Peerless War God

Chapter 2504: 2504

Shame, he didn't think that just because he said a few words, he suddenly realized that the disaster directly came. If it wasn't for the high-speed moving building ship, it would be a good opportunity to survive the disaster.

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But now this opportunity has been forcibly interrupted, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Thinking of this, Bai Jun frowned.

"Brother, are you ok? What was that just now? It's terrible. I feel like God is angry. Everyone has to die. " Qingxuan trots over and grabs Chen Xiao's sleeve. Her face is full of fear.

"It's all right. It's all right now." Chen Xiao touched her little head and comforted her.

If there is any psychological shadow caused to Qing Xuan by this incident, his guilt will be great. He doesn't want to let Qing Xuan suffer because of him.

"Well, I'm not afraid of having my brother here." Qingxuan said.

Seeing this, Bai Jun shook his head and sighed, "I was careless just now. I didn't expect that..."

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He really didn't expect that Chen Xiao's talent was so evil. It was only because of his words that he suddenly realized, which led to the disaster. If he had known that, he might not have said it.

Even if you want to say it, you have to find a safe place. Now it's in vain to cause so many troubles.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai. I didn't control it just now. What's wrong with you, Mr. Bai? On the contrary, your words pointed out a bright road for me, and I benefited a lot." Said, Chen Xiao Baoquan is a gift.

Bai Jun looks rather complicated, silent for a moment, said: "you have great luck, often can turn bad luck into good luck, and the robbery, but do not have to act too hastily, late into the robbery fairyland, you will only benefit more."

"Oh?" Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and said strangely.

It's the first time he's heard such a statement. No one has ever mentioned it to him before. He listens to Bai Jun carefully.

Bai Jun stopped for a moment, straightened his mind, and then said, "when you reach the peak of Xiansheng realm, it's very difficult for you to improve every step. If you want to improve, there is only one way, that is, to understand the way of heaven. The longer you stay in this realm, the more profound your understanding of the power of the way of heaven and the power of heaven and earth will be, Make the fighting power rise again, do you understand? "

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After listening to these words, Chen Xiao suddenly realized that there were such advantages. No wonder he felt that his recent understanding of the rules of space was more and more pure.

"Thank you for your advice." Chen Xiaozhen is sincere.

Bai Lao nodded slightly and said with a smile, "you can certainly understand these things yourself. I'm just a passer-by who knows more. Well, I won't disturb you."

"Old Bai, please."


When Bai Lao left, he went to talk with some other people again. From the scattered words in the air, we can know that Chen Xiao was also the person they chatted with. Especially the thunder robbery just caused by Chen Xiao dissipated in a very strange way. It's really amazing.

Many people have never heard of such strange things in their whole lives. It's an eye opener to be able to see them with their own eyes today, and Chen Xiao, who is the initiator, naturally becomes the talk of many people present, which is also very reasonable.

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"Husband, you're not hurt anywhere," Yue Yao drew close, a pair of hands groping back and forth in Chen Xiao's body, a face of concern.

This makes Chen Xiao a little embarrassed, "don't touch, I'm ok, you're so, let others see bad."


The other girls, Xiao Ling and nishang, all of a sudden burst out laughing. Even Qingxuan couldn't help smiling.

Yue Yao angrily glanced at him and said, "what are you afraid of? If other people want to see it, just look at it. I'm old and old, and I'm ashamed of it. It's boring."

In such matters, Chen Xiao naturally said that she couldn't do it, so he had to comply and said, "well, you can do as you like. Anyway, I feel very well now. I'm so fresh and fresh. Ouch ~"

Chen Xiaotong called, and immediately attracted the eyes of many friars. He looked at the scene of flirting here with strange eyes.

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"Don't pinch it. It hurts. Is it killing your husband? Oh, it hurts. I won't say it. It's time for you to let go. " Chen xiaolianrao.

Yue Yao pulled the corner of her mouth and said with a smile, "now you know what I'm good at. I'll call you hule, I'll call you to mess with me." Said, is a powder boxing hit in Chen Xiao's chest.

Of course, there must be no use at all. It's almost like being hit by the air. It's more like being coquettish. The warm feeling almost melted his heart. If only it could go on like this all the time.

Such a happy time, he hopes to be able to continue forever, never change, how good that should be.

Next to him, Xiao Ling and nishang see all this in their eyes. Suddenly, their pretty faces are cold. Jiao hums and turns her head to one side. She doesn't look at Chen Xiao in anger. It's obvious that she's eating something in her heart.

When Chen Xiao sees this, he laughs and works hard in the dark. The waves are flat and the air is full of prestige. With such a pull in front of him, he pushes the two girls to Chen Xiao and holds them in his arms. In this way, he held the three girls in his arms and his face was full of smiles“ Chen Xiao, what are you doing? I'm too shy. " Xiao Ling pretty face a red, don't know how to deal with, crisp and neat closed eyes“ You... "As for nishang, it was just a symbolic struggle, and then gave up. For a moment, the three girls held in their arms, smelling the faint body fragrance from the three girls, feeling the three girls' fast beating heart and the faint body temperature, which greatly satisfied Chen Xiao's soul and spirit, and even increased her soul power. This unexpected harvest, but let Chen Xiao a little surprise, but also distress, for a time is very tangled“ Can you even raise your soul power in this way? " He asked himself in his heart, the soul is too strange and complex to guess“ Hum, brother, you are partial Qingxuan looks at it. Her pretty face is very long and she looks very unhappy. She says angrily and stomps her feet hard. "..." Chen Xiao. He was speechless for a while. He really didn't know how to speak. In his heart, he always regarded Qingxuan as his sister. Although there was no real blood relationship between them, he never had any other superfluous ideas. His only wish now is that several women can become stronger quickly and have the power to protect themselves, so that he will be much more relaxed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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