Peerless War God

Chapter 275: 275

In the eyes of all the people, Chen Xiao moved. He went up the ladder like a lightning bolt. In just a moment, he crossed the 100 story ladder and directly rushed to the 150 floor ladder position. He was not far away from the nearest warrior before.

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When this happened, the city Lord who had ridiculed Chen Xiao for not even climbing the 50 story ladder turned into a pig's liver color, which was extremely funny. As for the city Lord and Tianjiao who ridiculed Chen Xiao, they were all strangled and speechless for a long time.

Even though it was more difficult for Liu to climb the ladder, it was even more difficult for them to climb the ladder.

But it is such a feat that has been ridiculed as a waste mediocrity by the public before. This gap makes it difficult for them to accept.

But fortunately, Chen Xiao set foot on the 150 floors in one breath, and stopped again. He did not immediately continue climbing, and did not give people a greater blow.

After seeing the change of people's looks, the Lord of Tianlong city felt a burst of darkness. Looking at the slightly emaciated figure in front of him, he said excitedly, "finally, I started to be serious. I really thought you had something wrong with you!"

"How... How could it be so!"

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"Didn't he even climb the first thirty floors of the ladder? How can there be spare power to cross the hundred story ladder at one step! "

"Am I dreaming?"

Some people still can't believe their eyes until now. They can't think of it. If Chen Xiao really has this ability, why not climb mountains in the first place?

Finally, after a short period of turmoil, some people thought they were wise enough to speak.

"It's not true. This man has been showing weakness all the time, just to give us an illusion. Now he has accumulated strength for a long time, just to make people pay attention to him and arouse some public opinion."

As soon as his words came out, he immediately won the approval of many people.

"Yes, if he had any spare power, why didn't he stop? It's obviously the previous sprint, which has consumed all the strength he has accumulated

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"I don't think the boy's ability is much better than us. It's just a little clever."

All of them asserted that Chen Xiao's crazy climbing was regarded as a special skill.

All of them looked disdainful. Only the city Lord of Tianlong was happy. He knew Chen Xiao's ability. As long as he began to climb, the top ten, the top twenty would always be there. This achievement would be far beyond the first batch of Tianjiao who were eliminated.

Time went by again. At the top, Liu Cheng climbed the height of the 400 story ladder for the first time. Behind him, Xiao Ling and Xu Xu were still chasing each other. However, the gap between them gradually widened, which was nearly 50 stories away from the ladder.

It is obvious that even if they are two Tianjiao, they will feel the overwhelming pressure when they arrive at a place with more than 300 floors. Only Liu Cheng can climb to such a high level and move forward steadily.

Under the three of them, the other Tianjiao was pulled apart for a long time. Some Tianjiao obviously had reached the limit, but they were not willing to let go. They were still struggling on the ladder, but could not make any further progress.

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During this period, Chen Xiao had never moved his body, as if he had been used to fix his body. He remained motionless like a mountain and always stood on the 150 floor position.

All of a sudden, let people sneer again. Originally, they just found an excuse to comfort themselves, but they didn't expect Chen Xiao to move all the time. This made Tianjiao, who had been suspicious, also thought that those people's remarks were correct. Chen Xiao only temporarily accumulated some strength to rush forward in an instant, but now the successor is weak and unable to move forward All right.

With the passage of time, Chen Xiao has not moved, but also let these people burst out more cruel than the previous sarcastic words.

"Just a mediocre person who wants to make a big event to attract people's attention?"

"Although there are some effects of using such methods to attract people's attention, it is still a small way after all. You still need to be hard to forge iron. What's the use of trying to force yourself if you don't have this skill yourself?"

"Tianlong, this boy's previous movement is also your inspiration! We were almost cheated before, thinking that he is really a peerless talent who can suppress people in the arrogance of this place. Now, it's just so! "

Because Chen Xiao was shocked by Chen Xiao before, but now he comes back to his mind again and thinks that the people who have been cheated are more and more angry with Chen Xiao at this moment. They are all cold faced and want to see how the good play ends. Moreover, the attention of this play has become more and more intense. Based on various reasons, Chen Xiao, who is far less powerful than Liu Cheng's three men, is actually climbing the ladder Among all the pride of heaven, the one who gets the most attention.After all, Chen Xiao was not so strong in the past and directly climbed the ladder. If there was no match for Chen Xiao's performance, he could only stop here, and he would be laughing and generous.

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For these people's extreme ideas, Chen Xiao does not know. At the moment, he is feeling the power of the laws of heaven and earth at the 150 level ladder. Here, the power of the laws of heaven and earth contained in the pressure here becomes more profound. Even if Chen Xiao wants to fully understand them, it will take some time.

He closed his eyes for half an hour before he opened his eyes quietly. At the moment, he had fully understood the laws of heaven and earth in the pressure of the place. At that time, the speed of refining the residual spiritual power of small beads in his body increased again, and his martial arts cultivation directly reached the peak of the two star Wuzong, only a line away from the three star Wuzong.

After clearly understanding the rules of this place, Chen Xiao no longer stayed, but walked directly to a higher level. He lifted his feet and climbed 150 stairs again, directly to the position of 300 stairs.

At the moment, he is in a position even more than many Tianjiao who are still climbing. As for those who have already been eliminated, they are numb on the spot when they see this scene at the foot of the mountain.

"Isn't he... A coincidence? Isn't he running out of energy? How could this happen? "

"My God, he went up 150 floors in one breath! It's terrible , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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