Peerless War God

Chapter 246: 246

At this moment, Li Du Dun was very angry. Before he wanted to show himself in front of Qingling, he deliberately rushed forward to deal with Wang Guang, but he was slapped by the other party. This was regarded as a great disgrace to him. Now, Chen Xiao said it in person, no doubt in his face.

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"Boy, look for death!" With that, Li Du was angry and punched Chen Xiaoyi.

The movement between the two also attracted the attention of many people, including Qingling who had just left.

When she saw that Li Du was directly attacking Chen Xiao, she was in a great hurry to stop him. She was clear about Li Du's martial arts cultivation. Although she was not as good as the young top heroes of Tianlong City, she was still quite famous. She had already been promoted to the level of eight Star Emperor Wu. If she went on this blow, she was afraid that she would have to spit blood on Chen Xiao.

But all this still happened too fast, Qingling had no time to stop it, and could only watch Li Du fly out with a fist.

After that, Xiao Chen's injury was not healed, and he was hurt by this blow. At this moment, this is the last thought in Qingling's heart.

But what happened next was that all those who paid attention to this scene were stunned.

Li Du's angry fist was easily avoided by Chen Xiao. At the next moment, Chen Xiaoyang raised his hand and fanned it down at a very fast speed. Li Du didn't have time to respond.


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After this clear and loud slap in the face, everyone found that the other side of Li Du's face was swollen like a pig's head.

How could it be?

How did he do it?

For a while, everyone was surprised. Li Du was also a warrior of the eight star Emperor Wu. His strength was at the top of the whole team, but now he was slapped in the face by Chen Xiaoyi.

If the spectators are still like this, Li Du, who was beaten, is even more difficult to accept.

In his cognition, Chen Xiao is just a pariah. Fortunately, he picked up a life from the Sirius mountains. There is nothing worth noticing. However, such a pariah has slapped him in the face directly, and even he has no time to dodge.

"Kill me As the saying goes, hitting people without slapping their faces, Chen Xiao completely let Li Du into a frenzy. At the moment, he has no mind to think about how Chen Xiao can slap him down and make himself unable to avoid it. He just wants to tear Chen Xiao into pieces.

But when he wanted to start again, he was stopped by a woman's voice full of joy.

"Li Du, stop it. Don't be rude to your predecessors!" Qingling scolded, and immediately walked between them.

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She went to Chen Xiao again, smiling like a flower, a pair of big eyes couldn't help but look at Chen Xiao, as if to see Chen Xiao thoroughly, and mixed with a little bit of secret joy: "Mr. Xiao Chen, thank you for the rescue during the day. If you didn't scare Wang Guang away, I'm afraid we would have died under him."

If we say that before, after Chen Xiao denied, Qingling has no doubt that Chen Xiao is the elder, but now I see Chen Xiao easily overturn Li Du, and I am sure that there are so many coincidences, all of which point to Chen Xiao. Although Qingling is a woman not deeply involved in the world, it is not stupid.

But although she was so sure, Li Du refused to believe: "Miss, you are confused! With him, how can he be the expert who frightens Wang Guang away with one word? "

In any case, Li Du would not think that the high man would be Chen Xiao. After all, Chen Xiao was too young, and he had already despised this person in his heart. When he suddenly changed and became an existence he needed to look up to, Li Du naturally could not accept it.

"If he is the elder in the daytime, then I am wuzunjing great power!" Li Du pointed to Chen Xiao's nose and spat. Seeing Li Du so impolite, Qingling frowned and scolded: "Li Du, don't be presumptuous!"

"Please don't blame me, sir!" Turning around, Qingling saluted Chen Xiao and began to smile.

See this little girl's action, Chen Xiao will head one side: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

However, he did not intend to stay with these people for a long time. Naturally, he did not want to reveal his identity.

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"It's ok if you don't want to admit it, but I still thank you very much for your help." For Chen Xiao's words, Qingling didn't mind, just a faint smile, then took Li Du back down.

After all, it was just a small episode. The whole team set off for Tianlong city the next day. During this period, Qingling paid more attention to Chen Xiao.

In the face of such a young martial arts strong man, she is after all some heart throb, occasionally secretly looking at Chen Xiao's figure, pretty face will be unconsciously some red.

"Why didn't you notice that he still has some flavor?" Qingling thought.

In the face of her fiery eyes, Chen Xiao can only pretend to turn a blind eye to her, and is not willing to pay more attention to it. All the way down, he is at peace, and soon arrives at Tianlong city.

"We're back!" Looking at the magnificent city in front of her, Qingling finally couldn't help laughing, and all the other martial arts school people were cheering.After entering the city, Chen Xiao found an opportunity to bid farewell to Qingling.

"I'm really sorry to have bothered you for such a long time. Don't forget it." Chen Xiao spoke faintly.

When he came to Tianlong City, he just pushed the boat along the river. By the way, he would see if he could find out about the fate of fortune in the city, so that he could seize it and improve his strength. Naturally, he would not stay in Qinglei martial arts school for a long time.

However, Qingling was reluctant to leave, so he said, "don't you go to Qinglei martial arts school for a while? If you want to do things in Tianlong City, with the help of Qinglei martial arts school, I believe you can get twice the result with half the effort. "

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Hearing this, Chen Xiao was interested.

Indeed, I am alone in Tianlong city and have no power. If I can use the power of Qinglei martial arts school to search for information for myself, I'm afraid it will be easier.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaocai nodded and promised to go back to Qinglei martial arts school with them.

Seeing that Chen Xiao agreed to come down, Xiaoni Zi cheered and quickly took Chen Xiao's hand and walked to the front. However, Li Du's eyes were still staring at Chen Xiao, full of hate.

Through half a city, people finally came to a mansion. Above the mansion, there was a plaque with four characters of Qinglei martial arts school written on it.

"This is my home." Qingling points to the front and laughs at Chen Xiao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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