Peerless War God

Chapter 2508: 2508

For a moment, the whole audience was in an uproar. Many people subconsciously stepped back and did not dare to get close, so as not to be affected by the storm. They didn't want to be involved just because they were watching the play.

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"He really has some strength, but he's too aggressive. He's provoking people he shouldn't have. Now he's going to have a hard time."

"Yes, the name of this great man is Dou Lei. Although he only shows the mid-term strength of holy land, behind him is the whole Dou family. You know, the Dou family in Baishi city is famous. Who dares to bully the Dou family so much? I'm tired of it."

There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers, some with solemn faces and sighs, some with schadenfreude.

These words naturally fell into Chen Xiao's ears word for word, with a slight frown, but there was no regret or hesitation. If he didn't dare to stand up at this time, who could Qingxuan and his women rely on.

"Qingxuan, are you ok? Let me show you your hands." At this time, several girls rush over. Nishang hugs Qingxuan and says with concern.

"You're not hurt, right? What do you do now? It seems that the other party has something to do with it." Xiao Ling stood to Chen Xiao's side, and said with a little dignified eyes.

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"It's OK. I'm here." Chen Xiao light way, a pair of days not afraid of the momentum.

"Master, these guys must have come to find fault on purpose. They should have killed them all." Bruce Lee also stands beside Chen Xiao, shouting fiercely in his eyes.

As soon as he said this, his face was not angry. Many of his subordinates, who were trying to get back a little bit of the scene, were scared and retreated. It seemed that they were scared.

Although Bruce Lee hasn't made a move since his appearance, Chen Xiao has made a direct move. He's a tough and terrifying man. Naturally, even if Bruce Lee hasn't made a move, his strength will not be bad.

These guys are not stupid. Even the big men have suffered a lot. They dare not go forward and look for trouble.

"Boy, don't leave if you have seed. When our young master comes, you will die."

"We are the Dou family in Baishi city. Boy, you dare to provoke us. Hum, you don't even know how to write dead words."

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Chen Xiaogen didn't care at all about the clamour of these men and the vicious look in their eyes. He saw so many eyes. Only the weak could show such eyes, because they had no power.

There is no strength to resist, no strength to do what they want to do, only in the heart of resentment, curse and curse, but it is meaningless to do so.

White stone city Dou family, oh, so what.

At this time, Chen Xiao turns around, looks at Qingxuan and asks, "what's going on?"

Hearing this, Qingxuan wiped the tears on her face and said, "brother, it's like this. Originally I..."

But before Qingxuan could speak, she saw a group of people coming out. The leader was a young man in gorgeous clothes, followed by a few followers, with extraordinary momentum.

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The young man in Huafu took a look at the situation in the field, and his face became cold. He was very ugly. He said harshly, "who is it? I dare to act wild on my Dou's territory. I'm tired of it."

Chen Xiao almost abandoned, just half dead look of the big man, like all of a sudden found the Savior, rushed to the young man in Huafu, complained: "young master, you finally come, you have to make the decision for me."

The young man in Huafu took a look at the big man. His face was cold and he said, "who did it? I cut off your hands."

"It's him. It's him who did it. They didn't pay for the overbearing meal and hurt me like this. Young master, you have to help me make the decision." The savage man glared at Chen Xiao and yelled.

"You did it?" The young man in Huafu raised his head and raised his sword eyebrows. He took a look at Chen Xiao and asked arrogantly.

Chen Xiao didn't deny it. He said directly: "yes, I cut his hand, but there must be some misunderstandings. It's better..."

But before he finished, he was interrupted by the young man in Huafu. He said coldly, "just admit it. If you dare to hurt my Dou family, even if it's just a dog, you have to pay for it with your life. Go ahead and kill him."

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"Yes, young master." After getting the order, a strong man named Kong Wu came out from his side, with strong momentum.

Kong Wu takes two steps forward and looks at Chen Xiao with a sneer. He draws out the sword behind him. Without saying a word, he bends his legs slightly. With a flash of magic power, his body directly pierces the air and rushes to Chen Xiao. In the middle of the air, he kills Chen Xiao fiercely.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao's face sank and looked a little ugly. Naturally, he was not afraid of the strength of the other side. Although the strength of this strong man of Confucius and martial arts looked very good, it was just the peak of the holy land.

The real reason that made him angry and even look ugly was that the other party didn't give him a chance to speak and explain at all and started directly. Obviously, he didn't intend to reason with him at the beginning, and the other party's intention at the beginning was to use force to suppress others.

But he is not a clay sculpture, and even a clay sculpture has three points of anger. Since the other party doesn't want to reason, he doesn't have to reason with the other party. Let's see what's wrong. After all, this is a world where the strong are respected. No matter in the immortal realm or the divine realm, this has never changed. Whoever has a big fist will have a right to say. Today, if he can't come up with the corresponding strength, I'm afraid it can't be done well. Thought of here, Chen Xiao also no longer hesitated, directly exerted all one's strength, "green Yan, explode." With a wave of his right hand, Shua Shua Shua, three fireballs of head size flew out in an instant and went straight for Kong Wu. As soon as the blazing fire appeared, almost all the air in the field was ignited, which made the indoor temperature rise directly. Many people were scared to retreat and sweat on their forehead“ What a terrible temperature. This fire is not simple. "“ It's a strange fire, and the grade of this strange fire is not low, and it's very threatening. I've seen some of these good plays. "“ "Strange fire?" Seeing this, Kong Wu, a strong man, was also slightly surprised. He immediately sneered and said, "it's just a strange fire. How dare you come here to show your ugliness and scatter it for me?" As soon as the right hand was lifted, the blue wind swept out, and the three knives were cut out in an instant. The gorgeous white light of the three knives appeared in the air and hit three fireballs directly. This sword light is extremely sharp, directly cut the fireball into two parts. The strong man of Kong Wu laughed three times. His momentum was the same for a while. He was arrogant to the extreme and said, "even if it's strange fire, it's just like this. Boy, you're dead today. Give me death, eh?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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