Among them, there were countless capable people, and the strong ones came forth in large numbers. Even the leaders of the five sects had the fighting power of wuzun level. It was shocking enough to have a hunting order under the sect. What's more, at the same time, people all thought that Chen Xiao would die.

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However, in the past half a month, people can not find any news of Chen Xiao, as if he evaporated from this world.

Tianliguo, a road, Chen Xiao at the moment is halfway to rest.

He knew that as soon as he came out, the five metaphysical sects would kill him at all costs. Facing these sects, although Chen Xiao's current strength has broken through to one star Wuzong, he is still hard to protect himself. Therefore, Chen Xiao absolutely confessed and concealed his whereabouts for the time being.

However, although he had hidden his whereabouts again and again, he was still found out by some people. Every time his information was leaked, the strong men of the five major sects immediately followed him and killed him.

In the face of these people, Chen Xiao is not soft at all. He kills one by one and two by two. In this case, his hatred with the five major sects is getting deeper and deeper, and the fighting power of the five major sects is also getting higher and higher. Even before, a three-star Wuzong attacked, but he was still brutally killed by Chen Xiao.

"I can't get rid of these guys." Chen Xiao sighed and said to himself.

These days, he has killed many disciples of the five schools. They sent them to seek revenge. Naturally, he would not be soft hearted in the face of these people.

However, up to now, there has not been any strong person who can threaten Chen Xiao. The strongest one is a three-star Wuzong, who is still captured and killed by Chen Xiao's three moves which have already entered the Wuzong realm.

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"Now, if the hatred of these five major sects is not solved, I'm afraid that tianwu will not return." Chen Xiao shook his head and said with a smile.

Before the trouble is solved, Chen Xiao will only bring disaster to the Chen family if he goes back.

"I haven't tried it for a long time." Chen Xiao's eyes flashed and whispered.

Before he ascended to the top of the martial god in the previous life, he also made a lot of hatred. At that time, he also came out of the sea of corpses and blood. All the forces that once forced him to be like a dog who lost his family were all destroyed by him after he became powerful.

At that time, all the sects were on the top of jiuchongtian. They were more famous than the five major sects of the eastern search empire. Chen Xiao could still be disintegrated. Naturally, he didn't care about the situation at the moment.

He can't go back to tianwu now, so he chose to go to Tianli country to practice. There, Chen Xiao heard that there are a lot of relics space. If he can enter it, he can improve his strength again in a short time. At that time, he will not be afraid of the five major sects.

"But there are still problems to be solved at the moment." Chen Xiao spits out the weeds in his mouth, stands up from the ground, looks at the open space in front of him and says, "come out!"

As soon as Chen Xiao's words fell, a man stepped out of the void. He was only middle-aged, but his martial arts cultivation was extremely strong, which was the level of five-star Wuzong.

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Seeing this man, Chen Xiao looks dignified a little. He can kill four-star Wuzong, but when he meets five-star Wuzong, he may not be able to defeat him.

"Chen Xiao, you killed Liao Fan, the Taoist priest of Lingjian sect. It's an unforgivable crime. Now I'm ordered by Zong clan to take your head!" The five-star Wuzong said.

"Here comes another one, OK. Since he is here, let's go!" Chen Xiao shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

These days, he also killed a lot of people from five major sects who came to seek revenge, but this time, he met the strongest one.

The five-star Wuzong didn't immediately take out his hand. Instead, he took out an object and put it in the sky. All of a sudden, he locked all around him to prevent Chen Xiao from escaping.

"I've heard that you have a very strange body skill. Now I've got the prohibition refined by the headmaster. This prohibition is enough to lock a nine star martial school. Now how can you escape?" The five-star Wuzong of the Lingjian sect was proud to open his mouth after all this.Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao is finally a heart sank to the bottom, it seems to be really prepared to come.

At first, he did not want to fight with him when he saw the strength of this man. After all, it was difficult for him to compete with the strong at this level. But now, he has to do it.

Chen Xiao wants to break the ban, but it will take some time. Under this prohibition, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xiao to get rid of it. Under this prohibition, one person must die and the other can go out.

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"It seems that today we have to fight to the death!" Chen Xiao's eyes flashed, a burst of killing in his eyes.

He didn't want to fight this man, but the situation has reached the point of death, that is, you die!

I live!

Read this, Chen Xiao did not hesitate, directly took out the red cloud sword in the storage ring.

Chen Xiao, who holds the magic weapon in his hand, has a high momentum and full of fighting spirit. Although he has only one star Wuzong's accomplishments now, he may not lose in the face of such strong men as the five-star Wuzong.

"Good boy, the breath is not weak. No wonder you can kill Tianjiao of the five major sects. However, you must die today, don't struggle!" With that, the five-star Wuzong of Lingjian sect put the momentum out, and a huge momentum belonging to the five-star Wuzong was oppressed, like a mountain and a sea, trying to crush Chen Xiao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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