Peerless War God

Chapter 305: 305

Chen Xiao pushed open the door and saw the Lord of Tianlong crossing the steps anxiously outside. He was also stunned.

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"What can I do for you?" Chen Xiao asked curiously.

Seeing Chen Xiao finally came out, the Lord of Tianlong city was overjoyed and said, "Sir, Miss Xiaoling of Tianhua Valley has been here several times during your closing days. It seems that she has something to discuss with you. Now she is waiting outside."

Xiao Ling? Chen Xiao eyebrow a pick, immediately nodded: "I know."

Say, Chen Xiao goes out directly, just go downstairs, saw Xiao Ling that road concave and convex have Zhi figure.

"What can I do for Miss Xiaoling?" Chen Xiao strides forward and opens his mouth to Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling turned around and saw him, and his eyes brightened: "Sir, at last, is out of the customs. Naturally, my husband and I have something to discuss."

"Do you know how much shock has been caused when elder Louba returns to lingjianzong with the news of Xu Xu's death these days?" Xiao Ling said quickly.

Chen Xiao shakes his head. These days, he is busy absorbing the power of swallowing wuzun's blood essence. He really has no mind to pay attention to the follow-up actions of lingjianzong.

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"What are they going to do with it?" Chen Xiao chuckled and asked casually, as if he had never put it in his heart.

Hearing Chen Xiao's curious question, Xiao lingcai chuckled playfully: "I tell you, don't be scared."

"The news I got was that a supreme elder came down in person." When Xiao Ling talked about this matter at the moment, it was not as relaxed as before, and somewhat solemn.

"Elder Taishang? Is it strong? " Chen Xiao has some doubts.

Hearing Chen Xiao's confused words, Xiao Ling couldn't help turning her eyes. She didn't expect that Chen Xiao was so unclear about the hierarchy of lingjianzong.

"There are nine Taishang elders in lingjianzong. Each of them has the strength of Wuzong's peak, which can not be underestimated. It is these people who support Lingjian sect and become one of the big giants in Tianli state." Xiao Ling explained patiently.

"Although the Lingjian sect also has the ability to plunder the array of wuzun territory, all the martial artists at this level are like the final cards, which are the details of the whole clan. They will not appear easily. It is obvious that the matter of killing Xu Xu makes the Lingjian sect shake greatly."

Wuzong peak! Hearing this, Chen Xiao is also dignified a little, his strength can be at most in the eight star Wuzong's whole body to retreat, as for the Wuzong peak level figure, he really can't afford.

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Xiao Ling watched Chen Xiao half ring, did not see how nervous Chen Xiao looks, is also a Zheng: "you are not in a hurry?"

Chen Xiao was dumbfounded with a smile: "what's so urgent about this? You're obviously plotting with me now. Tell me what you think."

According to Chen Xiao's guess, the little girl first explained the seriousness of the matter with him, and then induced him to cooperate with tianhuogu. In return, tianhuogu would naturally protect him, so he was not very nervous.

What's more, even if Chen Xiao doesn't guess right, he can give up the idea of staying in Tianli country and waiting for the destruction of Lingjian sect, and leave directly. When he has enough strength, he can find these guys to settle accounts.

With Chen Xiao's ability, the land of Li was so vast that it was not difficult for him to escape.

When Chen Xiao said this, Xiao Ling looked at him deeply. She was surprised. She didn't expect that Chen Xiao could see through her mind at once. Then, without hesitation, she said directly: "although lingjianzong is a giant of Tianli Kingdom, there are not no things that can compete with him. For example, Tianhuo Valley is a spirit sword If Mr. Zong is interested, I would like to provide shelter for you. "

Sure enough, Chen Xiao sees that the other party has thrown an olive branch to him, and he also smiles with a knowing smile. It is not impossible to make Tianhua Valley moved by Tianli's current status.

"Can you represent the will of the valley of fire?" Chen Xiao said curiously.

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He is also very curious about Xiao Ling's identity. Although the other party is the inheritor of the valley master of Tianhua Valley, he is just a girl. If he wants to recruit him, he has to show up.

Xiao Lingjian, Chen Xiao, was puzzled. He also laughed and explained: "my father is the master of Tianhuo Valley, and the only one who is capable of martial arts. Naturally, I can make decisions on such matters."

After hearing this, Chen Xiaocai suddenly realized that he was the inheritor of the valley master. It seems that the promotion method of Tianhuo Valley is different from that of Lingjian sect. The position of the valley leader is hereditary, unlike the Lingjian sect. The identity of Xu Xu Daozi is determined by his own cultivation.

Seeing that the other side also showed sincerity, Chen Xiao pondered and immediately opened his mouth: "it's not impossible for me to form an alliance with Tianhuo Valley, but I won't be your elder's sacrifice, I won't be driven by you, and I will get along with you on an equal footing. If I want to, it can be done."

Chen Xiao's enemy is the Lingjian sect, and both the Tianhuo Valley and the Lingjian sect are the giant sects of Tianli kingdom. Naturally, there are many conflicts. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and it is not impossible for Chen Xiao to make good friends with the sky fire valley.

But he is absolutely impossible to rely on others. If the sky fire Valley wants Chen Xiao to take up the post, Chen Xiao will definitely refuse.Seeing Chen Xiao's eyes firm when he spoke, Xiao Ling understood that this was his bottom line. He couldn't talk about it any more. He immediately nodded: "yes, I'll make an alliance with you in Tianhuo valley. If there's any pursuit from the elder of Lingjian sect, tianhuogu will definitely help."

Although Chen Xiao was not brought into the sky fire Valley and became a member of it completely, Xiao Ling was a little disappointed, but he still agreed. After all, this matter has no harm to the sky fire valley.

With Chen Xiao's potential, only if he doesn't fall in the middle of the way, he will become a giant in Tianli country in the future. To make friends with him at the moment is an investment in tianhuogu, which will bring long-term benefits in the future.

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As for the promise of Chen Xiao to help deal with the spirit sword clan, it is not a problem. Originally, the fire Valley and the spirit sword clan are incompatible. Now, if you are disgusted with the spirit sword sect, the sky fire Valley can't get it.

Of course, there is still a little selfish of Xiao Ling.

Although Xiao Ling has no strong desire for Chen Xiao's love between men and women, she doesn't want Chen Xiao to die in the hands of lingjianzong, so she takes the initiative to ask the high-level officials of Tianhua Valley to win over Chen Xiao.

The alliance between Chen Xiao and Xiao Ling was settled.

After that, Xiao Ling also announced his departure.

"Sir, there are still six days before the ancient ruins are opened. Six days later, we will meet at the gate of Tianli city. When the time comes, the elder of Tianhuo valley will come over and you will not be threatened by the spirit sword sect." Xiao Ling raised her willow eyebrows and said briskly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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