Peerless War God

Chapter 2559: 2559

Blood devil.

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Just by listening to the name, we know that this woman is definitely a terrible character and a ruthless devil. Just hearing the name, she feels murderous, so that now Chen Xiao just needs to think about it, and he feels a little bit scared.

That night, at the last moment, he forcibly left Baigu island with the power of space teleportation. But outside Baigu Island, he was chased by the blood devil. Although the pursuit was blocked, it was just a little bit of leakage, which was enough to frighten him.

Blood demon girl, she has a bad name.

Smell speech, Mu Cheng look a little dignified, you know endless sea but there are a lot of evil repair and evil repair, this place is not only vast, and lack of a strong force to rule, so these evil repair is very rampant.

"What Moxiu is talking about is to do whatever you want, to do whatever you want, and to kill if you want. Most of Moxiu are eccentric, cruel and ruthless. They don't have to do anything. This blood devil will never have an accident." Mu Cheng said coldly.

Listen to his tone, you can feel that he disdains Moxiu very much, and even has some deep hatred, but at the same time, he has a little helpless loss.

After all, even if he hated Moxiu and wanted to get rid of it quickly, it was useless. His power was too small, and there were too many Moxiu.

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In fact, in a sense, the strong are the most respected. Natural selection and the emergence of evil cultivation conform to the laws of nature. Such sinister, vicious, cunning and evil people exist everywhere and cannot be eradicated.

"What brother Mu Cheng said is very true," Chen Xiaoying said. His eyes were full of worry, and he said slowly: "the destruction of Baigu island should be done by the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce. It is obvious that someone is secretly targeting the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce, and the threat is fierce. I'm afraid the Western sea area will not be peaceful any more."

For the people of Shenyu, turmoil always exists, especially among the major forces for the sake of interests. It's very common, but in most cases, it's just a small fight. Although there are casualties, it doesn't affect much.

However, the destruction of Baigu island has gone beyond this limit, and the situation has become more and more serious. At this point, it is almost impossible to ease the situation again. The situation begins to deteriorate, and then everyone will be involved, and no one will be spared.

As one of the parties that night, Chen Xiao was worried about this.

Mu Cheng's eyes flashed, thought about it, and then said: "as we all know, Bauhinia chamber of commerce is almost the only one in the West Sea area, and its only opponent is Yunxiao Pavilion. Is it true that Yunxiao Pavilion is involved in this matter? If so, it's a bit terrible."

On the surface, the Bauhinia chamber of commerce is the only one in the West Sea area, occupying a huge area of influence and territory. Everyone has to give it a face, and the power behind it is very mysterious.

The Bauhinia chamber of commerce is mysterious enough. As the leader of the guild, there is only one name known to the outside world. It is not easy for ordinary people to know the reality of the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce.

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Under such circumstances, Yunxiao Pavilion is still rising like a comet, but it is more mysterious. When Chen Xiao chatted with Bai Jun, he didn't know much, so he knew that there must be many unusual secrets.

"The Yunxiao Pavilion is really mysterious. I don't know if the Bauhinia chamber of commerce can hold it this time." Chen Xiao some worry of say.

Mu Cheng patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said with a smile: "brother Qin Feng, don't worry too much about this. Even if the sky collapses, there are tall people to support first. We little people can do whatever we should do. Come on, drink. We'll get drunk today."

"Here, drink." Chen Xiao in the heart a loose, ordered to nod, looked up one mouthful full stuffy to go down.

At this time, a loud noise came from outside Yongling Island, setting off a huge storm, which seemed to be mixed with the sound of someone's scolding, the breath of terror mixed in the waves, spread to a very long distance, almost all the friars on Yongling island felt it.

"What is this? Is there a robber in Wonderland As soon as Chen Xiao's face changed, he immediately stood up and looked at the source of the voice with his eyes extremely dignified. At the same time, his heart began to sink.

This direction!

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Chen Xiao saw it very clearly. The direction of the loud sound was exactly the direction they had come before. Is that right? He was surprised and thought of the worst possibility.

Subconsciously, as soon as Chen Xiao turns his head and looks at Mu Cheng, he sees that the other person's face turns black. His eyes are full of dignified color and extremely serious. Obviously, he also realizes that things have become serious.

"That's the direction we went into the island, isn't it Mr. Green Hill?" Chen Xiao asked.

Mu Cheng nodded, admitted and said: "yes, this breath belongs to my father. I will never admit it wrong. Who dares to fight with my father, or is it outside Yongling island? There is only one possibility, that is, the other three of the four families."

This is mu Cheng's first reaction, but in fact, it is true.

Chen Xiao's heart was shocked, and he was a little bit creepy. You know, the attack of the strong man who robbed the fairyland caused a far greater impact than the general holy land. Once he made the attack, he didn't dare to have any reservation. He tried his best to make a deadly move.

It's all about fighting for life. In a simple situation, robbing fairyland will not be done. It's obvious that there is something irreconcilable that will lead to the bloody struggle of those who are strong in robbing fairyland.

"And now what?" Chen Xiao asked.

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Mu Cheng was silent for a moment, and immediately made a decision. He turned to Chen Xiao and said, "brother Qinfeng, this has nothing to do with you. It's my Mu family's business. You can settle down here. I'll go back to Mu's home first. When I'm free, I'll call again. I'll leave first."

"Yes, please." Chen Xiao nodded his head, which was the only way.

At the moment, he sent Mu Cheng to the door of the VIP Pavilion, and Mu Cheng no longer had any cover. He soared into the air and turned into a streamer as fast as he could and rushed back to Mu's home.

Chen Xiao looked into the air and was silent for a moment. Then he looked back at the messy tabletop. Suddenly, he was no longer interested in eating and drinking. He called out: "waiter, check out."

The little two standing at the door gave him a smile and said, "don't worry, young master. This account has been recorded in the name of young master Mu Cheng. You can help yourself."

"Well." Chen Xiao nodded his head, got up and went out to zuixianju, intending to leave.

Just when he arrived at the gate of zuixianju and planned to leave first and find a place to stay, a man stopped him and stood in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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