Peerless War God

Chapter 307: 307

When the supreme elder of Lingjian sect came, other Tianjiao consciously moved their position away from Chen Xiao and stood far away from the outside to watch the development of the situation.

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To everyone's surprise, Chen Xiao was not surprised or angry when he saw the elder coming. There was no wave on his face, as if he had already expected it.

"Is he still ready?"

"What is his backhand? He can be so calm

Many of Tianjiao, who had been waiting to see Chen Xiao's jokes, was also surprised, and immediately some were not sure that Chen Xiao would be killed this time.

After all, in the rookie competition, Chen Xiao has already created too many miracles that ordinary people seem inconceivable, leading to such a situation, people still think that Chen Xiao may turn over.

"Kill me? Interesting. I'm afraid you don't have this ability. " Chen Xiao looked coldly at the elder of lingjianzong, who came from the sky, without any fear on his face.

Hearing Chen Xiao's sarcastic words, the supreme elder was stunned and immediately said with a sneer: "it seems that you have something to rely on, but I tell you, even if you move the heavenly king and Laozi here, you will surely die today."

With his strength at the peak of Wuzong, he walked among the ordinary people. Except for a few big figures of wuzun in Tianli state, others could not compete with him. This is the reason why he was so confident.

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"It's hard to stop Lao Tzu from coming? Elder Hu, you are too confident

But when an equally old voice fell, his face, which had won the victory, finally changed. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Xiao Ling. When he saw the figure of elder Zhang, his heart was also awe inspiring.

"Zhang Biao! Is it you... Tianhuo Valley, to protect this person? " Seeing that it was an elder who was no less than himself in Tianhuo Valley, the elder of lingjianzong, surnamed Hu, was no longer as arrogant as before. He was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth.

Elder Zhang of Tianhuo valley also stepped forward, protecting Chen Xiaohu behind him, and then said with pride: "now Xiao Chen Xiaoyou is an ally of Tianhuo valley. Naturally, Lingjian sect should not insult him!"

After elder Zhang made his attitude clear, old Hu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He didn't expect that the sky fire valley would intervene in this matter. There was a strong man at the top of Wuzong, who was not defeated by himself. It was very difficult for him to kill Chen Xiaoge.

But even so, he still did not give up the action. If he met him in the sky fire Valley, he would withdraw. That's not to tell the whole Tianli kingdom that his spirit sword sect was afraid of the sky fire valley.

Immediately, old Hu took a deep breath and solemnly opened his mouth: "well, since you want to protect him, let's have a fight!"

He did not intend to discuss with Duojia of Tianhua Valley, because he understood that there was no need to talk about the bad relationship between Tianhuo Valley and Lingjian sect. Since he wanted to kill Chen Xiao, he had to pass elder Zhang first.

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In a short period of time, the situation developed very fast. After only saying a few words, they both used their own momentum to compete with each other. The atmosphere in the field was also cold and felt like a hair trigger.

Many of Tianjiao, who were watching on the side, were consciously retreating, and Chen Xiao was also constantly retreating under the guidance of Xiao Ling.

These two are the top level of Wuzong. If they really fight, the aftershocks will be enough to make a big difference. They can't bear it. They can only retreat.

But the battle, which is about to break out, still hasn't started.

When the momentum of the two elders reached the extreme and they were ready to fight each other, a gentle spiritual power instantly pressed them down and then separated.

During this period, the two strong men, who were already at the peak of Wuzong, had no resistance. In front of this spiritual power, they were like newborn babies.

Only the powerful generation of wuzun state can have such means. At this moment, the identity of the great power of wuzun state is coming out. He is the elder Wu who presides over the rookie dispute. He is a sacrificial elder of Tianli state, loyal only to the royal family, so he will not favor any party.

Seeing his coming, all the people bent down and quickly bowed down to see him. Among them, there were two strong men in the spirit sword sect and the sky fire valley.

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Although they are proud of themselves, they dare not show their ferocity in front of such martial arts. After all, with the martial arts cultivation of elder Wu, only the valley master of Tianhuo valley or the leader of Lingjian sect can treat each other equally. Although they have high status in their own clan, they are not qualified.

"What should I do?" Elder Wu, with a powerful breath like a sea of smoke, stepped on the void, frowned and asked the two elders.

Hearing the venerable's question, elder Hu did not dare to neglect him and said, "this man killed my spirit sword sect Taoist son in the rookie competition. The clan was angry and wanted to kill this son. This is what the patriarch meant."

Elder Hu was obviously afraid of the intervention of the venerable, and raised the name of his patriarch.

After hearing this, elder Wu also knew the implication of his words. He hoped that he could sell a face to the master of Lingjian sect. However, there was no fluctuation in elder Wu's face. He turned to elder Zhang Biao in Tianhuo Valley: "what about you?"

"Tell the venerable that Xiao Chen is now our ally of the sky fire valley. Naturally, I want to protect him. Anyone who wants to move this person is to be the enemy of our fire Valley!" Zhang Biao is not humble or arrogant.After hearing the words from both sides, elder Wu nodded: "you have your own words, and you are all from Tianli kingdom. I don't want to interfere, but even if you want to fight, you can't fight here."

"You go into the ancient ruins together, go there and fight how you want to fight." Elder Wu frowned and exclaimed.

Obviously, no one wants to offend him, so that everyone can go to the ancient ruins to start work. When he can't see, he will be clean. Who can come out alive will have the ability.

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This immediately won the approval of both sides, and they did not have a better solution, so they had to.

At that time, when the elder Hu arrives, he will not let you enter the ashes

With that, he also stood aside, quietly waiting for the ancient ruins to open. He took Xu Xu's token, so he was able to enter it.

Hearing elder Hu's threat, Xiao Ling also took Chen Xiao's hand and comforted him: "don't worry. I will never let him move you a hair after entering it."

Hearing the comforting words of the beautiful woman, Chen Xiao also smiles faintly. He doesn't want to place his life and death on others. After the ancient ruins, he will improve his strength as soon as possible, and soar to the point where he is not afraid of the threat of this person.

Seeing the end of the event, Tianjiao, who had consciously gone far before, also came to see that all the people had arrived. Elder Wu waved his sleeve and said, "follow me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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