Peerless War God

Chapter 3121: 3121

Li Dao pointed to his right hand, and immediately two corpse puppets holding knives, who were bleeding all over, were very angry and gave off a terrible and evil smell, and rushed to kill the past without fear of death.

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One of them is still in good condition, while the other corpse puppet is black and blue, which shows the intensity of the battle just now.

But even so, it should not be underestimated.

"If you want to win the treasure in the hands of the corpse ghost gate, it depends on whether you have the ability. Crazy mountain and violent tiger, you go up together and contain him." At this time, Han Sheng gave orders.

To be on the safe side, it's better for several people to go together, so as to ensure 100% blocking each other.

It has to be said that Han Sheng is also quite afraid of the strength of the old uncle Yun and the five grade immortal sword in his hand. The sword monk is known as the most aggressive monk, and is invincible. His combat power is definitely the top of his peers.

"OK, look at the fist." Crazy mountain roared, moved and hit uncle Yun with a fist.

The fierce tiger was not backward at all. After a while, it burst out a molten flame all over, like a terrible fireball, like the scorching sun, and killed the old uncle Yun.

For a time, the three main gate masters of the corpse ghost gate surrounded and killed the old man. Their purpose was very clear. It was enough not to defeat each other, but at least to hold them down.

Then Hansheng took the shot and took Lei Yuanjing away.

At this moment, uncle Yun could not see any waves on his face, but smiled coldly and said: "even if you three go together, I am not afraid of half a point. If you five go together and form an array against the enemy, I may really want to retreat three points. Unfortunately, at present, you have only four people, but you are not my opponent. Ha ha, get away from me."

Uncle Yun laughed three times, raised his hand and fell with a sword.

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The terrible hundreds of feet of huge sword shadow set off huge waves. In his hand, it was like an artifact breaking the sky. A sword fell and swept the two corpse puppets holding Li Dao.



After hearing only a dull sound, the sword light flashed across, and the two corpse puppets with knives exploded in an instant, turned into two black and red blood, quickly fell down in the air and crashed into the sea.

"What? How could it be that I couldn't even stop it. I killed my two corpses with one sword. What terrible combat power it is." Li Dao was surprised to see this.

But although he was a little shocked, he didn't shrink back. As a evil monk, who can come to this step today, who hasn't stepped through the sea of corpses and blood, wouldn't be frightened by this little scene.

"It's not over yet. Give me a start."

As soon as he pinched his finger in his right hand, the scarlet Dharma seal appeared in the air. Strange silk threads extended from his right hand and extended into the sea, re establishing contact with the two corpse puppets with knives killed by the old uncle Yun.

At the same time, crazy mountain and violent tiger killed together, attacked from left to right, and launched a fierce attack on the old uncle Yun.

"Shenquan destroys the mountain."

"Fire and meteorite kill the world palm."

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At this moment, the two of them used their sucking strength to attack uncle Yun with one fist and one palm, mixed with two completely different immortal power attributes of earth and fire.

Uncle Yun, an old man with a plain face, shouted, "get out of here."

When he raised his hand, he swept with a sword and hit the fist of Kuangshan. With a bang, Kuangshan was directly swept out thousands of feet away, and his anger immediately withered.

His right fist was badly injured, his arm was full of blood, and there was a deep bone injury on the back of his hand. It was very terrible under the rage of the sword.

"What a strong sword."

On the other hand, the fierce tiger's palm also fell almost at the same time. The old uncle Yun turned his palm with his left hand, which was a fierce palm. It was like a fairy sword, and hit the fire killing palm.

Suddenly, the flame on the tiger's body smiled like snow, and was destroyed by the sword Qi contained in this palm. The palm of his intuition was painful and scared back.

"What a powerful sword. If we fight alone, we are definitely not his opponent. We can only attack together. Maybe we can have a chance, but it is almost impossible to defeat this person." Suddenly, the fierce tiger understood the huge gap between the two sides, especially the natural graben.

This is not only due to the five immortals of the old uncle Yun, but also because the other party has the state of robbing immortals in the middle stage, and the three of them are only in the early stage of robbing immortals.

It is reasonable to have such a result in the middle to the early stage, coupled with a sharp weapon.

For a moment, even Kuangshan was a little anxious and shouted, "Li Dao, what are you still doing?"

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"Come on, hurry up."

Li Dao roared. His eyes turned red and his right hand turned over, as if he had a terrible power that moved the world and turned the world upside down.



With the sound of two breaking water, four figures sprang up from the sea. Unexpectedly, they were two corpse puppets cut into two sections by the old uncle Yun's sword. Although only half of them were left, they were still able to move.

This scene is really too weird and scary.

If an ordinary friar is cut by a sword, even if he doesn't die, he is not far from death. But what I didn't expect is that the two corpse puppets can still continue to act, and their breath becomes stronger and more horizontal.

"This is..."

Seeing this, even uncle Yun was a little surprised.

"Go and kill him." Li Dao pointed to the sky, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua.

Uncle Yun sneered and shouted, "play tricks. If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. Break it for me."

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Raising your hand is a sword. The snow-white sword Qi rises into the sky, which is very terrible.


"Burst." "Burst." "Burst."

However, instead of killing the corpse puppet as easily as before, the corpse puppet exploded after approaching the old uncle Yun. For a moment, a huge black and red mushroom cloud appeared in the air.

The explosion set off huge waves, as if the world had come to an end. The scene was extremely frightening.

Even the old uncle Yun had to step back again and again to avoid the huge aftershock of the self explosion. He only felt a slight pain in his chest and was a little out of breath.

For a moment, he was also surprised, "you can hurt me, you all deserve to die!"

Taking advantage of this gap, other immortals also found the right time and shot one after another in an attempt to win a piece of the treasure.

"Good chance. It's our turn. Hey, hey." Han Sheng sneered and went directly over the old man uncle Yun and rushed to the body of the purple electric snake dragon.

He wants to take the opportunity to take the most valuable treasure of Zidian snake dragon, Lei Yuanjing core.

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