Peerless War God

Chapter 280: 280

Does he really want to compete with Liu Cheng for the first place

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"My God! With such courage, even if he fails, he will be respected by all! "

"It's just that Liu Cheng is so abnormal that he can surpass Xu Xu and Xiao Ling. But Liu Cheng is in front of me. I think it's difficult for him to win."

Among the crowd, for a time, the atmosphere reached the climax. All the people were crazy and threw their eyes on the figures of two lanes, one in front of the other, and the other behind. Their eyes were full of fanaticism.

As for Xu Xu and Xiao Ling, they also saw each other's astonishment.

"To lose to him, really not unjust!" At this moment, Xu xucai really thinks that Chen Xiao is better than him. At least, he does not have the courage to challenge Liu Cheng. That abnormal person is definitely not comparable to him.

Xiao Ling, on the other hand, is biting her lips and looking at Chen Xiao's figure with complicated eyes: "this guy, do you really want to do such a big thing to stir up Tianli kingdom?"

Chen Xiao, who is climbing in Tianshan Mountain, has no time to pay attention to his own actions and shock the people below. At this time, he has only one belief, that is, to continue to move forward Go, he did not really fight for the first heart, but now that he has come to this step, he is also a little hot blooded.

Although he was a martial god in his previous life, he still enjoyed the feeling of competing with Tianjiao: "half of the people who travel a hundred miles are half of them. Today I want to see how far I can go with the 999 ladder!"

With that, he stepped forward again, even ten steps, to 740 floors, regardless of the great pressure!

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And Liu Cheng in front of him is only 30 stories away from him.

"Eh?" All of a sudden, Liu Cheng, who has always been looking forward without paying attention to foreign objects, turned back for the first time and took a look at the rear. When he saw Chen Xiao, he also had a little surprise in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that someone could walk here this time, which was not far away from him.

After a brief shock, Liu Cheng's eyes were replaced by a trace of banter and brightness. Obviously, the appearance of Chen Xiao also aroused his interest.

Immediately, he turned and waved to Chen Xiao. The meaning of provocation was very obvious. He told Chen Xiao that I was waiting for you to chase me!

At that moment, he did not stop, but speeded up and moved on.

And Chen Xiao, also in his provocative action, felt a trace of anger: "very good, since you invite the war, then I will accompany you!"

Immediately, Chen Xiao was also in the shape of electricity. He lifted up the spiritual power of his whole body and continued to walk forward. The two began to climb one after the other.

When the people below saw this behind the scenes, they were in an uproar.

"Liu Cheng speeds up. He really regards Xiao Chen as his opponent."

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"It seems that this time is a fight between the dragon and the tiger."

"Although I absolutely can't win Xiao Chen, I'm proud to be able to attract Liu Cheng's attention."

One voice after another, all of them are discussing the situation of the two men. Obviously, at this moment, they have attracted the attention of the whole audience, and everyone knows that even if Xiao Chen loses this time, his name will spread all over the sky glass, making everyone shocked.

They seem to be witnessing the birth of a miracle. After Liu Cheng entered Wuzong at the age of 20, they began to suppress a generation of no one to fight against each other. In recent years, although Tianjiao appeared in large numbers, no one could compete with him. Now Xiao Chen's feat naturally made everyone boil with blood.

As for the master of Tianlong City, his face is full of smiles. Although he doesn't think Chen Xiaozhen can be compared with Liu Cheng, the spread of this matter will definitely make Xiao Chen's name sweep all over the world, and no one knows it. Naturally, the birth of this talented Tianlong city has many advantages.

"This guy, it's amazing." The Lord of Tianlong city took a deep breath and spoke slowly. He is still in shock.

He didn't expect that the guy who thought he was just a golden carp would suddenly become a dragon of nine days and become a peerless Tianjiao compared with Liu Cheng.

This huge contrast, let him be overjoyed, extremely proud of his choice of Chen Xiao eyes.

And his joy, Chen Xiao is naturally unable to experience, at the moment, his only goal is to surpass Liu Cheng, let this pretentious guy, see what is really Tianjiao!

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"Come on, let me see how strong you are!" A cold feeling flashed in Chen Xiao's eyes, and he was about to mobilize his spiritual power. He spewed out without reservation, resisting the general trend of terror and climbing forward step by step.

Two people keep chasing, 780 ladder!

790 story ladder!

Eight hundred story ladder!


850th floor sky ladder!

In the end, Chen Xiao reached the 850th floor of the sky ladder. The power of this place was enough to crush a strong man of Wuzong into pieces. Even Chen Xiao felt the endless pressure. At the moment, his steps, like a heavy burden, were hard to move on.Liu Cheng, on the other hand, reached the position of 880 floors, which was always 30 floors higher than that of Liu Cheng.

Chen Xiao is not easy, Liu Cheng is also very difficult to walk, to this place, has been very close to the top of the mountain, the power of the heaven and earth, is really beyond human power, he also with a breath, to go here, and according to his estimation, his limit has almost reached, absolutely will not exceed the 900 floor position, if Chen Xiao is still pressing step by step, then he really has May lose!

As the first Tianjiao of Tianli Kingdom, how could he allow such a thing to happen? Previously, he provoked Chen Xiao, but he did it casually. He wanted to make a joke, but he would never think that he would lose. But now that the two have climbed more than 100 layers, Chen Xiao still has spare power to keep up with him, but he is really difficult to continue. This makes him feel a little panic, and his eyes are fixed on Chen Xiao's movement.

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"He can't do it. He can't compare with mine!" See Chen Xiao for a long time did not move, Liu city is finally a sigh of relief, if compared to go on, he can really not hold.

However, at the moment when he was slightly relaxed, Chen Xiao stepped again. This time, he directly connected to the 20 floors and arrived at the 870 floor position. He was only 10 floors away from the 880 floor ladder!

"Although the power of the heaven and earth is strong, it can't stop me. As a martial god of the past, I have never seen any scenes, and I just want to be subdued by my arrogance!" Chen Xiao bit his teeth and moved on again.

871 floor!

872 floors!

873 floors! ~


880 floors! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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