Peerless War God

Chapter 277: 277

Three hundred and fifty story ladder!

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Three hundred and sixty storeys of ladder!

Three hundred and seventy floors of ladder!


400 story ladder!

Chen Xiao galloped all the way, soaring up, directly over the vast majority of Tianjiao, rushed into the position of more than 400 floors!

His amazing performance not only blinded the people at the foot of the mountain, but also felt the pressure on dozens of Tianjiao who were still climbing the mountain.

"Who is this? Xiao Chen? Why haven't you heard of it? "

"Where did you find such a proud man in Tianlong city? It's so powerful. Why was it unknown before? "

Some Tianjiao are looking at Chen Xiao to surpass himself. They have some doubts. Although the state of glass is large, Tianjiao is few. If Tianjiao has such potential in their circle, they will not be ordinary people of unknown origin no matter where they are placed.

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However, they could not have imagined that Chen Xiaogen was not a person of Tianli kingdom. As for his pseudonym, Xiao Chen, the name, naturally became more unfamiliar.

Chen Xiao rushed up 400 floors, still did not stop, still continued to climb, step by step up the ladder, his action, also let many people feel pressure, have accelerated the pace, to the front, for a time, all Tianjiao are biting teeth forward.

However, although these people worked hard, they could not compare with Chen Xiao in speed. While they were still chasing, Chen Xiao had already gone farther and farther. He directly stepped to the position of 450 floors and ranked 11th. The gap from the 10th place was only a three-tier ladder!

At this time, all the people below were staring at Chen Xiao, hoping to see where he could go. The Lord of Tianlong city had a little sweat on his palm. He was looking forward to entering the top ten!

Under the gaze of so many eyes, Chen Xiao is still moving forward steadily. Although he has reached more than 400 floors, the power of pressure is gradually strengthened, which makes him unable to go as fast as before, but his posture is extremely stable and does not mean to stop.

When the distance between the 10th place and Chen Xiao is getting closer and closer, Tianjiao, who is the 10th place, is also secretly complaining. He is already on the threshold of the 10th place, which is quite different from the top nine Tianjiao. He is very satisfied to be able to enter the top 10.

But I didn't expect that Chen Xiao was so fierce that he ran up such a high ladder. He would soon surpass him. If he was surpassed, he would not be able to rank in the top ten.

The gap between the top ten and the eleventh place was huge. Because of this, he was not willing to be overtaken. Immediately, he bit his teeth and forced him to speed up. Regardless of the huge pressure, he set foot again.

"Step on it!"

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"Step on it!"

"Step on it!"

Tianjiao, who ranked 10th, was afraid that Chen Xiao would overtake him and climbed crazily. However, after only five steps, he could not bear the pressure brought by the pressure, and his body was bent, as if there was a huge mountain pressing on him.

"I don't like it!" He looked back at Chen Xiao. He saw that he was still walking steadily without any pause. He almost kept pace with him. He wanted to step on his feet. In the end, he couldn't bear it. He was completely crushed by the force of pressure. At the moment of his fall, his life card was suddenly broken and sent down the mountain.

"More than ten!"

"He really passed, and his pace was steady, without any confusion, as if he was far from the limit."

"I don't know. Where is the limit of this person? How far can he go?"

People are staring at Chen Xiao, some excited.

As for the leader of Tianlong City, he has already been happy. Chen Xiao's successful promotion into the top ten is enough to enable Tianlong city to obtain a lot of resources output from Tianli state, and to upgrade the overall strength of Tianlong city to a new level. This kind of advantage makes the Lord of Tianlong sigh his eyes and is glad that he has chosen Chen Xiao to come.

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When Chen Xiao surpassed the Tenth Man with an unstoppable speed, the people in front of him were shocked and threatened. Even Xiao Ling and Xu Xu at the front paid attention to them. Only Liu Cheng did not squint and was still climbing. After all, in his heart, the strongest opponent was himself. As for these people, they were not qualified to threaten him The pride of heaven.

"Why haven't you seen this guy before?" Xu Xu looked at Chen Xiao's direction, then frowned. He didn't know the details of Chen Xiao.

As for Xiao Ling, the little girl, was stunned by Chen Xiao: "is it him?"

For this young man who dare to look directly at himself, it is difficult for Xiao Ling to forget.

Xiao Lingjiao laughed and immediately murmured to herself: "it's really an excellent teenager. I hope you can go further."

At that time, she also stopped paying too much attention and began to climb the ladder. After all, although Chen Xiao is a little bright, she has not felt too much threat as one of the three great pride of heaven. Her goal is to surpass Xu Xu and Liu Cheng. By contrast, Chen Xiao's threat is nothing.For the attention of the public, Chen Xiao did not care too much, but continued to move forward.

"Step on it!"

"Step on it!"

"Step on it!"

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Chen Xiao has already surpassed the sixth place at the moment, and has reached the position of the 500 storey ladder. At this position, the oppression of the power of heaven and earth is extremely strong. Even Chen Xiao feels that under the terrible pressure, it is difficult to breathe.

"It is true that this pressure is a little strong, but it is not enough to hinder my way." Chen Xiao stopped for a moment, and immediately stepped forward three steps to the 503 floor. At the moment when he lifted his feet, his legs seemed to be as heavy as lead. Even Chen Xiao was still like this. This is a sign of the strong pressure.

At this time, there are only four Tianjiao who are still climbing and climbing. Besides the three people in Liucheng, only Chen Xiao is the only one. The Tianjiao people around Chen Xiao can not bear the pressure. It is difficult to keep themselves from being crushed, let alone go further.

See Chen Xiao's pace is still continuing, everyone is boiling up.

"My God, Chen Xiao is really terrible. He can still move freely after walking 500 floors."

"I see, he may not be much worse than Xu Xu!"

Hearing the cry of the crowd, the Lord of Tianlong city was also extremely shocked. He thought that Chen Xiao had reached the limit when he could break into the top ten. However, he did not expect that he could continue to walk, directly to the sixth place, and was still making great progress.

However, after a short period of astonishment, the Lord of Tianlong city returns to God and is replaced by endless joy. The more brilliant Chen Xiao shows, the greater the benefit to him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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