Peerless War God

Chapter 3125: 3125

"Hahaha, Prince ang, as I said, without the support of the Wang family, you are just a waste material. Even if the broken empty shuttle of the nine immortals is in your hand, it is soft and has no power. Hahaha, you dare to come to the strong things with us. It's really funny and generous. Lei Yuanjing will accept it."

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Seeing this, Han Sheng sneered loudly and continued to dig out Lei Yuanjing.

So excited, Prince ang was completely angry.

"Han Sheng, you want to die. Ben Shao will let you know what is powerful today. Let's wait and see."

His eyes were red with blood, and his murderous spirit was like a rainbow. It seemed that he was going to spray out. He was completely pinched. He wanted to kill Han Sheng quickly.

But the strength of the other party is very strong, and there is really no good way for a time.

This kind of dislike to each other but helpless situation made the prince want to vomit blood. It was too uncomfortable.

"Young Lord, don't be fooled by him." Seeing this, uncle Yun hurriedly advised him.

Hearing this, the prince raised his eyes and slowly closed them, secretly operated the ice attribute skill, forced himself to calm down, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, sharp light burst out from his eyes, like the eyes of an eagle.

It has to be said that Prince ang is worthy of being one of the three most talented demons of the contemporary royal family. It is impossible for ordinary people to adjust their mentality and emotions so quickly.

It's a great event. It's really a genius.

"Uncle Yun, don't worry. It's just evil and evil. It won't shake my heart. Let Ben Shao do his best to remove the corpse ghost gate from the world forever." Wang Ziang's hair danced wildly and shouted in high spirits.

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Obviously, for Han Sheng, he has more will to kill heart.

"Hey, hey, what's the use of a powerful mouth? Come if you have the ability." Han Sheng only sneered and remained unmoved.

He stood on the body of the purple electric snake dragon and raised his hand with a palm.


Blood splashed. There was still a trace of warm blood in the body of Zidian snake dragon, splashing the whole sea area everywhere. However, when it was close to the cold Sheng, it was completely isolated from the outside without any trace.

The control of power is wonderful and powerful.


A strange noise came out, accompanied by an amazing strong smell, and the fluctuating smell of Lei Zhili appeared in the whole sea area.

In the corpse of the purple electric snake full of blood and wounds, Lei Yuanjing, the size of a head, exudes dazzling and gorgeous luster and is lying quietly in it.

A majestic and pure breath of Lei Yuan instantly radiates the whole audience.

This force makes people relaxed and happy and yearn for it. As long as Lei Yuanjing has it, the immortal body can make another breakthrough and even go to a higher level.

"Lei Yuanjing is a great piece. It is worthy of all the essence of the purple snake dragon. With this thing, it is not impossible to practice it till the end of the robbery."

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"Lei Yuanjing is here. It's Lei Yuanjing. What a magnificent breath and amazing treasure." Someone couldn't help swallowing. It can be said that he was really salivating.

"It's a pity that we can only watch this great treasure. We have no luck to suffer and have no ability to rob it."

The scene was once extremely chaotic. Many immortals looked different, but all of them were shocked, very shocked.

"It's said that if I can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, I can't use it. It's said that I can absorb the essence of heaven and earth. If I can't use it, I can't use it automatically." Chen Xiao couldn't help licking his tongue and couldn't help it.

Chen Xiao has only seen this thing in books. Now that he has seen it, he is very shocked.

In particular, the infinite power of Lei Yuan contained in Lei Yuan crystal core is coveted.

In mid air, Prince Ang's expression was also shocked, took a deep breath and said: "it is worthy of being Lei Yuanjing, the core of Zidian snake dragon. Unexpectedly, it has such powerful energy. This thing should be determined less. Han Sheng, please don't make a mistake."

"Hum, if you want a treasure, take it yourself. Don't just say." Han Sheng sneered, and with a move of his right hand, he wanted to take Lei Yuanjing away.

Once you succeed, it will be much more difficult to get it back from him.

Therefore, at this critical moment, many immortals robbed one after another.

"You're looking for death. Go away and don't touch what belongs to Ben." Wang Ziang was completely angry and tried his best.

A terrible blue dark light appeared on him, and his breath soared at this moment, and suddenly broke through the empty shuttle and flew out.

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"Break the spiral."

For a moment, the broken empty shuttle spun rapidly, like a top. Because the rotation speed was too fast, it also appeared in a series of terrible shadows, and even the space was stirred, with a trace of black cracks.

The next moment, the broken empty shuttle spiraled out and took the life of Han Sheng.


With a loud noise, Han Sheng's defense of the gate of the God of water was easily penetrated by this blow. The water waves collapsed and rolled back into the sea, splashing countless waves.

The broken empty shuttle was castrated inexhaustibly. Under the control of Prince ang, he continued to puncture the cold Sheng.

"Hmm? Go."

Han Sheng didn't even turn his head back. Immediately, two corpse puppets rushed up in an attempt to block the attack of the broken empty shuttle, and an extremely strong blue light burst out on his body.

But all this is just futile.



Then, the sound of two broken came. The last two corpses of Hansheng were directly killed by the broken empty shuttle, pierced two huge holes, completely damaged, and fell powerlessly to the sea.

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Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Sheng's hand has been pressed on Lei Yuanjing.


Immediately, he felt a powerful force of Lei Yuan, which erupted from Lei Yuan crystal and caused a great impact on him. Countless lightning silver snakes ran around him in an attempt to attack him.

In this regard, Han Sheng was expressionless and shouted, "Purple electric snake dragon, when you were alive, I was not afraid at all, let alone now I can't die anymore. This means also wants to stop me and accept it for me."

He wrapped Lei Yuanjing with mana and was about to collect it.

Then, the broken empty shuttle killed the past and fell with one blow. The target was Han Sheng's right hand.

This attack is extremely accurate and resolute. It must be saved when attacking the enemy. If Han Sheng wants to forcibly collect Lei Yuanjing, he is bound to lose his right hand.

In the current situation, once the right hand is not protected and the damage is heavy, it will really worry about life.

Seeing this, Han Sheng scolded and said, "Damn it."

As a last resort, he took back his right hand, moved his body slightly, and twisted open the full blow of the broken empty shuttle.

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