Peerless War God

Chapter 3117: 3117

Under the terrible scene of chaos, the birds and animals scattered quickly, let alone what to resist. After all, we are facing a strong man who robs immortals. If we want to get in the way, there is only a dead end.

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And Chen Xiao didn't intend to pursue and kill these people. After all, he was just some insignificant minions. Even if he killed them, it didn't make much sense.

It's enough for him to kill some people with a random blow, which can be regarded as a deserved ending for these lawless evil practitioners.

Next, that's the point.

"I'll go and have a look at what happened." Without saying a word, Chen Xiao suddenly accelerated his speed.

He noticed that the movement ahead was getting bigger and bigger.


North Sea area.

More than ten strong people who robbed fairyland gathered here for a clear purpose and formed an extremely terrible siege. From time to time, someone attacked the existence of the siege.

"Roar, Terran, you will die hard. I will curse you forever, roar ~"

The roars of fury came out from the bottom of the sea and set off huge waves, thousands of feet high. During this period, they were also mixed with the power of thunder and lightning, and broke out crazily, showing that this was an extremely terrible battle.

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These people and horses all rob immortals and have their own origins. One of them is the existence of corpse ghost gate.

"No, another robber has broken through the blockade and is approaching us. The specific identity is still unknown." Crazy mountain, one of the five gate pillars, said with a worried face.

He was really worried. He glanced at the other people who were sweeping the array and looked very gloomy. The biggest reason was the death of xuanshu, the leader of the green robed sect.

The death of xuanshu not only made one of the five gate masters missing, but also made their unique skill, the five element corpse Sha array, have a great gap and flaw, and their strength suddenly decreased a lot.

"The purple electric snake dragon causes so much noise and will attract more and more immortals to approach. If we can't make a quick decision, I'm afraid we won't get much benefit." As the leader of the fire gate, the fierce tiger also looks unwilling.

It has to be said that the purple electric snake dragon is really very difficult to deal with. It is particularly tenacious. Nearly ten robbing immortals have besieged it for a long time, but they just entangle it and can't succeed completely.

All the sect leaders of the corpse ghost sect know that if they delay for a long time, they may end up empty. A purple snake dragon is obviously not enough points.

As for some ordinary disciples of the corpse ghost sect who have just been killed, no one cares at all.

"It's all strange to xuanshu. He's really a waste. He was killed by someone. At such an important moment, he lost his life for a pile of junk on lizard Dragon Island. It's really waste, waste." At this time, crazy mountain couldn't help yelling.

Obviously, he was very angry about xuanshu's death, especially because xuanshu's death led to a series of adverse consequences, and he was extremely angry for him.

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The result of the lack of one element in the five elements is that the combat effectiveness has decreased by more than half.

If all five of them are still there, there will be almost no one to stop them. Even if there are many more robbing immortals, it is not the opponent of the five together, unless there is a place of eternal life.

"Yes, who could have expected that xuanshu was dead and died in obscurity. Up to now, I still don't know who killed him. Damn it." The violent tiger echoed.

With his violent temper, he really can't stand it. It can be said that he is really cheating people until he dies. Even if he dies, he will also cheat people.

Therefore, in the heart of violent tiger, what he hates most is not the person who killed xuanshu, but xuanshu.

"The most oppressive thing is that I don't even have a clue about the murderer. When did my corpse ghost sect suffer such a great loss? Alas." Crazy mountain could not help sighing.

The fierce tiger tightened his heart and said coldly, "who do you think the person who will do it will be, and will it be from the Bauhinia chamber of Commerce?"

"People from Bauhinia chamber of Commerce? It's impossible. Now Bauhinia chamber of commerce is so busy that it's hard to deal with Yunxiao Pavilion. Where can I come here when I have time?" The fierce tiger frowned and replied.

Reason told him that this possibility was almost impossible.

But I don't know why, there was always a bad feeling in his heart, like a whim.

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"Well, no matter what, it's important to kill the purple snake dragon first." Crazy mountain whispered.


At present, among the nearly ten robbing immortals who killed the purple electric snake dragon, in addition to the corpses and ghosts who seem to be the most powerful, there are several other strong men, all of whom are excellent. The longer they wait, the more uncontrollable the result will be.

This is unacceptable to all the sect leaders of the corpse ghost sect.

"Crazy mountain, violent tiger, it's your turn to fight together." At this time, a gloomy man who was constantly shooting in the sea shouted in a cold voice. He was the main gate of the corpse ghost gate, Han Sheng.

Among the five elements of corpse method, he practices the method of water corpse, which is also the existence with the strongest combat effectiveness in the sea, so his prestige is also the highest, and others should obey his orders.


"Here we are."

After the two people answered, they rushed over immediately. The four people stood together in the face of the rolling waves, and the purple electric snake dragon hiding in it was ready to launch the final attack.

As for violent tiger and crazy mountain, they don't want to participate in the assault, but

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As for others, at this time, they chose to wait and see.

Not far away from the corpse ghost gate, there were two people covered in black gas, who exuded an extremely evil, violent and terrible breath. One of them was carrying a black-and-white strange long sword and was staring at all this indifferently.

"Boss Jian, what should we do? The people of the corpse ghost sect are ready to do it. If they succeed, the purple electric snake dragon won't have our share." The black king of hell, standing beside the sword king of hell, said with a worried face.

The current situation is chaotic. No one dares to sell easily because they are worried about making wedding clothes for others. In that case, it would be too stupid.

But if you don't do it, you may be one step ahead of others. In that case, it also seems very stupid.

The sword king of hell smiled faintly and said, "among the many monks present at present, the power of the corpse ghost sect is the strongest, the largest number and the most dominant. As for others, they have their own ghosts. No one knows when to stab in the back, so they have to be on guard against each other and dare not act rashly."

"Well," the black king of hell hesitated for a moment, thought for a while and then said, "boss Jian, although that's true, if we don't do it, but let others take the lead, wouldn't it be a trip in vain?"

"Hehe, it's not urgent. Some people are anxious earlier than us."

"Oh, is there such a thing?"

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