Peerless War God

Chapter 300: 300

"Xiao is defeated, Chen." When Xu Xu said this sentence, his face was burning with pain, as if he had been slapped severely.

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Before the two men fought, he still had the appearance that he was sure of winning. He was going to kill Chen Xiao on the spot. But now it is the elder of zongmen who breaks the rules and comes to rescue him before he can survive. This is undoubtedly a severe slap in his face.

"You just admit defeat, not enough!" Chen Xiao coldly looked at the two people in front of him and shook his head.

His idea is to kill Xu Xuge directly. Now he would like to leave the stage alive with a simple confession of defeat, which is totally wishful thinking!

Chen Xiao had already said before the war that Xu Xu must be killed!

Chen Xiao's temperament has always been said to be one and the same. To kill him is to protect him by the heavenly king and Laozi, which is useless.

"Not enough? Xiao Chen, don't bully people too much! I've given up. What else do you want? " Xu Xu saw that Chen Xiao was still unsatisfied, and his injustice rose again.

"What shall I do? It's your life, of course Chen Xiao spoke coldly.

Both Chen Xiao and Xu Xu are very clear that their resentment can not be solved. No matter which side is defeated on the stage of life and death, the other will not hesitate to kill him. Xu Xu is like this, and Chen Xiao is the same.

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But at present, Chen Xiao's killing moves are blocked. Xu Xu even said that he wanted to end all this with a light confession of defeat. Naturally, Chen Xiao would not agree.

"Be bold! Do you know who you're talking to? The person in front of me is my spirit sword clan. Do you want to be the enemy of my spirit sword sect by saying such words? " Louba arrogantly threatened.

Lingjianzong is in Tianli country, which can be regarded as the top five super forces. Its industry and disciples are endless. It can be described as a giant. Unless someone is impatient to live, it will never offend Lingjian sect.

Louba is also aware of his family's deterrent force, so indifferent.

He thought that Chen Xiao didn't dare to offend the Lingjian sect. If he would not obstruct it, he was totally wrong. Chen Xiao's temperament would not fear such sects. Moreover, he had a long-standing feud with lingjianzong and would not keep his hand.

At that moment, Chen Xiao looked cold and asked elder Wu on the stage, "when Tianjiao is fighting for a rookie, no one else is allowed to intervene. This is the rule that elder Wu said. Now some people ignore the rules and ask elder Wu to punish them!"

Chen Xiao's words fell, and elder Wu's face became cold. Originally, he thought that he was an elder of the spirit sword sect, and he didn't want to take more measures. But now Chen Xiao said this, if he didn't punish him, where would his face be.

Immediately, elder Wu said coldly, "elder Lou, you've gone too far. You can't intervene before the battle is over."

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After hearing elder Wu's words, Lou BA's face was black and blue. The other side was a great martial master. Even if he had the backing of lingjianzong, he didn't dare to collide with him openly. Finally, he had to step down.

"Boy, don't do too much, or you will be listed on the list of revenge and killing by our spirit sword clan, and you will never die!" Before leaving, Lou Ba couldn't help but threaten.

But his threat, for Chen Xiao, does not need to be put in the eye, immediately, he turned his eyes to Xu Xu who had no power to fight again, and said with a grim smile: "now, no one can help you now."

"So you must die!"

When Chen Xiao's words fell, Xu Xu immediately shivered. Obviously, he was shocked by Chen Xiaoning's killing intention. But in a flash, he recovered some confidence.

"Xiao Chen, I am the master of the spirit sword sect. If you attack me, you will face endless pursuit. I don't believe you dare to do anything to me!" Xu Xu spoke with malice.

Relying on his identity as a Taoist priest of the spirit sword, he traveled all over the country of Tianli, and there were few people who dared not give him face. Therefore, with such an identity, he dared to be so arrogant.

But he is facing Chen Xiao, so this move is destined to be useless.

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Before he finished his nonsense, Chen Xiao became impatient: "noisy!"

With the help of Chen Xiaochao, the great spiritual power converged on his fingertips, forming a very strong blade, which shot directly at Xu Xu.


All they heard was an unbelievable scream. With a splash of bright red blood, Xu Xu's right arm was cut off mercilessly by Chen Xiao.

"You... How dare you? I'm a master of spirit sword..." Xu Xu held the wound on his right arm and screamed wildly. He couldn't believe it. Chen Xiao was so resolute in killing and fighting, and he dared to do so even though he knew his identity.

"Asshole, stop it!" Louba is still staring at Chen Xiao under the stage. He is going to cut him into pieces. If Xu Xu confesses here today, he will also face the punishment of the clan.

However, with elder Wu sitting in the seat, he did not dare to take the stage and could only watch this happen.

Lou BA's scolding didn't stop Chen Xiao's action. He was still wearing endless ice on his face. He continued to use his hands to pierce Xu Xu's whole life with sharp blades of true Qi. After a detailed count, there were hundreds of blood holes in Xu Xu's body, which was shocking and shocking."How dare you Xu Xu has already lost too much blood, his breath is weak, and he is not far away from his death. At this moment, he still can't believe that Chen Xiao has the courage to kill him in front of Lou ba.

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Chen Xiao strode forward, went directly to him, squatted down, and opened his mouth in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I have a long-standing feud with your spirit sword clan. Naturally, I dare to kill you. As for my name, you remember, I'm not Xiao Chen, I'm Chen Xiao!" Hearing this, Xu Xu's eyes widened. Chen Xiao had already been chased by five major sects including lingjianzong. Naturally, he knew his name: "it's you..."

"don't talk, I'll take you on the road." Chen Xiao didn't wait for Xu Xu to finish speaking, he directly pointed to him at the end of a finger, this finger straight in the heart, Xu Xu died on the spot.

The scene on the stage made everyone silent.

"This Xiao Chen is so overbearing that he is so decisive that he can't even subdue him."

"Yes, I didn't expect that he would dare to kill Xu Xu directly. You know, Xu Xu is the master of Lingjian sect."

Some people are secretly cold, glad that they have not become Chen Xiao's enemy, as for Lou Ba, is already angry seven tips smoke.

"Good, good, good!" Lou Ba even said three good words, but the anger in his eyes was about to gush out. Anyone could understand that he was angry to the extreme at the moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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