Peerless War God

Chapter 2501: 2501

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Someone came near. Suddenly, the Hai clan killer turned his head and looked at him. His eyes were fierce. He was like a wild beast that was killing people together. Even though he was seriously injured, he still exuded extremely dangerous breath.

Wan ling'er takes a small step. Behind her is Qin Daoyuan. She comes to the door of the cell where Hai clan killers are held. She looks inside. When she sees the scene clearly, her eyebrows suddenly wrinkle slightly.

"What's your name?" Asked Wan ling'er.

Naturally, the purpose of her coming here is not to see the sea killer, but to confirm what Chen Xiao said and to find out whether the other party has sent the news back to the dragon god palace of endless sea.

If it is the latter, she must be more careful and arrange it ahead of time. Otherwise, when the army of the dragon god palace comes down, she will have no preparation and will be in trouble.

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"Kill me, kill me, kill me..." Hai clan killer desperately hit the prison door, his ferocious mouth roared these three words, his eyes were red.

Now that he was captured by the other side, he came to such an end. In his mind, he only wanted to die. He had a deep hatred for the human race, and he knew how miserable the end would be once he fell into the hands of the human race. Instead, he would peel off the skin and tear down the bones, which was the most merciful result.

Now his whole strength is blocked, and he can't even commit suicide. He tries his best to hit the prison door, not to escape, but to die. However, his physical body is too strong to hurt at all.

After the whole body power of the Hai nationality killer is sealed, it's a fool's dream that he wants to commit suicide by physical power.

His blood red eyes were staring at Wan ling'er, roaring angrily, "kill me, kill me..."

Wan ling'er frowned and said, "kill you? Why kill you? I'll let you live well, and then torture you to death bit by bit. After all, a living Haizu can maximize its value, can't it? "

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Smell speech, Qin Daoyuan mouth a pull, strange smile.

The killer of Hai clan trembled as if he had heard the most terrible thing in the world. His body trembled violently. He knew the Terran means, and fell into their hands. It was no different from life.

"Bitches, bitches, and Terrans all deserve to die. Sooner or later, the HAIs will return to their former glory, completely exterminate the Terrans, disgrace them before the snow, and destroy their orthodoxy."

Wan ling'er, with a cold face, said, "with your kind of goods? How dare you say to destroy our ethnic orthodoxy? It's ridiculous. You'd better think more about how to get out alive. "

"Terran all die, all die, die..." Hai clan killer roared, at this time, he has no previous calm, only the beast driven by anger, supporting his last hope of survival.

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"I don't know how the dragon god palace would react if it learned about your situation?" Wan ling'er's words have changed.

The Hai clan killer, who was roaring angrily, stopped and stopped. Instead of going crazy and venting, he lowered his head and stared at Wan ling'er with two eyes. He said, "if your Majesty the dragon king knows that the man is the killer who killed the seventh prince, he will do whatever it takes to bring down the army. At that time, your golden island will no longer exist. If you have a little sense of interest, Let me go now, maybe there's still a chance. "

Wan Ling Er rolled his eyes and said, "are you stupid or am I stupid? If I let you go, I'm afraid that the dragon god palace will crush the territory before tomorrow. Where is the future? "

The Hai clan killer snorted coldly and said: "there was so much noise before, and even the strong men in the later stage of robbing fairyland were sent to deal with me. It's impossible not to reveal any information. Once the dragon god palace finds out that I'm missing, it's bound to know that there must be something strange. At that time, you can't prove your innocence. Now you let me go, I can't wait for Paul to die. "

"I'm so arrogant. I didn't expect that you, just a dying prisoner, would dare to speak so much. You just don't know how to live or die. If the dragon god palace really dares to come to our golden island, I will let him never come back." Wan ling'er looks angry.

When has she been threatened like this? It has never been before, and it will never be in the future.

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She used to be the daughter of heaven of the Wan family. At that time, she was not very strong and full-fledged. Even when she was still very weak, she dared to resist the whole family and marriage, and even betrayed the whole family and suffered a lot.

This shows that in her heart, she is not a person who will admit defeat. Although the words of the Hai nationality killer gave her great pressure, they also aroused her resistance.

"Woman, don't be ignorant. At that time, the army of dragon god palace will come down and destroy your golden island. You will be too late to repent." The sea killer threatened.

Wan ling'er snorted coldly, "then I'll wait for you, but at least now the dragon god palace doesn't know anything. You'd better stay in this dark dungeon and die."

"You..." the killer of the sea clan is fierce, but it's just so. He is a prisoner now. His power is sealed, and the demon Dan is almost broken. He can't do anything.

As Wan ling'er said, there is only one way to die. Even before his death, he will suffer from all kinds of inhuman treatment. The relationship between the Terran and the Haizu has never been a dead end. It's just that they maintain a balance on the surface. After all, no one can do anything about it, and no one can completely wipe out the other. Therefore, there is a situation where both sides compromise one step now. The Terrans occupied the land of God, while the HAIs occupied all the sea areas, including the endless sea. Of course, in terms of area alone, the area of the sea area is much larger than that of the land. However, after thousands of years of war, the sea people are very small and dare to go ashore easily. They only dare to move in the sea area. On the contrary, over the years, the power of the Terran has been infiltrating into the territory of the Haizu, and the Golden Island is just a corner of the big chessboard, which is very humble. After saying this, Wan ling'er didn't pay any attention to the other side, raised his foot and walked away, saying: "pass the order down, and use it to test the medicine, whether it's dead or alive."“ Yes Not far behind him, the Hai killer trembled and roared angrily, but it was weak again soon“ Brother Qin, what do you think of this? " Walking on the way out of the dungeon, Wan ling'er looks at Qin Daoyuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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