Peerless War God

Chapter 2938: 2938

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Han Dali would shout like this, but it is completely from the heart, without any hint of Hospitality or flattery.

Even if he is only a small guard and has a low status in the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce, no one will care, but he also knows a truth, that is.

The most important thing in life is never to forget your roots.

At that time, the guards of the other two Bauhinia chambers of Commerce, including him, were captured by the people of Yunxiao Pavilion. At that time, he was extremely desperate and afraid. He knew very well what a terrible end would be if he fell into the hands of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Even if you can't even die happily, you will suffer all kinds of inhuman torture, which is the most terrible.

You know, the hatred between Bauhinia chamber of Commerce and Yunxiao pavilion has long been deeper and deeper. At this stage, both sides have killed and injured too many people in this fight, and even robbed fairies.

There is only one result, that is, life and death.

Either you die or I live. There is absolutely no possibility of giving way. This is very terrible.

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Therefore, if Chen Xiao didn't appear suddenly and save the three of them, they would definitely be dead, and they would die miserably.

It is based on this point that his gratitude and worship for Chen Xiao have been completely expressed before, and he is completely obedient to Chen Xiao's words.

"Well," Chen Xiao glanced at the three people, raised his hand casually and said, "just sit down."

"Thank you." Han Dali, with a trace of joy on his face, found a position at the end and sat down.

The whole person also seemed very restrained and didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

In sharp contrast, Su Wei and Su Zheng didn't sit down according to their words, but kept looking at Chen Xiao, even checking each other's breath, with a complex look on their faces.

Especially when they found something, Chen Xiao's breath was too strange and powerful. It was like an abyss, like the sea, and like mountains for a while. Under the exploration of their divine consciousness, it completely became a huge mystery and could not see clearly the strength of the opponent.

Seeing this, they looked at each other, and their faces were a little gloomy and uneasy.

There can only be one reason for such a result, that is, Chen Xiao's strength is far above the two. If you want to spy on each other's real realm, you can't do it at all.

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After seeing such a scene, they could only silently choose to accept this fact. There was no ability to change, so their mentality changed. There was no pride before, and instead, they were extremely cautious.

"I've seen elder Chen." Said Solvay.

"I've seen elder Chen." Su Zheng also shouted with a serious face, afraid of the slightest disrespect.

After all, compared with Su Wei, the legitimate genius of the Su family, his status is lower, and he dare not show any dissatisfaction.

"Elder? Why do you call me elder?" After hearing what they said, Chen Xiao asked with a little doubt.

Not only him, but also Bruce Lee and Yueyao are a little confused. Why suddenly Chen Xiao became an elder of Bauhinia chamber of Commerce. They didn't know anything before. Why?

Seeing this, Han Dali stood up from his seat and said, "Sir, you don't know. According to the rules of our chamber of Commerce, all the geniuses who are recruited to rob fairyland are guest Qing. Once this person successfully crosses the robbery and reaches the robbery fairyland, he will be automatically promoted to elder, enjoy better treatment and have certain real power."

Seeing that Chen Xiao didn't know such a thing, Han Dali also explained it a little, and the next few people knew what was going on.

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Hearing this, Chen Xiao immediately smiled, "ha ha, there was such a thing. I didn't know it before."

"Master, this is a good thing. Since you are promoted to elder now, won't it be more beneficial? Hey, our strength is so strong that Bauhinia chamber of commerce can't treat us badly." Bruce Lee said with a smile on his face. It can be seen that he is still very happy.

Especially after hearing Han Dali's words that he had real power and enjoyed better treatment, he was immediately happy. Money and power are good. Naturally, more is better.

Even if he is only a dragon, not a man, but a demon, he is also greedy for money. The more benefits, the better.

But Yue Yao doesn't think so. She obviously thinks and thinks more deeply. She knows that the more benefits, the greater the responsibility and the greater the risk.

Especially in the current situation, there is a fierce battle between Bauhinia chamber of Commerce and Yunxiao Pavilion. So many people died on Yongling island not long ago. If Chen Xiao continues to get involved, it will only be more dangerous.

But there is also an old saying that nothing can be gained without entering the tiger's den. Without greater determination, it is difficult to obtain more benefits. This is a very contradictory thing.

It's not a good thing to be promoted to elder at this moment.

For a time, Yueyao fell into silence and didn't talk much.

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"That's right. As long as Chen Xiao and I return to the headquarters of the chamber of Commerce, the name of this elder Keqing is almost certain." Suwei said calmly.

As Han Dali said, those who reach the strength of robbing fairyland in the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce will automatically be promoted to elders and enjoy better treatment and status.

Moreover, the current situation is more urgent, because in the previous night battle on Yongling Island, the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce lost more than a dozen immortals, and the loss is too heavy. It is natural for Chen Xiao to be promoted to an elder if he continues to rob immortals as a supplement.

In this way, the difference in status between them is even greater.

As the saying goes, there are mole ants under robbing immortals, which is a huge gap in strength for casual practitioners. In the chamber of Commerce, it not only represents the gap in strength, but also a huge gap in status, which can not be crossed.

For Solvay, it's too difficult to survive the robbery. He doesn't even dare to try it easily.

After thinking of this, the point in his heart was put down slowly, more convinced and admired. After all, not everyone can have so much courage to break through and try to survive the robbery.

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